***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Interesting theory. I posted a previous Politico recently about a mysterious grand jury appeal from an unknown witness that appears to be linked to Mueller's grand jury.
Link to said post and article: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/page-5400#post-30776213

Personally I'm not sure if I'm buying that the mystery witness is the president. It seems more likely to me that if anything, it would be Donald Jr or Kushner.
The one Trump-appointed judge on the D.C. Circuit court has recused himself from this ongoing grand jury appeal.
Presumably it must be someone important. A Roger Stone aide is currently fighting a Mueller grand jury subpoena too but that is in the public record. Everything in this appeal case is under seal and the appeal is rapidly moving forward. The witness also
Excerpt: (see full article further below)
Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President?
  • The parties and the judges have moved with unusual alacrity. Parties normally have 30 days to appeal a lower court action. The witness here appealed just five days after losing in the district court—and three days later filed a motion before the appellate court to stay the district court’s order. That’s fast.
  • The appeals court itself responded with remarkable speed, too. One day after getting the witness’s motion, the court gave the special counsel just three days to respond—blindingly short as appellate proceedings go. The special counsel’s papers were filed October 1.
  • At this point an unspecified procedural flaw seems to have emerged, and on October 3, the appeals court dismissed the appeal. Just two days later, the lower court judge cured the flaw, the witness re-appealed, and by October 10 the witness was once again before appellate court. Thanks to very quick action of all the judges, less than one week was lost due to a flaw that, in other cases, could have taken weeks or months to resolve.
  • Back before the D.C. Circuit, this case’s very special handling continued. On October 10, the day the case returned to the court, the parties filed a motion for expedited handling, and within two days, the judges had granted their motion and set an accelerated briefing schedule. The witness was given just 11 days to file briefs; the special counsel (presumably) just two weeks to respond; and reply papers one week later, on November 14 (for those paying attention, that’s 8 days after the midterm elections). Oral arguments are set for December 14.
At every level, this matter has commanded the immediate and close attention of the judges involved—suggesting that no ordinary witness and no ordinary issue is involved. But is it the president? The docket sheets give one final—but compelling—clue. When the witness lost the first time in the circuit court (before the quick round-trip to the district court), he unusually petitioned for rehearing en banc—meaning he thought his case was so important that it merited the very unusual action of convening all 10 of the D.C. Circuit judges to review the order. That is itself telling (this witness believes his case demands very special handling), but the order disposing of the petition is even more telling: President Trump’s sole appointee to that court, Gregory Katsas, recused himself.

Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President?
These months before the midterm elections are tough ones for all of us Mueller-watchers. As we expected, he has gone quiet in deference to long-standing Justice Department policy that prosecutors should not take actions that might impact pending elections. Whatever he is doing, he is doing quietly and even farther from the public eye than usual.

But thanks to some careful reporting by Politico, which I have analyzed from my perspective as a former prosecutor, we may have stumbled upon How Bob Mueller Is Spending His Mid-Terms: secretly litigating against President Trump for the right to throw him in the grand jury.

As a former prosecutor and Senate and White House aide, I predicted here last May that Mueller would promptly subpoena Trump and, like Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr back in 1998, bring a sitting president before his grand jury to round out and conclude his investigation. What Trump knew and when he knew it, and what exactly motivated his statements and actions, are central to Mueller’s inquiry on both Russian interference and obstruction of justice.

As the summer proceeded, we certainly heard a great deal from Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer, about purported negotiations with Mueller’s office about the propriety and scope of Trump’s potential testimony. On August 15, Giuliani said Trump would move to quash a subpoena and went so far as to say, “[W]e’re pretty much finished with our memorandum opposing a subpoena.”

And then—nothing. Labor Day came and went without a visible move by Mueller to subpoena the president, and we entered the quiet period before the midterms. Even the voluble Giuliani went quiet, more or less. Mindful of the time it would take to fight out the legal issues surrounding a presidential subpoena, and mindful of the ticking clock on Mueller’s now 18-month-old investigation, many of us began to wonder if Mueller had decided to forego the compelling and possibly conclusive nature of presidential testimony in favor of findings built on inference and circumstantial evidence. A move that would leave a huge hole in his final report and findings.

But now, thanks to Politico’s reporting (backed up by the simple gumshoe move of sitting in the clerk’s office waiting to see who walks in and requests what file), we may know what Mueller has been up to: Since mid-August, he may have been locked in proceedings with Trump and his lawyers over a grand jury subpoena—in secret litigation that could tell us by December whether the president will testify before Mueller’s grand jury.

Grill going to be working overtime after November 6th

Nothingburgers for errbody!

Will be out there in the cold grillin' like Mo and Floyd Henderson :pimp:

I don’t get what the struggle is with not listening to kanye’s music or buying his shoes? **** him. Is it because y’all were fans before all this?

Are y’all a mixtape away from copping candace owens memorabilia?
All this anti-immigrant rhetoric before the midterms is by design. They know the left is fired up, and they're trying to fire up their base too.

The secret wish of the GOP and the right is Nazi Germany, in terms of an ethically pure homeland that is a socialist paradise for those of the right race and gets rid of everyone else by any means necessary (currently under the guise of "capitalism" but eventually by forced relocation and genocide).

This is what will drive their base to the polls -- the chance that their vote will result in this outcome.
Midterms 2018: Early voting by young people up 500% in Texas and Georgia


A national poll, released on Monday by the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, found 40 per cent of 18-29 year-olds plan to "definitely vote" – double the 2014 figure – while 66 per cent of young respondents said they would vote Democrat.
Georgia, a state facing voter suppression claims, has similarly seen 19-28 voter turnout up 476 per cent, African-American early voting up 165 per cent, and Hispanic turnout up a massive 571 per cent, according to data provided by TargetSmart.


The numbers also reveal early voting in Texas and Georgia among the over 65s and white people, two traditional Republican blocs, is significantly up, though not as dramatically as young people.

Natural selection gotta get these baby boomers out the paint
with all this blexit crap going on i heard something pretty interesting on one of the shows i like. the host asked the guest whether or not he thought black crepublicans could actually go about bringing meaningful change for black people and the black community, and the gist of his answer was this with dems tons of their politics have to do identity, which is why within the liberal movement there are many black focused voices. but when it comes to many black republicans "black" is usually the last thing on of a list of what defines them, a list that often speaks to their priorities. so trusting them to work for the black community first is troublesome.

never looked at it in that context, thought i would share
Big Mama already told me I could bring a friend to Thanksgiving. I don't want to spoil it but Candace will be joking us.
Is she a friend or is she a "friend"? Betsy bae know about this "friendship" of yours? :nerd:
I don’t get what the struggle is with not listening to kanye’s music or buying his shoes? **** him. Is it because y’all were fans before all this?

Are y’all a mixtape away from copping candace owens memorabilia?
I deleted all his music off my phone and spotify when he visited the white house.
I stopped really listening to him before then but never fully committed to the whole "**** Kanye" thing until then.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford sooooooooo is she admitting trump is a clown??

Rusty gonna tear that *** up in that red wig tonight :pimp:
All this anti-immigrant rhetoric before the midterms is by design. They know the left is fired up, and they're trying to fire up their base too.

The secret wish of the GOP and the right is Nazi Germany, in terms of an ethically pure homeland that is a socialist paradise for those of the right race and gets rid of everyone else by any means necessary (currently under the guise of "capitalism" but eventually by forced relocation and genocide).

This is what will drive their base to the polls -- the chance that their vote will result in this outcome.

I disagree some what, the vast majority of conservatives are not pro genocide nor in favor of a white homeland. For most conservatives, they just want to go back to go back a decade or two before they were forced to confront all the contradictions of America. Barack Obama's mere presence, Black Lives Matter and the mainstreaming of POC and even anti racism into pop culture has caused a lot of white folks to, in the words of Ta-Nehisi Coates, to "wake up from their Dream" of a benign, even handed and meritocratic Country.

If we build an enduring, multi racial, worker's coalition, we can isolate conservative Americans, in a political sense, and they can work through their contradictions and since most conservatives identify with power; if they are out of power and multi racial socialism has all the power, most of them will eventually bend the knee to socialism.
Betsy Bae already said it was ok. Candace is Coal FIRE HAWT but she isn't my type. Big Mama likes Candace and she wanted me to invite her to Thanksgiving because she's trying to set her up with Rusty. Tomi had enough of his lies and deceit and dumped him. Besides her bringing pumpkin pie instead of sweet potato pie made Big Mama upset last year.
Betsy Bae already said it was ok. Candace is Coal FIRE HAWT but she isn't my type. Big Mama likes Candace and she wanted me to invite her to Thanksgiving because she's trying to set her up with Rusty. Tomi had enough of his lies and deceit and dumped him. Besides her bringing pumpkin pie instead of sweet potato pie made Big Mama upset last year.
Candace gonna be sitting across from Rusty like this

While he in line to get another slice of Big Mama's Pecan Resist Pie
I disagree some what, the vast majority of conservatives are not pro genocide nor in favor of a white homeland. For most conservatives, they just want to go back to go back a decade or two before they were forced to confront all the contradictions of America. Barack Obama's mere presence, Black Lives Matter and the mainstreaming of POC and even anti racism into pop culture has caused a lot of white folks to, in the words of Ta-Nehisi Coates, to "wake up from their Dream" of a benign, even handed and meritocratic Country.

If we build an enduring, multi racial, worker's coalition, we can isolate conservative Americans, in a political sense, and they can work through their contradictions and since most conservatives identify with power; if they are out of power and multi racial socialism has all the power, most of them will eventually bend the knee to socialism.
I fall in between the two of you guys. Most conservatives might not want genocide, but they damn sure want more than just going back to 20 years ago.

20 years ago, conservatives were still demanding white supremacy be turned up a notch.

Also, they might not want genocide, but if a little ethnic cleansing (and kept quiet enough) as a means to a desirable end is needed, then they will be able to rationalize it away. At this point, I really do not think it is their morals are holding them back
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford sooooooooo is she admitting trump is a clown??

I helped her with the costume. She wanted be stubborn but she final listened to Zaddy.

Rusty gonna tear that *** up in that red wig tonight :pimp:

Betsy Bae already said it was ok. Candace is Coal FIRE HAWT but she isn't my type. Big Mama likes Candace and she wanted me to invite her to Thanksgiving because she's trying to set her up with Rusty. Tomi had enough of his lies and deceit and dumped him. Besides her bringing pumpkin pie instead of sweet potato pie made Big Mama upset last year.
First off, Big Mama's is being unreasonable, if them ****s ain't marked ain't no way to tell them apart.

And just because Omorosa started getting Zel help with his drinking, she thinks errrbody gotta give up their Porcelain Princess

Candace gonna be sitting across from Rusty like this

While he in line to get another slice of Big Mama's Pecan Resist Pie
Tempting, and I know I will make Big Mommy happy but she gotta understand that their are more important things to consider.

I'm a brotha, I gotta watch my blood pressure. All this inadequately salted food Tomi been feeding me is keeping heart disease at bay, and might help me see 80.

Candance is a black female conservative, every about her is salty. Saltines about their place in the world fuels their worldview. Her yambs probably got more sodium than the Louie Andersons young Bobby Hill be munching on.

If I eat the box too much that is a guaranteed early grave, and watch me pull up work at Soros Shillin LLC like....
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Nt politcal thread next week yoy have a choice

Vote for me and i will personally see to it that DOTS and sixlet candies removed from our store shelves

The other candidates are for this...i am not

Nov 6 vote with your conscious
Nt politcal thread next week yoy have a choice

Vote for me and i will personally see to it that DOTS and sixlet candies removed from our store shelves

The other candidates are for this...i am not

Nov 6 vote with your conscious

If you can add Smarties I'm all in.

This Spanberger ad keeps dropping my cursor down into it and making me type there instead of in the post box :stoneface:
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