***Official Political Discussion Thread***

To expand on my previous post, I did a search on Iran in the new Worldwide Threat Assessment by US intelligence.
Former Defense Secretary Mattis was also against withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal rather than renegotiating it. As mentioned earlier, prior to Trump's unilateral withdrawal the US certified Iran's compliance. The unilateral withdrawal from the Iran deal, against Mattis' advice, is nothing short of sabotage to set a pretext for war with Iran. All of the signatory states agreed that the deal should be renegotiated and were ready to work with the US on that. Instead, Trump withdrew and has continued to further sabotage the deal, thus crippling the only real safeguard against Iran's nuclear program while also eliminating the rest of the signatory states' ability to renegotiate the deal.

Iran has asked the other signatory states to uphold their end of the bargain, and all agreed to uphold the deal, but there's only so much you can do with the Trump administration's sabotage.
Trump and some of his lackeys have previously threatened sanctions against the other signatory states' companies if they sought to continue doing business (aka upholding the deal) with Iran.

When you look at both the unilateral withdrawal, the continued sabotage in an attempt to fully eliminate the safeguard against Iran's nuclear program, as well as the repeated lies by Trump and the likes of John Bolton, there is no other reasonable explanation than setting some sort of pretext for military intervention in Iran.

It would be nice if this wasn't necessary, but that would've meant the Trump administration warhawks would've had to stop lying about Iran's compliance in the nuclear deal.
Can't set the pretext for a war with Iran without sabotaging the deal that successfully stopped their nuclear program.
Europe sets up scheme to get round US sanctions on Iran
Vehicle to be used for humanitarian supplies, then expanded to help firms trade

France, Germany and Britain have set up a financial mechanism designed to avoid US sanctions against Iran and keep the 2015 nuclear deal afloat.

Through the Instex trade vehicle, they hope to assert European economic sovereignty in the face of Washington’s determination to impose its foreign policy on Europe.

The strategy would initially focus on trying to ease the flow of humanitarian supplies to Iran, the German foreign minister, Heiko Maas, said. Such supplies, including medicines and foodstuffs, are not supposed to be subject to US sanctions.

Eventually, the plan is for the vehicle to expand to allow European firms to trade more freely with Iran in a range of goods, including those subject to US sanctions, the EU foreign affairs chief, Federica Mogherini, said.
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Wait wait wait wait.. how much experience this dude had with shoe polish on his face to know what the right amount was/is??


It's as bad as it sounds. Shamon. He is in a dangerous position because, black or white, he is not ok. Hee hee. He better leave while he can. I'm asking Ralph to change his ways. Did he ever stop to notice all the blood we've shed before?

IATT IATT beat me to it.

if Ralph started singing "kick me, **** me, don't you black or white me... all I wanna say is that they don't really care about us" while breaking into a flawless moonwalk, I would say we just put this all behind us and keep him in office.
All this is very difficult for us whites™ to understand. Obviously I understand fully, that blackface is inappropriate without proper context, but clearly his buddy was dressed up as a hooded Klansman and he was simply keeping things balanced. The **** is wrong with him? Get him the **** outta here! Resign already.
Cory Booker makes Carlton Banks look like the Fresh Prince.

Well to be fair the Documentary Street Fight shows that Cory is tougher than your average politician. He was a legit activist and they stacy abraham's him somthing horrible to keep him from being elected as Mayor or Newark. Then there was the time he ran into a burning building to save a woman's life when he was a mayor. Basically he can talk that talk because he is a lot realer than most people in his position.
Yeah, Booker is not perfect but he is a real one. I don't agree with him on everything but I convinced dude means well.

I think if the Booker train gains steam, the Bernie loving crowd is gonna have a tough time with him. Because so much of their attack comes down to attacking someone's character. You are just don't going to convince people Booker is a liar and means them harm. If you shade Harris because she is bad of criminal justice, then you elevate Booker because he is the best of the bunch.

I watched this clip from the Sam Seder show and I was shaking my head through it. Cory Booker announces so let us have a black guy on in hopes he gives us cover to insult him; like being flippant about red-lining or implying Booker made Newark worst.

Sam Seder was the only one seemingly being more reasonable then he ends the segment with asking his guest to reassure him that BLM will pressure Kamala Harris, even though the guess as no affiliation with any BLM matter group...
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This whole Northam thing makes NO sense. Why say it was you, when it wasn't? Then, why backtrack and say you KNOW it wasn't you because you remember the other time you wore blackface?

And to frame it as "I just put a little black shoe polish on my cheeks" :lol: what!? At this point it's not even about the racism, he just needs to resign for being incompetent.
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