***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernie Sanders reminds me a lot of George W Bush
I think he'll take advice from the wrong people and would have a below average presidency


1. george w bush aint have a "below average presidency" he's literally by any objective measure the worst modern era president ever, :lol:

2. What makes you say that? Bernie been in congress for like what 30 years? he's been an effective legislator, he made the right compromises when it was time to get deals done,

he didn't pull Ted Cruz style shenanigans to **** over the whole party.

the difference between a Bernie Sanders presidency and Joe Biden or any other democrat is going to be tiny. people need to relax.
He’s not. Campaigning ain’t the end all of politics... but that’s the unpleasantness that’s coming:smh:

with that said he wins SC and no question he is the nominee...... then again Once that happens then that is when the unpleasantness starts ......

He is, I don't even understand how this is arguable.

he went from struggling with black and Latino voters to dominating Nevada and the latino vote and second in south carolina with the black vote.

he's built an effective political organization that is really good at generating strong attachment,
and bring out new voters,
and he's gaining new supporters from demographics that wasn't rocking with him in 2016.

he out performed ever president in his home state, in every election.

seems to me is that convincing people to vote for you and winning elections makes you good at politics.
yeah but Warren did it in a tweet. The Republican who work for big business use the filibuster to keep the status quo for big business aka the elite.

It would fit seamlessly but I will concede it is a bit of a wonkish topic but with that said it’s not that far of a leap.

i think you are totally over estimating the amount of Americans who even know what the filibuster is. :lol:
White dude yelled TRUMP in my face when I was closing my tab out tonight. Bartender and his friend looked shook as hell immediately. Took the higher road, told them all to have a good night and left. Idiots aren't worth getting in trouble over and the older I get the more I refrain from acting out but damn I wanted to hit that ****er in the face so bad.
Apologies famb. Didn't realize it was you.
Like do I wish Bernie didn't call himself a socialist? yeah I do.

but i wish a lot of things.

I wish Joe Biden wasn't so obviously washed.
I wish Pete had a black friend.
I wish Elizabeth Warren was like 15% better at politics.
I wish Cory Booker wasn't a cornball.
I wish Kamala accepted being a cop.
I wish Mike Bloomberg put his money behind a red state moderate instead of launching a no hope ego trip, presidential campaign.

but alas this stuff aint happen, and the best politician left in the field is Bernie Sanders.

such is life, stop worrying a learn to feel the Bern.
At what point does Warren start thinking about dropping out?
when the field is down to 4 and if she's coming in last.

lots of others should be thinking of dropping out before her.

but she is in a bind. Bernie is getting all her votes. but I hope she sticks it out until super Tuesday at least.

i dunno man, this seems like a guy who is good at politics.

at a certain point men lie, women lie, numbers don't.

Imagine Bernie beats Biden in South Carolina? I think that all but seals the nomination for him unless, a bunch of people drop out.
He is, I don't even understand how this is arguable.

he went from struggling with black and Latino voters to dominating Nevada and the latino vote and second in south carolina with the black vote.

he's built an effective political organization that is really good at generating strong attachment,
and bring out new voters,
and he's gaining new supporters from demographics that wasn't rocking with him in 2016.

he out performed ever president in his home state, in every election.

seems to me is that convincing people to vote for you and winning elections makes you good at politics.

I’ve worked on campaigns and I have worked for politicians.

Getting elected is a different beast to being good at executive branch politics. If campaigning meant you were good at politics, Trump would be “good” at politics. Campaigning in a lot of ways kind of like running a marketing department. Politics is the stuff Machiavelli wrote about. For example the filibuster is a politics thing.

Like do I wish Bernie didn't call himself a socialist? yeah I do.

but i wish a lot of things.

I wish Joe Biden wasn't so obviously washed.
I wish Pete had a black friend.
I wish Elizabeth Warren was like 15% better at politics.
I wish Cory Booker wasn't a cornball.
I wish Kamala accepted being a cop.
I wish Mike Bloomberg put his money behind a red state moderate instead of launching a no hope ego trip, presidential campaign.

but alas this stuff aint happen, and the best politician left in the field is Bernie Sanders.

such is life, stop worrying a learn to feel the Bern.

The unpleasantness is that Dems unlike Repubs aren’t gonna fall in line. You laughing about feel the bern is gonna be funny when they treat Breh like a mini Trump whenever he needs something passed in Congress.

i dunno man, this seems like a guy who is good at politics.

at a certain point men lie, women lie, numbers don't.

Imagine Bernie beats Biden in South Carolina? I think that all but seals the nomination for him unless, a bunch of people drop out.

See if that Cult of personality can get the new green deal passed
See if that Cult of personality can get the new green deal passed

This attitude i find truly bizzare. no it won't pass a green new deal. he won't get any more or less than any other democratic candidate.

When Bernie sponsored a VA Reform bill and got it passed, did he do it with cult of personality?

Nah he did IT through compromising and deal making like a REGULAR *** politician.

Bernie has been a senator for a long *** time, and what we have is a record of him being GOOD AT POLITICS. not some crazy burn all down to the politician.
I’ve worked on campaigns and I have worked for politicians.

Getting elected is a different beast to being good at executive branch politics. If campaigning meant you were good at politics, Trump would be “good” at politics. Campaigning in a lot of ways kind of like running a marketing department. Politics is the stuff Machiavelli wrote about. For example the filibuster is a politics thing.

1. Step one is the win elections, everything else is irrelevant until you do that.

2. Bernie Sanders entire history as a senator says he's a totally capable legislator. you reading way too much into the "politcal revolution" branding.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

who do you think is more likely to fall in line and turn out for the election?

Moderate establishment type voters who vote all the time and in every election.

or the younger black and brown voters and white disaffected voters who have never been interested in politics until Bernie reached out to them?
who do you think is more likely to fall in line and turn out for the election?

Moderate establishment type voters who vote all the time and in every election.

or the younger black and brown voters and white disaffected voters who have never been interested in politics until Bernie reached out to them?

What are you getting at
What are you getting at
im saying that, moderates a full of **** and will vote D even if Sanders is the nominee. and we should be more worried about sanders supporters not showing up on elextion day if joe biden or someone wins it a on a second ballot.

low key sanders is the unity candidate. he's the only one who bring back the obama coalition.
im not some Bernie cultist, I think some ideas he has are silly, but they are never gunna happen anyways so it's useless getting worked up about it.

and some of his best ideas,

more employment focused fed chair nominees
and more chill foreign policy

the president has the a lot of control over it.
My only legitimate concerns I have with Bernie as president, and why I would prefer Warren is:

-Bernie needs to rebuild government agencies. Get rid of the Trump guys, refills the agencies with better people, and fill all those empty positions. I worry he will fill those positions with loyalist and not serious academics and civil servants. Like I just know he will give Tulsi Gabbard vile *** a cabinet position :lol: . And people that have worked in the wrong job in the private sector might be disqualified from positions even if they would be great at it. Like someone with Eric Holder's resume might be rightfully be denied by Attorney General because of his soft of Wall St stance. But also be denied running a Civil Rights Department, which he would be amazing at.

-He will start a petty war with the "Democratic Establishment" and try to oust the centrist that run in Red and Purple districts in primaries. Only to end up losing the district anyway. He is control the DNC, so I hope he realizes that with that you need to a legit 50 state strategy and build out a bench. A bench that might to align with you ideologically 100%. Also Centrist in Congress were absolute **** boys to Obama and drive Pelosi crazy. If people think Sanders being president gonna make them chill, they are delusional. The Democratic Party is always gonna be big tent party for better or worst. Bern and his people need to peruse a productive way to marginalize them in the party, not start petty nonsense. So yeah, don't listen to AOC in this area, she wildin.

Otherwise, Bernie is gonna just be like 2014-2016 Obama. Past a ton of positive executive orders and guidances. If he gets a workable Congress he will past the same policy programs as nearly any other Dem running. If there are new ideas and he has the power to put them in place he definitely will. But instead of these moves being painted as doing nothing and neoliberal half steps, his supporters with believe they are progressive victories. And I say let them have it, if Sanders signature is on a bill or order is what makes them chill then that is a positive in my book.
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Buttigieg campaign alleges irregularities in Nevada caucuses vote

im not some Bernie cultist, I think some ideas he has are silly, but they are never gunna happen anyways so it's useless getting worked up about it.

and some of his best ideas,

more employment focused fed chair nominees
and more chill foreign policy

the president has the a lot of control over it.
Yeah those areas would be improvements. His foreign policy being more chill is something I look forward to. If less bombs dropping means we gotta support clowns like Evo Morales, I'll take that trade off. I consider trade foreign policy too, and he is trash in that area. But it is what it is, still better on aggregate than the field.

The FED I worry a little. I want a FED that will focus on getting us to full employment, but I can see dude not nominating a serious economist but instead someone wreckless but on the right side of the argument. Bernie's grasp of macro isn't the strongest, so I have a tiny bit of concern. But there are so many good candidates out there I'll probably make good choices

But you are right. If centrist fall in line like they should, Bernie is the unity candidate.
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im saying that, moderates a full of **** and will vote D even if Sanders is the nominee. and we should be more worried about sanders supporters not showing up on elextion day if joe biden or someone wins it a on a second ballot.

low key sanders is the unity candidate. he's the only one who bring back the obama coalition.

How? That Obama coalition was half him promising Hillary Secretary of State prior to the GE and making Biden VP for the blue dogs in PE.

Anyhow I am not talking about the election I am talking about governing. You got to compromise to govern.

who do you think is more likely to fall in line and turn out for the election?

Moderate establishment type voters who vote all the time and in every election.

or the younger black and brown voters and white disaffected voters who have never been interested in politics until Bernie reached out to them?

Bernie has made “Build a Wall” level promises to get these voters. Obama ran on health care and then killed Osama and legalized Gay Marriage. That is a decent legacy compared to what was promised. Bernie is like M4A, The New Green Deal, Free college, FULL student debt forgiveness, a path to citizenship. bruh I am down for all that but besides the college stuff thathe can actually do as a EO. He’s gonna run into a wall on everything else because he’s gonna need votes on them. He is also running on a middle class tax which isn’t the worst thing but he’s gonna have to drag the party to do it.

Then on the periphery you got AOC and the Justice Dems practicing running candidates against D’a in some primary now ....... Add that up and Bernie is gonna have a tough time.
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