***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The biggest fear of many Americans is that the demographics and laws of this country will change in such a way that a far right super-conservative religious entity can install their man as president, that they can fill the supreme court with people partial to their cause, that their leaders will answer to a foreign power and not American principles, and that they can then use terrorist attacks against their opposition to have their way.

Turns out this enemy has already achieved that, and they're not Muslim or black or Mexican....

The biggest fear of many Americans is that the demographics and laws of this country will change in such a way that a far right super-conservative religious entity can install their man as president, that they can fill the supreme court with people partial to their cause, that their leaders will answer to a foreign power and not American principles, and that they can then use terrorist attacks against their opposition to have their way.

Turns out this enemy has already achieved that, and they're not Muslim or black or Mexican....

I agree as always with my comrade and brother whywesteppin whywesteppin . Libs are the real enemy but we are fighting back. #MLKWASACONSERVATIVE
I agree as always with my comrade and brother whywesteppin whywesteppin . Libs are the real enemy but we are fighting back. #MLKWASACONSERVATIVE
Obama is the anti-christ and he is part of a secret Jewish-Muslim plot to install Vodou as our national religion. Instead of Christmas trees and Easter eggs, they want us to be smoking trees and making interracial love. We must fight against this evil at every turn, although it would be nice to get laid finally.

#whiteisright #coalgoals #waitbeingalibsoundsok
I hope all y'all vote during the midterms.

As a Canadian Trump needs to be stripped of some of his powers
I’ve been waiting for that - it’s very convenient for littly Donny because he’ll be able to blame this election when the economy tanks - in the same way that he credits his being in office to the current situation. They have no concept of the repercussions of their actions and how long it takes.

Oh he will blame the inevitable and cycle crisises of capitalism such as the impending recession on the Democrats in Congress whether they have the majority or not.

Either way, the objective material conditions of the moment sway almost no one’s political views. Part of that is because most workers don’t get raises during these so called economic booms and rich people and elite of the professional-managerial class always seem to make money no matter what because they capital and the legal right to engage in predatory rent seeking.

In addition, those who actually feel the effects of aggregate economic changes ready have their minds made up about their ideology.

The only effect a recession could have in the 2020 election would be that it would discourage and demoralize the lower income whites who formed a critical part of his 2016 coalition. If they don’t vote or vote in lower numbers than in 2016 that will offset the voter suppression and it’s effects on democratic constituencies.
Also, "LOL" is now an appropriate reply to a request from the ACLU about information regarding voter suppression tactics. Don't ever talk about civility again if you're still calling yourself a Republican. This is literally funny to them:

So ? Tell me how that relates to this thread ? The white supremacy and how racist baseball is ? I can’t tell
So ? Tell me how that relates to this thread ? The white supremacy and how racist baseball is ? I can’t tell
It's always good to be reminded, that this is the world we live in: Where presidential statements are composed, while the leader of the free world is taking a **** or watching TV.
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