***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Let me have this

Should have never spoken against Bloomberg shade.

**** that man is this life, the one that came before it, and the one that comes after
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-My point is that both Bernie and you tend to argue that M4A is the only way to get to universal coverage, and he points to other countries having universal coverage to advocate for his M4A plan and only his plan. However, other countries do things different that he is proposing, and yeah have universal health insurance too. So can we just stop talking like the only way we get to universal coverage is through Bernie plan. It is not true.

-I know everyone has been through some ****, but you could have made the point about continued economic decline without implying I specifically are ignorant of that fact. That is all I am saying.

-Yeah I am skeptical of that plan. Bernie calling on protesters to go after Congress people if they don't agree to M4A. If I was a centrist and wanted to tank it, I would just say that I won't vote for something with a CBO score. Once that comes in, the dynamics of the discussion will change. I doubt there will be much appetite to threaten people to pass M4A over a public option. Don't think Sinema and Manchin will budge. I could be wrong, but history seem to be on my side.
-I feel like you're missing the forest for the trees here, speaking for myself, obviously other forms of universal health exist. My way of seeing it is that coming in strong with an extreme and effectively more progressive than any other form of UHC on the planet is indeed the best strategy. Moderates and republicans are stuck with three option all with the underlying threat of civil pressure.:

-Take a cue from Canada, EU, UK etc

-Attempt to expand ACA after trying to it kill for a year and giving up

-Have Bernie and his cabinet walk away from the table or "no deal, M4A"

The top choice is ideal, the latter two open up a can of worms I don't think moderates are ready for.

-I'm sorry

-People won't care about a CBO score :lol:
If Bernie gonna win this, we should hope for him to win as big as possible. Expand his base as much as possible during the primary, so he'll will have less work to do when attention turns to the general.

Run up the score Bern.
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-I feel like you're missing the forest for the trees here, speaking for myself, obviously other forms of universal health exist. My way of seeing it is that coming in strong with an extreme and effectively more progressive than any other form of UHC on the planet is indeed the best strategy. Moderates and republicans are stuck with three option all with the underlying threat of civil pressure.:

-Take a cue from Canada, EU, UK etc

-Attempt to expand ACA after trying to it kill for a year and giving up

-Have Bernie and his cabinet walk away from the table or "no deal, M4A"

The top choice is ideal, the latter two open up a can of worms I don't think moderates are ready for.

-I'm sorry

-People won't care about a CBO score :lol:

-Dude I made the original point and you chose to push back about a meme. If you wanted to take the discussion in this direction, then next time do it from the jump.

-M4A is actually not the most progressive health insurance plan you can push. Socialized Medicine probably is.

-Famb, sorry but I think you are a bit too optimistic. Little story, Ted Kennedy wanted to pass single payer in the 70s. Nixon proposed a hybrid system a little left of the ACA. Kennedy thought he could get a better plan later down the line so he talked away from the deal, as a result, we got nothing for decades. Ted Kennedy when he was dying, it was a big story about how much he regretted not compromising because playing hardball backfired, so he was pushing the Dems to pass the ACA, not waste the opportunity. Bernie had his people can't walk away, the won't walk away. It would be stupid to walk away, because majorities are fragile, and you can waste them. The GOP is a lose cause, they don't give a ****.

Plus If they walk away, when they can pass an ACA expansion, then if the SCOTUS strikes down the ACA because of that ******** technicality, then you can't even use budget reconciliation to pass a public option.

-Yes people care about the CBO score, because the news will be blasting the results of it 24/7. And it will determine if we need a supermajority or not. It will be a big ******* deal.
-Dude I made the original point and you chose to push back about a meme. If you wanted to take the discussion in this direction, then next time do it from the jump.

-M4A is actually not the most progressive health insurance plan you can push. Socialized Medicine probably is.

-Famb, sorry but I think you are a bit too optimistic. Little story, Ted Kennedy wanted to pass single payer in the 70s. Nixon proposed a hybrid system a little left of the ACA. Kennedy thought he could get a better plan later down the line so he talked away from the deal, as a result, we got nothing for decades. Ted Kennedy when he was dying, it was a big story about how much he regretted not compromising because playing hardball backfired, so he was pushing the Dems to pass the ACA, not waste the opportunity. Bernie had his people can't walk away, the won't walk away. It would be stupid to walk away, because majorities are fragile, and you can waste them. The GOP is a lose cause, they don't give a ****.

Plus If they walk away, when they can pass an ACA expansion, then if the SCOTUS strikes down the ACA because of that bull**** technicality, then you can't even use budget reconciliation to pass a public option.

-Yes people care about the CBO score, because the news will be blasting the results of it 24/7. And it will determine if we need a supermajority or not. It will be a big ****ing deal.
-Rust, I've been repeating that first almost ad nauseam since before you posted the twitter meme

-Did Timmy K have a mass movement behind him that could exert civil unrest?

-The MSM is gonna do what it's gonna do, they'll sensationalize Bernie having a 4th house if he wins
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-Rust, I've been repeating that first almost ad nauseam since before you posted the twitter meme

-Did Timmy K have a mass movement behind him that could exert civil unrest?

-The MSM is gonna do what it's gonna do, they'll sensationalize Bernie having a 4th if he wins
-Dude I posted the Twitter meme because we were talking about passing M4A and you said this...
That's because it is one, at least for me. You quote a lot of the articles that go into how the sausage is made but has never really mattered in policy for the rich, the logistics never seem to come up or matter much at all when more funding can be obtained for the never-ending warmachine. We've landed foreign bodies on other planets plenty of times but universal healthcare is somehow a gargantuan task :lol: The thought of even discussing the logistics is insulting to the people that actually need it and is really highlights the divide between actually leftists and liberals.

I don't mean any of the above as an insult to you or anybody here btw, it's just how I feel on the subject matter and why I argue or debate the way I do.

So right there you conflated to two. That is what I was responding to that. And when I did you went on and on about me using a meme. You could have just said something like "they I know they are different, I didn't mean Bernie's plan isn't the only way"

-No he didn't have a mass movement, Unions told Kennedy to walk away. But to be fair, the healthcare situation back then was bad, but not as horrible as it is now, the GOP had liberals in it, and insurance companies and providers had less political power than they do now. There was a more reasonable expectation that it took less pressure to pull it off.

And may I point out, Bernie doesn't have a mass movement either though.

-Ok, the mainstream media is gonna do what it does, but it will have real effects on the push. Plus, the cost and taxes around it is gonna be a serious topic regardless of that the mass media does.
I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. Trump n’ Em up to sumptin.

Trump and Crazy B are like Bird and Magic. Rivals and competitors on the court but best friends off of it. Cut from the same cloth, they just wear different colors when they play.


I think it'll be cool to see them when they they grow old and retire reminiscing on the good old days when they were young fiery competitors.
White dude yelled TRUMP in my face when I was closing my tab out tonight. Bartender and his friend looked shook as hell immediately. Took the higher road, told them all to have a good night and left. Idiots aren't worth getting in trouble over and the older I get the more I refrain from acting out but damn I wanted to hit that ****er in the face so bad.
It's almost like Bernie is really good at politics.

He’s not. Campaigning ain’t the end all of politics... but that’s the unpleasantness that’s coming:smh:

with that said he wins SC and no question he is the nominee...... then again Once that happens then that is when the unpleasantness starts ......
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Mind ****ing boggling this tweet was written by an adult person, let alone the em-effing dude in the Oval.
Sounds like those 12 year old NTers that make up the worst nicknames for sports figures they hate.
dude is just recycling garbage pail kid’s names :lol:
Honestly, I think the tweets are part him, part staff. Some of the stuff is just too witty for a man of his intelligence to think of. Even something like “Chill Greta. Chill.” Is beyond his level of comprehension. Then there’s other tweets where you’re like “Welp. Clearly no one proofread that”.

Regardless of if it’s him or staff, the fact he condones the content, rhetoric and name calling is unacceptable.
Bernie Sanders reminds me a lot of George W Bush
I think he'll take advice from the wrong people and would have a below average presidency
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