***Official Political Discussion Thread***

When have you ever heard police brutality and reparations discussed in the mainstream as much as it has since Trump and the Maga folks let their years of covert racism finally show?

One of the most popular essays of the past decade.
The more blacks/ minorities organize outside of these politcal boxes given to us, the more we draw the politcal sphere in the people's direction.

You literally had Mitch McConnel say we didn't need reparations because we had Obama. That's a slap in the face but also wakes people up to stop waiting on them for solutions. They have zero political will to change and 100's of millions of dollars funding them to work for corporate interest.

I know the Coates article was written under Obama era. But it has become relivant under Trump era policies.
The more blacks/ minorities organize outside of these politcal boxes given to us, the more we draw the politcal sphere in the people's direction.

You literally had Mitch McConnel say we didn't need reparations because we had Obama. That's a slap in the face but also wakes people up to stop waiting on them for solutions. They have zero political will to change and 100's of millions of dollars funding them to work for corporate interest.

I know the Coates article was written under Obama era. But it has become relivant under Trump era policies.
-Brah, only you thinks that people are saying black folk can't walk and chew gum at the same time. No one advocates for relying solely on the Democratic Party for everything. Most prominent Dems advise against this. Obama famously warned against this early in his presidency. The argument is that voting Dem, and pushing more progressive in the party is only part of the solution, but it can be a powerful part. It is about having a competent responsive government. People advocate for activism too, for protest, for going to town halls and public forms, or grassroots organizing. This is part of Obama's central message, it is what damn near every left person in this thread agrees with that sentiment.

Only you want to turn people saying "Biden gotta beat Trump, the cost are too high" into "Just support the Dems blindly and hope they fix everything". No one is giving you a political box, you are imagining one.

However, the fact remains America is a two party system, so political calculations need to take that into consideration. So anything meant to undermine the Dems getting power helps the GOP. I support moving toward a different system but again, the only side that seems even remotely sympathetic to those reforms are the Dems. Hell they are the only viable political party in America that believes in democracy.

-Is Mitch's ******* new to you or something? He was talking slick about black people for decades, he famously said that he would not work with Obama to sabotage him so he would not get elected, we have posted things breaking down how insidious and destructive Mitch is. This is not just now happening, you just got aware of it. There is a difference.

-The essay was relevant under Obama. Dude was on podcast after podcast talking about it, newspapers covered it, tons of writers wrote responses about it, it got tons of press. Coates popularity increased tons after it. The reparations discussion has always been relevant: before Trump, Obama, Coates, etc, all the way back to Reconstruction. But acting like Coates' essay didn't have it being a more mainstream topic of discussion recently is wild. You giving more credit to the white racist, than the black dude that wrote a masterpiece of an essay.
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I wouldn't support it, but I kinda understand that argument. Hell I was so pissed I was there. Some folks were dead asleep, and still are even with Trump dead *** saying your black *** ruined white suburbia and he will fix that. Those types need to feel more direct strife, but I wouldn't put my future in the hands of people that need that much to see.
It makes sense until you realize that this particular kind of unity, where you are all kept politically silent because power is being stripped from your communities by the GOP (that only other party that is actually locking up USPS collection boxes and removing sorting machines to keep minorities from voting), is a trap.
The more blacks/ minorities organize outside of these politcal boxes given to us, the more we draw the politcal sphere in the people's direction.
It doesn't work that way here: the electoral system is set up to reward the winner of any state with all the voices from that state (there are few exceptions of course, but not enough to make a significant difference). This is why voter suppression is effective: if I know that 40% of the voting population is behind me no matter what, all I have to do is either:
- spread out that 40% in such a way that they capture the majority of state representatives (gerrymandering)
- discourage 25%-30% of the voting public from voting altogether (voter ID laws based on documents my supporters are more likely to not possess, polling place closures, last minute changes of voting location/schedules, drive up bothsideism thinking to increase empathy among my opponents, etc...)

The political boxes are given to everybody, and it's on you to either make the best of them or change them. Bernie had to run as a Democrat for his ideas to get traction nationwide; the evangelicals had to run under the GOP banner to bring abortion to the forefront of American politics. As long as FPTP exists, running under the Rep/Dem banner will be the only way to make your issues visible in American politics. Trying to create another political movement outside of the Dem/Rep coalitions with FPTP in place is an unsolvable catch-22 that only strengthen the coalition that is diametrically opposed to your views.
Again, needs to be posted....

Matthew Iglesia had an important point about salty Bernie loving leftist that I think applies here.

Either Trump is gonna be president, or Biden is gonna be president. No matter how much you dislike it, those are the choices, and the two are not equivalent

You can either chose to focus on all the ways you agree with Biden/Harris, or you can to harping on about the ways you disagree with them.

You have agency over your decisions. The Dems didn't leave you no other choice.

But if you chose to harp on the differences, to air personal grievances over and over, if you chose to vote for anyone other than Biden, and persuade other people to do the same, you are an ally to Trump.

No matter how much you might deny it, or claim not to like the dude, you are engaging in exactly the type of behavior Trump's side wants you to.

It is a free country, so do want you want, but be honest about what side you are actually on. Because you might think you have the moral high ground, but in practice you really don't.
If SCOTUS rules that the election is invalid, the House gets to vote, but it is not a majority vote, it is by state.

So even though the Dems win for votes for House seats, even though they have more House reps, the GOP have the majority in more states. So if John Roberts sides with Trump that the election is invalid, the House will re-elect Trump to a second term.

That was actually the GOP's next move in 2000, they were planning the House vote but Gore conceded because he didn't want a massive Constitutional Crisis.

So if the courts side with Trump, he wins.

And this will probably be decided before Trump turns ends.
i can't even say what should happen on this computer if this scenario unfolds.
lemme hop on my phone real quick...
Sometimes I wonder how much further along America would be if we all started off focusing on accountability and change from the top down instead of the bottom up.

there will always be those among the bottom continuing to keep others at the bottom if they think doing so will elevate them from the bottom. it's why the bible belt continues to vote red against its own interest. they're sold this idea that they could one day become rich if they continue to buy into this system despite poor healthcare, education, jobs markets etc. those states still vote red. they completely ignore that said system is designed the keep them poor and they're damn near indoctrinated to think it's racial minorities and immigrants doing it to them instead of republican policy. you can show them democratic policies that will actively help them and it means nothing to them because they only see it as also helping people they think to be beneath them.

I wouldn't support it, but I kinda understand that argument. Hell I was so pissed I was there. Some folks were dead asleep, and still are even with Trump dead *** saying your black *** ruined white suburbia and he will fix that. Those types need to feel more direct strife, but I wouldn't put my future in the hands of people that need that much to see.

I understand the theory. for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. the more strength trump's base, the stronger his opposition gets.

I'm not willing to find out how much more damage he can do in another four years though.

Need to reverse what's already been damaged and then he can also get out the paint
I think there is misunderstanding of the power of groups influence on politics. In this very thread there has been conversation on the influence of pacs, mega donors and other types of lobbyist and pools of money influencing political. Don't just dismiss it because I'm saying it.

But who would take BLM away from the community and why?

As of the date of this article, there are nine pending trademark applications for “I CAN’T BREATHE”; one for “B.L.M”; and five for “BLACK LIVES MATTER.” The notion of trademarking any of these phrases and symbols, where the trademark owner could legally prevent others from using them in advancing the underlying social concerns, seems questionable.

Need to reverse what's already been damaged and then he can also get out the paint

Yep, I think this is a "we got what we what done, so let us seem reasonable to kill the bad press and have plausible deniability"

Delk will be happy, he can can re-enter the thread and have a BS excuse to use when people bring up the voter suppression through the USPS. Even if it continues is a more furtive manner.

No one should trust this. Still vote in person if you can
4 years of a public racist in office has helped blacks and other minorities get on code in a way I never thought possible.
Could the movement be even more stronger with another 4 years of Trump?
Will a dem president put ppl back to sleep thinking everything is ok?

Strange logic...I understand it, but it seems very very flawed to me

"A 4 year long battle with cancer has helped John become more health conscious, but could he be even healthier if he suffered through his illness for twice as long?"
Strange logic...I understand it, but it seems very very flawed to me

"A 4 year long battle with cancer has helped John become more health conscious, but could he be even healthier if he suffered through his illness for twice as long?"
That's how immune systems work in da real world, b.

Vision Was Right.

Vision: In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.

Steve Rogers: Are you saying it's our fault?

Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.
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