***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What’s really sad about politics is how close minded people are. The Rock says I have never publicly endorsed anyone and I have voted for both parties.

His fans attack him and don’t stop and think how bad it must be if he has to break his own rules and endorse a president. No one wants to listen and see the other side.
The funny thing is, if the Rock came out and supported Trump, they'd be saying the exact opposite. I never see liberals, leftists, or Dems come for celebs or athletes that bust it open for Trump but I always see redcaps and conservatives doing it if it goes against their beliefs. That Colby Covington guy coming for Lebron is a prime example. Biggest snowflakes ever, I swear
What country do these people live in? Imagine bringing up economics when talking Trump.


Today I learned Delk’s IG handle is brett_higgins42
when prominent Black voices got involved.

if The Rock ain’t know he was a ***** before I bet he knows now.

one hundred percent gonna be raining hard Rs in his inbox.

...but joke helmet off, it´s been a true revelation in 2020 just how much pure anger is bubbling just under the surface in people..mfs just cocked and locked to hit you with a couple decades of self-loathing at any moment.

I may or may not have posted this here before, but it hurt me as a human being to read it:

Terri Prunty Kay has worked as a cashier at Walmart in Sonoma county, California since 2011. She had never cried at work because of treatment from customers before the pandemic.

“It’s been a nightmare,” she said. “The first three months there were item limits. Everyone was angry and combative. Now it’s the masks.”

Elizabeth Rung works in the front end as a grocery store cashier in Seattle, Washington. “More and more people are calling out [sick], we’re short staffed all the time,” Rung said. “Customers are becoming crazy, sometimes violent when asked to wear a mask and we aren’t allowed to give out free masks due to the drama and hostility. I haven’t slept well in months.”

you really see folks for who they are when shtf...we´re going to learn a lot about the American public in 2020.
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Yeah customers been going nuts at my wife’s job. She had to kick a group of 4 grown adults out because they went ballistic over a table wobbling.

then I got a beer bottle thrown at my dome by some dude who didn’t want a condo built across the street from his new condo. :lol: people are wildin. You just gotta laugh it off and at the end of the day you’re you and they’re bad people showing their true colors.

but for every bad person there is a good person, a regular customer at my wife restaurant gave us 200 bucks for our anniversary.
I think maybe some local republicans.

y’all think stone cold is on the trump train?

I’m gonna go ahead and say no.
I think maybe some local republicans.

y’all think stone cold is on the trump train?

I’m gonna go ahead and say no.

Imm say stone cold voted for trump over hilary clinton because he hates the Clintons, likes low taxes and likes that trump didn't campaign as a super religious conservative like most republicans.

but he's having second thoughts with how bad trump handled covid,
Imm say stone cold voted for trump over hilary clinton because he hates the Clintons, likes low taxes and likes that trump didn't campaign as a super religious conservative like most republicans.

but he's having second thoughts with how bad trump handled covid,

I could see that

the Texas rattlesnake is also pro mask, pro gun control and anti confederate flag.

I agree with aepps20 aepps20 here

I had to scroll through that account because I thought surely it was a newly created bot but nah. He’s been on Twitter for a decade and has close to a quarter million followers :wow: . I thought his name being “Trumps Black Grandson” was embarrassing but that’s just the tip of the iceberg

That’s just within the past five days :lol:
I ask this in earnest
What has trump done for the economy? These people that are praising him for the economy how does that actually effect the american people? Like 16% of the US population actually owns stocks. So it can't be that their stock portfolio is booming....because we know with the pandemic it has been on a roller coaster. Do they directly correlate some fiscal policy that trump passed to them getting a job that they would have otherwise not gotten? If so what was that policy. Are they all business owners that have some how benefited from some tax break? If so what was that tax break

I am so sick of this "he is a buisness man"....and "he makes great trade deals and it saves america BILLIONSSSS"....what are these deals and where do the BILLIONS go? To the boarder wall? too your 401K??? Or to corporations and other billionaires....

I am so lost in some of the pro-trump rhetoric and i am honestly trying to find something positive the man has done. Like some prison reform was solid....thats all i got :lol:
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