***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump do anything illegal re: taxes?

or nah...?
NYT already uncovered pretty clear evidence of fraud in their previous investigation of Trump’s finances. That resulted in an ongoing criminal investigation by NY Tax Authorities and is also part of the DA’s ongoing criminal investigation.

President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found.
If he dosent get elected, he’s gotta be facing some jail time right?

This is pretty much my question. All of these investigations ending without him being charged seems to suggest that he obeyed the law.

Tax schemes from the 90s but he was elected president in 2016 and wasn’t convicted of any crime prior?
NYT already uncovered pretty clear evidence of fraud in their previous investigation of Trump’s finances. That resulted in an ongoing criminal investigation by NY Tax Authorities and is also part of the DA’s ongoing criminal investigation.

President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found.

See my comment above.
This is pretty much my question. All of these investigations ending without him being charged seems to suggest that he obeyed the law.

Tax schemes from the 90s but he was elected president in 2016 and wasn’t convicted of any crime prior?

does the revelation of Trumps tax payment history cast his tax plan in a different light for you? Considering the benefits of his plan would conceivably allow him to pay even less in income taxes that he was
If he dosent get elected, he’s gotta be facing some jail time right?

1. Most people are already saying if he can’t bully his way into winning, he will run to Russia.

2. I don’t think he’ll ever get fully charged because it will be so embarrassing to throw a president in jail. Throwing this piece of **** in jail is nowhere near as embarrassing as the last four years though.
Not surprised by the con. Also won't be surprised if nothing happens. We already know his base doesn't care, if anything they will call it fake news and keep it moving....

Man I'm hoping you guys get this clown out of office in November...what a POS human being he is along with his supporters :smh:
This is pretty much my question. All of these investigations ending without him being charged seems to suggest that he obeyed the law.

Tax schemes from the 90s but he was elected president in 2016 and wasn’t convicted of any crime prior?

It kind of depends without the whole picture. There was one item in the report that was related to him claiming a pretty significant amount of losses on a personal property in which he had no intention of turning a profit. That would/will likely get disallowed and he will get assessed pretty significant interest and penalties on that. Not sure it rises to the level of fraud as that’s pretty hard to prove in these tax cases if returns have been filed timely.

I would say his case is pretty unique in which most IRS audits only go back 3 years, or for very significant understatements, they can go back six years. In the case of fraud there is no statute so it appears that Trumps team has either a) waived the statute of limitations to keep the case open or b) participated in some form of tax scheme where the typical 3 years statute does not apply and they can go back even further than the 6 year, 25% substantial underpayment statute.

I would say what is more concerning is the seeming discrepancies between losses reported on his returns and what he is potentially reporting to lenders for loans. That’s all speculation without taking a deep dive into his finances but from what I understand this is part of the NY USDA investigation. That would constitute bank fraud, but we would have to let the investigation play out to know with certainty what type of fraud Trump is suspected of.......again
But will trumpialites even care. They dont believe in any other entity but him.

And he can explain it away (which is what i want to see how he does that ****).
the best we can hope is tax evasion or whatever other tax laws He broke
Y'all tuned in to the WJ today? They have the RNC spokesperson on TV, using the election fraud scandals involving by Republicans (she's not mentioning that Republicans did it) and mischaracterizing steps to insure the integrity of some state elections to justify Trump not accepting the results in Nov.

It's not going to end well.
So a fun fact for those that may not know. Typically most states and the IRS has a 3 year look back period for taxes audits. They can ask to look at up to 6 if they find inconsistencies. However, if the tax jurisdictions uncover tax fraud they can go back as far back as they want. So this may open up a whole can of worms.
So a fun fact for those that may not know. Typically most states and the IRS has a 3 year look back period for taxes audits. They can ask to look at up to 6 if they find inconsistencies. However, if the tax jurisdictions uncover tax fraud they can go back as far back as they want. So this may open up a whole can of worms.

yeah this is what I was getting to earlier. The fact that they are going back a decade means this is more than a garden variety tax code dispute.
if anything it emphasizes that our tax dollars subsidize the wealth generation of the rich far more than the working class to an even greater extent I had originally thought. And he pushed a tax plan favoring himself knowing damn well he paid less than $2000 in incomes taxes total in 12 of the last 15 years.

And that he is a ****** businessman who doesn't make money.
Has anyone been arrested?
He's the president.. Who's going to arrest him? The police?The DOJ ? The FBI ? The senate? lol They're all in on Trump . Good luck the next four years, I'm calling it now. He's going to win. It's sad and sick but it's how things go. The younger voters don't vote , and the older conservative ones do...and in droves. History tells me this is how it goes.. Nixon won re election even though the country was burning...
This is pretty much my question. All of these investigations ending without him being charged seems to suggest that he obeyed the law.

Tax schemes from the 90s but he was elected president in 2016 and wasn’t convicted of any crime prior?
If dude is still under audit, as he claimed, he is still being investigated.

But keep da shuffle going.
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