***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Also, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the butter biscuit rhetoric is racist, derogatory, and offensive.

So, let me get this straight. You’ll stand up against NTers and say that their butter biscuit rhetoric is “racist, derogatory and offensive” but refer to clear dog whistles and racist/sexist/xenophobic comments rom the president as “ill-advised” or “problematic”

Never change.
So, let me get this straight. You’ll stand up against NTers and say that their butter biscuit rhetoric is “racist, derogatory and offensive” but refer to clear dog whistles and racist/sexist/xenophobic comments rom the president as “ill-advised” or “problematic”

Never change.

No, I have repeatedly condemned Trump's comments.

But we can continue to pretend like I don't.
It's pretty crazy that he's shown outrage over people on NT calling Roy Moore a pedo than he has for all of the ****ed up **** that the Trump administration has done.

He probably just doesn't give a **** about people.

I have repeatedly condemned Trump's comments.

Remarkable how all of that is conveniently ignored to fit a narrative.
So, let me get this straight. You’ll stand up against NTers and say that their butter biscuit rhetoric is “racist, derogatory and offensive” but refer to clear dog whistles and racist/sexist/xenophobic comments rom the president as “ill-advised” or “problematic”

Never change.

I am very against racism unless it comes from the president. In that case I suck it up, sigh very deeply, and vote for him twice with pride. #MAGA #WWDJTD #KAG #Stimulus checks
No, I have repeatedly condemned Trump's comments.

But we can continue to pretend like I don't.
I have repeatedly condemned Trump's comments.

Remarkable how all of that is conveniently ignored to fit a narrative.
In two different posts you ignored what was actually said. What storm2006 storm2006 and I both pointed out is that how you react to what people on NT say is vastly different than how you react to what Trump says.

This is another instance of you projecting. You pretend that everyone is too stupid to see that your reactions to people on NT are noticeably different than your reactions to Trump.

You seem to think that if you just make some emotionless statements then everyone should blindly accept that you actually condemn some of what Trump says. It's really ******* strange.
In two different posts you ignored what was actually said. What storm2006 storm2006 and I both pointed out is that how you react to what people on NT say is vastly different than how you react to what Trump says.

This is another instance of you projecting. You pretend that everyone is too stupid to see that your reactions to people on NT are noticeably different than your reactions to Trump.

You seem to think that if you just make some emotionless statements then everyone should blindly accept that you actually condemn some of what Trump says. It's really ****ing strange.

I react the same.

I state when Trump's rhetoric is problematic just as I do to certain post in here.

I don't post page after page of memes and gifs like others do. But I certainly call out problematic statements made by this administration.

Some posters in this thread tend to make disparaging comments about me, personally. So I respond to personal insults, at times, but I mostly ignore it.

If you think that is a strange way to respond and that tons of memes and gifs and creating satirical characters is less strange, then we can just agree to disagree.
I react the same.

I state when Trump's rhetoric is problematic just as I do to certain post in here.

I don't post page after page of memes and gifs like others do. But I certainly call out problematic statements made by this administration.

Some posters in this thread tend to make disparaging comments about me, personally. So I respond to personal insults, at times, but I mostly ignore it.

If you think that is a strange way to respond and that tons of memes and gifs and creating satirical characters is less strange, then we can just agree to disagree.

This post is an epitome of what we’re talking about. The President’s comments about an entire race or country are “problematic” or “ill-advised” while our comments about your constant buffoonery, deflection and caping are “disparaging” or “racist, derogatory and offensive”.

You don’t have a shred of decency in you but I can tell from your arguments that you have some level of education and intelligence. You should stop acting so obtuse because it’s the least believable part of your shtick.
I react the same.

I state when Trump's rhetoric is problematic just as I do to certain post in here.

I don't post page after page of memes and gifs like others do. But I certainly call out problematic statements made by this administration.

Some posters in this thread tend to make disparaging comments about me, personally. So I respond to personal insults, at times, but I mostly ignore it.

If you think that is a strange way to respond and that tons of memes and gifs and creating satirical characters is less strange, then we can just agree to disagree.
No, you don't. It's ridiculous that you're trying to gaslight right now.

storm2006 storm2006 just pointed out that you just told someone on NT what they were saying was racist. Meanwhile, you regularly defend Trump from the accusation he is racist.

You repeatedly attacked people on NT and said that they supported the erosion of due process. When examples of Trump actually supporting the erosion of due process come up, you give your boilerplate response of "he can/should do better" and you continue to defend/support him.

Earlier this year I said something along the lines of Trump is killing people with his inept pandemic response. I think you called that sensationlist. Meanwhile you try to find any excuse to shield him from blame for the fact that over 140,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.

And you can't help but try to change the topic and deflect. I don't know why you think it's important to bring up memes and gifs when I'm talking about your responses. Actually, I do know why, because you used it to shift the focus back to me. You can't argue the topic at hand, so you try to shift the focus away from yourself.
This post is an epitome of what we’re talking about. The President’s comments about an entire race or country are “problematic” or “ill-advised” while our comments about your constant buffoonery, deflection and caping are “disparaging” or “racist, derogatory and offensive”.

You don’t have a shred of decency in you but I can tell from your arguments that you have some level of education and intelligence. You should stop acting so obtuse because it’s the least believable part of your shtick.

As I said earlier, trump unequivocally peddles racist rhetoric.

His problematic rhetoric has been undoubtedly derogatory, disparaging and racist.

The issue that people have with me (well one of the many) is that I do not state Trump is a racist. But it is clear from any objective viewer that he has spewed racist rhetoric.

So has Biden.

But I haven't gone as far as to label either of them a racist.

I also wouldn't go as far as to label the poster in here who made the butter biscuit comment a racist.

How that is some different treatment I don't understand.
No, you don't. It's ridiculous that you're trying to gaslight right now.

storm2006 storm2006 just pointed out that you just told someone on NT what they were saying was racist. Meanwhile, you regularly defend Trump from the accusation he is racist.

You repeatedly attacked people on NT and said that they supported the erosion of due process. When examples of Trump actually supporting the erosion of due process come up, you give your boilerplate response of "he can/should do better" and you continue to defend/support him.

Earlier this year I said something along the lines of Trump is killing people with his inept pandemic response. I think you called that sensationlist. Meanwhile you try to find any excuse to shield him from blame for the fact that over 140,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.

And you can't help but try to change the topic and deflect. I don't know why you think it's important to bring up memes and gifs when I'm talking about your responses. Actually, I do know why, because you used it to shift the focus back to me. You can't argue the topic at hand, so you try to shift the focus away from yourself.

I addressed much of this in the post above. But I did not call the poster a racist. Just like I did not call Trump one. I have stated that Trump makes racist comments. And I said the same of the poster. Biden has made racist comments as well. But I have not labeled any of them racists.

Trump's statement re: the Central Park Five has been condemned by me repeatedly. He, like many in here, supported an erosion of due process. In fact, his horrible take illustrated the exact issue that I have with an erosion of due process--young black men being presumed guilty. If you recall, I said this erosion typically does not work out well for people that look like me. To act as if I showed support for Trump's statements on the Central Park Five is completely false.

I'm not shielding Trump at all from the pandemic response. You sensationalized it, and I called you on it. I also said that it is undoubted that the response could have been much much better. Again, you ignore that fact. That isn't absolving him from responsibility.

When I bring up other issues, I do it as a way of comparison. Not to deflect. As I did in this post, I address everything you mention. I typically try to highlight hypocrisy if I feel it is glaring.
As I said earlier, trump unequivocally peddles racist rhetoric.

His problematic rhetoric has been undoubtedly derogatory, disparaging and racist.

The issue that people have with me (well one of the many) is that I do not state Trump is a racist. But it is clear from any objective viewer that he has spewed racist rhetoric.

So has Biden.

But I haven't gone as far as to label either of them a racist.

I also wouldn't go as far as to label the poster in here who made the butter biscuit comment a racist.

How that is some different treatment I don't understand.

Ok, so now that we are finally to the point where you are admitting that trump has said racist things on camera, have you withdrawn your support for him like you said here?


Or are these things that you say are racist just fodder for you to make yourself feel good inside when you vote for him again?
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