***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You've admitted that Biden peddles racism.

Him doing that isn't enough for you to withdraw your support.

It is a shame that we have the option of two candidates that peddle racism.

Wrong, but no surprise that you’re going to lie when your jig is exposed once again.

Peddles definition. - promote (an idea or view) persistently or widely.

We have a President who peddles racism. That we agree on.
Admitting that Trump peddle racism is one thing, and a big step for Delk. But claiming that Biden has to propose a reparations plan for you to get his support is still comical. Being virulently racist just isn’t enough to withdraw your support.

He never even said that. He said he would stop supporting trump if he said something racist on tape or would support Biden if he came out with a reparations plan regardless of what trump does. Both were not conditions precedent. Now that he is caught in his ******** he is trying to change what he said
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You've admitted that Biden peddles racism.

Him doing that isn't enough for you to withdraw your support.

It is a shame that we have the option of two candidates that peddle racism.

Biden is getting 80-90% of the black vote and is running, in part, based on being the VP to the first black president. That is why him proposing a black-focused agenda is important to me.
My god you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ******* full of ****.

Biden as a black focused agenda. Although I find it insufficient it is wayyyyyyyyyyy better that anything Trump is proposing. You just ignore that, and in bad faith demand he support a policy that the guy you support is completely hostile to as well.

Please link me Trump's plans and policy proposal that come anywhere close to this....
My god you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ****ing full of ****.

Biden as a black focused agenda. Although I find it insufficient it is wayyyyyyyyyyy better that anything Trump is proposing. You just ignore that, and in bad faith demand he support a policy that the guy you support is completely hostile to as well.

Please link me Trump's plans and policy proposal that come anywhere close to this....

Better yet, please link to any single second term policy proposal
Let me bring in the full quote for you where you said you would pull support for him if he use the n word on tape OR said something you found unequivocally racist. Note the OR on there. You didn’t say it had to be that, just something you found unequivocally racist.

So now, you are basically saying you still support him and will vote for him despite previously saying you wouldn’t.

All you are saying is he frequently says racist **** but you don’t care as long as you get your tax cuts and stimulus money that was supposed to go to needy businesses. Just come out say that you don’t give a **** about the racist rhetoric he peddles daily. It would save you a lot of time pretending to care about black people.

If anything is abundantly clear, your word doesn’t mean jack **** and you will find some way to support trump no matter what he does because you are just as garbage of a human being as he is. Just save yourself the time and ****ing admit it because watching you tap dance at this point is old and tiresome

You are ignoring that I qualified it in the next sentence by providing an example. The use of the word "like" serves that purpose.

The fact that you want me to definitively state who I am voting for in November, right now, doesn't change that.

I said I would likely vote for Trump, and provided examples of things that would shift that. I also named things Biden could do to shift that.

Does Biden have your support despite his history?
He never even said that. He said he would stop supporting trump if he said something racist on tape or if Biden came out with a reparations plan. Both were not conditions precedent. Now that he is caught in his bull**** he is trying to change what he said

Not changing anything. You are ignoring qualifiers.
You are ignoring that I qualified it in the next sentence by providing an example. The use of the word "like" serves that purpose.

The fact that you want me to definitively state who I am voting for in November, right now, doesn't change that.

I said I would likely vote for Trump, and provided examples of things that would shift that. I also named things Biden could do to shift that.

Does Biden have your support despite his history?

yes, like as in an example but does not need to be the explicit statement. If that were the case you wouldn’t have qualified it with ANYTHING you found unequivocally racist. You said that, not me.

Yes Biden has my support and you struggle finding **** from 30 years ago isn’t going to change that. I’ve seen 8 years of an Obama/Biden administration and it’s shown me that they didn’t need to resort to racist dog whistles and xenophobia to compensate for a lack of policy proposals. Honestly, you have said just as much problematic **** on here as you are attributing to Biden and it’s ******* pathetic that you are STILL fully supporting Trump after everything you have had to call racist over the last two month.

one has policy proposals, one has racism and xenophobia. I am firmly clear that I am choosing the policy proposals over 4 more years of trump riling up a buncha racist rednecks
My god you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ****ing full of ****.

Biden as a black focused agenda. Although I find it insufficient it is wayyyyyyyyyyy better that anything Trump is proposing. You just ignore that, and in bad faith demand he support a policy that the guy you support is completely hostile to as well.

Please link me Trump's plans and policy proposal that come anywhere close to this....

And Biden enjoys 80-90% of the black vote as a result. If Trump had that type of approval rating among black voters then the conversation would be very different. I don't think him supporting reparations is radical at all. And I don't think him choosing a black running mate is either. You act as if I said some crazy far out there things.

It is great that Biden has policy proposals aimed at black america. My argument is who I think has a best chance of getting the measures passed. I think Trump can get things past a Republican Senate that Biden can't. That has been my position for a while.
Wrong, but no surprise that you’re going to lie when your jig is exposed once again.

Peddles definition. - promote (an idea or view) persistently or widely.

We have a President who peddles racism. That we agree on.

Fair enough. Joe Biden doesn't peddle racism, he just has during his campaign.
And Biden enjoys 80-90% of the black vote as a result. If Trump had that type of approval rating among black voters then the conversation would be very different. I don't think him supporting reparations is radical at all. And I don't think him choosing a black running mate is either. You act as if I said some crazy far out there things.

It is great that Biden has policy proposals aimed at black america. My argument is who I think has a best chance of getting the measures passed. I think Trump can get things past a Republican Senate that Biden can't. That has been my position for a while.
Your position is ******* asinine.
yes, like as in an example but does not need to be the explicit statement. If that were the case you wouldn’t have qualified it with ANYTHING you found unequivocally racist. You said that, not me.

Yes Biden has my support and you struggle finding **** from 30 years ago isn’t going to change that. I’ve seen 8 years of an Obama/Biden administration and it’s shown me that they didn’t need to resort to racist dog whistles and xenophobia to compensate for a lack of policy proposals. Honestly, you have said just as much problematic **** on here as you are attributing to Biden and it’s ****ing pathetic that you are STILL fully supporting Trump after everything you have had to call racist over the last two month.

one has policy proposals, one has racism and xenophobia. I am firmly clear that I am choosing the policy proposals over 4 more years of trump riling up a buncha racist rednecks

Makes sense. I respect your view.
Crazy, but Biden can still be held to things 30 years ago but Trump can't be for his initial support to defund hbcus, support for harsh police treatment and being against prison reform from a few years ago.
Notice how he excuses Trump's words because he didn't hold any office at the time.

But Biden does not hold any office right now, but Delk routinely brings up the Breakfast Club comments and the poor kids white kids thing.
Notice how he excuses Trump's words because he didn't hold any office at the time.

But Biden does not hold any office right now, but Delk routinely brings up the Breakfast Club comments and the poor kids white kids thing.

He was running for office.

And his statements made when he did hold office color what his position would be if he held office again, no? After all, you and junglejim junglejim are the ones who tell me that past action can provide important guidance.

I guess past statements only matter for one candidate.
Notice how he excuses Trump's words because he didn't hold any office at the time.

But Biden does not hold any office right now, but Delk routinely brings up the Breakfast Club comments and the poor kids white kids thing.

That was different since Biden is trying to increase the capital gains rates on his rental property
He was running for office.

And his statements made when he did hold office color what his position would be if he held office again, no? After all, you and junglejim junglejim are the ones who tell me that past action can provide important guidance.

I guess past statements only matter for one candidate.
Trump was a major political donor during most of his career. He ran for president in 2000. He was exploring running in 2012.

All during this time he was being openly racist.

So spare me, you are moving the goal post now to defend your asinine criteria.
Trump was a major political donor during most of his career. He ran for president in 2000. He was exploring running in 2012.

All during this time he was being openly racist.

So spare me, you are moving the goal post now to defend your asinine criteria.

Wow, talk about goal post shifting.

I don't want to get into a back and forth that will go several pages.

Props for the political donor argument, at least it is a different take than normal.

Biden wrote and voted for problematic legislation while making racially charged speeches.

He has been referred to as an architect of modern mass incarceration.

I hope that, if elected, he is able to get his proposals passed.
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