***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It is perplexing to me why so many woke black dudes get so caught up in the feelings of a white supremacist.

Stop worrying about their feelings; their feelings don't need to change for power to be taken from them. Positive change can happen without their consent


No, black people are not exempt from "changing." That is I disagree with; there are tons of stuff so-called woke dudes do that undermine efforts for positive change and coalition building. Building a perfect union does not stop at racism.

-Stop using legit complaints about how the modern welfare state is failing black folk to push the tacit welfare queen crap, and supporting further destruction of the welfare state.

-Stop using legit objections to media imagery regarding black males to tell members of the LBGTQ+ community that they are less of men or people.

-Stop using legit grievances of how the media covers black issues to peddle Jewish conspiracy nonsense.

-Stop using valid disappoints of the lack of gains since the end of Jim Crow to start yearning for re-segregation. It will only empower white supremacist.

-Stop using legit complaints about the Democratic Party staying home on election day, all election days

-Stop using legit frustration about reciprocity with other demographics to tell immigrants that their fight is inconsequential

-Stop using frustrations with other demographics of black folk to tell black immigrants and biracial people that they are "less black" because they are not African-American or have two black parents

-Stop using urges for equal participation in the economic system to put so much faith in capitalism being the vehicle for economic equality

-Stop using anger over injustice to applaud and take pleasure in the crime justice system ravaging a white person. The whole point of criminal justice reform is for all people, especially poor black people to get the same treatment by the criminal justice system as an affluent white person. Laughing the courts washing a white person does the exact opposite

-Stop defending sexism, classism, homophobia, antisemitism, neoliberalism and other nonsense just because there is a black face attached to it.

I don't want this to come off as respectability politics because this is not about looking good to white people. It is about being consistent in your fight. If someone demands justice for their people, then you look like a hypocrite when you are willing to deny it to others, and adopt the behavior of your oppressors.

I see so many smart black people alienate would be liberal allies AND OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, with hypocritical stances. Yes, the white community has further to go, no question, but that should not blind us to counterproductive behavior within our community. Especially when this discussion is between black people

And finally stop letting the kneejerk reaction to legit criticism be "we white people do it too, or do it worst."

applause for russy
Who says things are hopeless, you take care of yourself, your family, your friends, your community, that is where the hope is.

White supremacist are going to change their minds, the system benefits them, why would they? Again, the truth is that white supremacy can only be dismantled by non-racists white people who believe in justice. Black people have been fighting white supremacy, at least in this country since the 50's. It's still here. However, when enough non-racist white people get angry enough, you start to see things happening, socially and politically. So let them pick up the ball and run with it. Mr non-racist white man, tear down that wall.

I don't agree with you that they have to all change their minds for change to happen.

And white supremacy in the 1950s in not the same as white supremacy in the 2010s. It manifest itself in different ways based on our laws.

So if we get universal healthcare and more doctors does that not help? If we get sentencing reform does that not help? If reform zoning laws to increase housing supply, does that not help? If we stop funding schools through property taxes and get more homogeneity in resources does that not help? If we get a negative tax rate, does that not help? If our monetary policy favored labor over capital, does that not help? Having a progressive court system including SCOTUS, does that not help? Will a federal jobs guarantee does that not help? If we expand access to cheap public transportation, does that not help? And strict enforcement of our civil right laws by progressive Attorney generals and AD, so black people can share in the gains of these new policies, does that not help?

Some people strictly look at white supremacy as something in white people's hearts, nearly all white people, and then that manifest itself in the unequal outcomes we see. I don't look at it like that, a lot of white supremacy is on auto pilot, built into the laws on the books already. Hell you could replace all the believe white supremacist in political power with black progressive, give black folk reparations, pass no new laws and just watch our economic system funnel the money black into the hands of affluent whites.

Many economist, political scientist, wonks and sociologist have come up with ways to write new laws that lead to more equatable outcomes. That is were I am trying to tell people the fight is, where gains can be won. That there is something beyond some beautiful struggle. That the fight for the heart of racist white people, is not the fight to focus on. MLK fight was not to charm racist into giving in, it was to pressure sympathetic lawmakers to make policy changes.

By themselves black people don't have enough power, by themselves anti racist whites don't have enough power, by themselves sympathetic allies that are willing to trade support don't have enough power. But as a active coalition they might.

I am not down for sitting on the sidelines and waiting for a progressive white savior to come rescue me and my people. No civil rights gain has ever happened like that.

And happen, I can help my community and fight for policy changes at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive, they are not at odds with one another. In fact the compliment one another.
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All of that is wonderful. Let me know when the 1st cop is sentenced to prison for murdering an unarmed black person, then I will know progress has been made. If we aren't getting basic, minimum, right to life/right to live justice, then all of that other stuff is politics as usual.
So a whataboutism. An while the record of convictions on police killing unarmed black men is atrocious and disgusting, it is silly for you to hang your hat on that because anyone can respond with an answer like "Walter Scott"

Anyway, so making major changes to our socioeconomic system is just politics as usual

Ok got it

We are probably done here then.
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With all the progress that has been made, anyone still looking for a reason to believe in progress, simply isn't looking at all.

1. Rusty stopped posting Lib CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO .

2. Roseanne is BAAAACK. Supporting Da Don no less.

3. Hogg destroying LIBS like Laura.

4. TOMI looking AMAZING with Da Yappa on deck.

5. Got an extra $2 in Da check from Da Coal Cuts. Getting a Honker Burger and a Butter Biscuit.
It's funny as hell watching these racist Trump supporters defend him. I'm glad these people are exposing themselves.

These supporters and their "past is past" narrative not an important factor in Trump's situation..

I swear these people would be fine even if Trump had an affair with Ivanka :sick:

1. Rusty stopped posting Lib CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO .

2. Roseanne is BAAAACK. Supporting Da Don no less.

3. Hogg destroying LIBS like Laura.

4. TOMI looking AMAZING with Da Yappa on deck.

5. Got an extra $2 in Da check from Da Coal Cuts. Getting a Honker Burger and a Butter Biscuit.
6. Rusty is washed. He abruptly ended his back-and-forth with Timid because his fingers are cramping up and Tomi kept him up all night.

7. It is clear from Timid and Rusty's back and forth that Obummer set us back 50 years in progress for African Americans. He ruined EVERYTHING and only the MIGHTY MIGHTY DONALD can bring us back to the future.

8. The Donald-Ivanka sex tape is AMAZING. It is not available pubicly yet but PM me and I can share the LEAK.

9. Roseanne has started a new #METOO movement. Kid Rock and Stephen Baldwin are in it as well. Are you trailer trash? Well, guess what? ME TOO.
Trump ally detained, served with Mueller subpoena at Boston airport
Ted Malloch said FBI agents asked him about Roger Stone and WikiLeaks.

[Ted Malloch] has a book coming out in May called "The Plot to Destroy Trump: How the Deep State Fabricated the Russian Dossier to Subvert the President."


Roger Stone wrote the forward. Infowars host Alex Jones and Brexiteer Nigel Farage have written blurbs for the book cover, according to Malloch's publisher.

So a whataboutism. An while the record of convictions on police killing unarmed black men is atrocious and disgusting, it is silly for you to hang your hat on that because anyone can respond with an answer like "Walter Scott"

Anyway, so making major changes to our socioeconomic system is just politics as usual

Ok got it

We are probably done here then.

I'm not even arguing with you, in fact I'm not even debating with you. All of your points are correct. Same destination, different roads to get there.
so Roseanne believes in made-up stories and conspiracies. who wouldn't thought that this ugly inbred overweight piece of **** is uneducated and idiotic too?

edit: one of my greatest joys in childhood was when her show ended and I didn't have to live in fear anymore that I would accidentally see her disgusting face when I was flipping through the channels.

seeing her return to TV is destroying me and making vulnerable everything I have built and believed in over the past two decades in the post-Roseanne era. we need to bring back the only defense we had against her growing up: the fresh Prince of Bel air.
so Roseanne believes in made-up stories and conspiracies. who wouldn't thought that this ugly inbred overweight piece of **** is uneducated and idiotic too?

edit: one of my greatest joys in childhood was when her show ended and I didn't have to live in fear anymore that I would accidentally see her disgusting face when I was flipping through the channels.

seeing her return to TV is destroying me and making vulnerable everything I have built and believed in over the past two decades in the post-Roseanne era. we need to bring back the only defense we had against her growing up: the fresh Prince of Bel air.

I'm all for this! Will and Nia have a family. Jaden gonna play their son :lol: #SYRE

EDIT: Or Jaden plays as DJ JazzyJeff's son

ABC risking its reputation with Roseanne :sick:
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, demands Washington Post register as 'lobbyist'

From Mueller to Stormy to ‘emoluments,’ Trump’s business is under siege
aepps20 aepps20
Kentucky Lawmakers Limit Black Lung Claims Reviews Despite Epidemic
A measure signed into law in Kentucky this past week would prevent federally-certified radiologists from judging X-rays in state black lung compensation claims, leaving diagnoses of the disease mostly to physicians who typically work for coal companies.

aepps20 aepps20
Kentucky Lawmakers Limit Black Lung Claims Reviews Despite Epidemic
A measure signed into law in Kentucky this past week would prevent federally-certified radiologists from judging X-rays in state black lung compensation claims, leaving diagnoses of the disease mostly to physicians who typically work for coal companies.

I have mixed feelings about this.

A coalrade who has earned his black lung should receive proper recognition for his hard work. At the same time, I don't trust libbie doctors ONE BIT.
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