***Official Political Discussion Thread***

MLK wore a suit and many folk still hated them. Even if black protestors "behaved" folk woudlnt care.
Rosa Parks wasn't the first black woman to refuse to stand up on a bus; she just wasn't the pregnant, single one.

Image matters just as much as the message, especially when you come from a position of political weakness. It was easier for the Ingraham types to deflect the discussion to unrelated matters because of the background of many of the black victims of police brutality; it is much harder to do it with the Parkland shooting victims because their socioeconomic background is much more polished. It is the sad truth of political discourse, but if we are to win this struggle, we have to take into consideration that optics matter.
Black people can walk around in the finest Italian-made suits that money can buy, it will be the same suit they are buried in when the police gun them down. Stop with this "dressing nice", people were dressed nice while getting dogs sicked and fire hoses sprayed on them.
No one is preaching respectability politics towards black people. They are just pointing out that sad truth that the optic matter in situations like this.

Since MLK was brought up, I should mention that MLK was cognizant of how optics play a role in coalition building. He insisted his movement be one of non violence and that didn't preach hate. Yes many still hated him, but he was able to gain enough allies (white and black) to accomplish more than he otherwise would have if he went down another road.
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assualt, assult, ...

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2018 as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
No one is preaching respectability politics towards black people. They are just pointing out that sad truth that the optic matter in situations like this.

Since MLK was brought up, I should mention that MLK was cognizant of how optics play a role in coalition building. He insisted his movement be one of non violence and that didn't preach hate. Yes many still hated him, but he was able to gain enough allies (white and black) to accomplish more than he otherwise would have if he went down another road.
How do you navigate the optic of being Black? Tap dance?
How do you navigate the optic of being Black? Tap dance?

No one is asking any black person to tap dance. It is perfect fine and fair to be unapologetically black, to be proud of who you are and speak honestly.

**** white supremacist. Don't care about those optics

However when it comes to so called "woke" dudes, many don't even see how they undercut themselves and the potential movement with ignorant behavior that have nothing to do with being black. Yet they hid behind their blackness when call out, and give white supremacist clowns talking point after talking point, and MOST importantly alienate other black folk, see Louis Farrakhan. Care about these optics
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No one is asking any black person to tap dance. It is perfect fine and fair to be unapologetically black, to be proud of who you are and speak honestly.

**** white supremacist. Don't care about those optics

However when it comes to so called "woke" dudes, many don't even see how they undercut themselves and the potential movement with ignorant behavior that have nothing to do with being black. Yet they hid behind their blackness when call out, and give white supremacist clowns talking point after talking point, and MOST importantly alienate other black folk, see Louis Farrakhan. Care about these optics
I agree but being Black is a talking point for white supremacist. They will NEVER like us no matter what we do.
I agree but being Black is a talking point for white supremacist. They will NEVER like us no matter what we do.
Who gives a **** about them liking us? So what

I don't give a **** about that, that is not my concern, that is not my fight.

My fight is to restructure society in a way that white supremacist have no power over my people, no power over anyone else, and that equal work effort leads to equal results.

If they have an issue after that, then their *** can use their single payer insurance and go see an qualified mental health professional in their area.
Who gives a **** about them liking us? So what

I don't give a **** about that, that is not my concern, that is not my fight.

My fight is to restructure society in a way that white supremacist have no power over my people, no power over anyone else, and that equal work effort leads to equal results.

If they have an issue after that, then their *** can use their single payer insurance and go see an qualified mental health professional in their area.
Its not us that need to change, but White people who maintain and support this system.
Its not us that need to change, but White people who maintain and support this system.
It is perplexing to me why so many woke black dudes get so caught up in the feelings of a white supremacist.

Stop worrying about their feelings; their feelings don't need to change for power to be taken from them. Positive change can happen without their consent


No, black people are not exempt from "changing." That is I disagree with; there are tons of stuff so-called woke dudes do that undermine efforts for positive change and coalition building. Building a perfect union does not stop at racism.

-Stop using legit complaints about how the modern welfare state is failing black folk to push the tacit welfare queen crap, and supporting further destruction of the welfare state.

-Stop using legit objections to media imagery regarding black males to tell members of the LBGTQ+ community that they are less of men or people.

-Stop using legit grievances of how the media covers black issues to peddle Jewish conspiracy nonsense.

-Stop using valid disappoints of the lack of gains since the end of Jim Crow to start yearning for re-segregation. It will only empower white supremacist.

-Stop using legit complaints about the Democratic Party staying home on election day, all election days

-Stop using legit frustration about reciprocity with other demographics to tell immigrants that their fight is inconsequential

-Stop using frustrations with other demographics of black folk to tell black immigrants and biracial people that they are "less black" because they are not African-American or have two black parents

-Stop using urges for equal participation in the economic system to put so much faith in capitalism being the vehicle for economic equality

-Stop using anger over injustice to applaud and take pleasure in the crime justice system ravaging a white person. The whole point of criminal justice reform is for all people, especially poor black people to get the same treatment by the criminal justice system as an affluent white person. Laughing the courts washing a white person does the exact opposite

-Stop defending sexism, classism, homophobia, antisemitism, neoliberalism and other nonsense just because there is a black face attached to it.

I don't want this to come off as respectability politics because this is not about looking good to white people. It is about being consistent in your fight. If someone demands justice for their people, then you look like a hypocrite when you are willing to deny it to others, and adopt the behavior of your oppressors.

I see so many smart black people alienate would be liberal allies AND OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, with hypocritical stances. Yes, the white community has further to go, no question, but that should not blind us to counterproductive behavior within our community. Especially when this discussion is between black people

And finally stop letting the kneejerk reaction to legit criticism be "we white people do it too, or do it worst."
It is perplexing to me why so many woke black dudes get so caught up in the feelings of a white supremacist.

Stop worrying about their feelings; their feelings don't need to change for power to be taken from them. Positive change can happen without their consent


No, black people are not exempt from "changing." That is I disagree with; there are tons of stuff so-called woke dudes do that undermine efforts for positive change and coalition building. Building a perfect union does not stop at racism.

-Stop using legit complaints about how the modern welfare state is failing black folk to push the tacit welfare queen crap, and supporting further destruction of the welfare state.

-Stop using legit objections to media imagery regarding black males to tell members of the LBGTQ+ community that they are less of men or people.

-Stop using legit grievances of how the media covers black issues to peddle Jewish conspiracy nonsense.

-Stop using valid disappoints of the lack of gains since the end of Jim Crow to start yearning for re-segregation. It will only empower white supremacist.

-Stop using legit complaints about the Democratic Party staying home on election day, all election days

-Stop using legit frustration about reciprocity with other demographics to tell immigrants that their fight is inconsequential

-Stop using frustrations with other demographics of black folk to tell black immigrants and biracial people that they are "less black" because they are not African-American or have two black parents

-Stop using urges for equal participation in the economic system to put so much faith in capitalism being the vehicle for economic equality

-Stop using anger over injustice to applaud and take pleasure in the crime justice system ravaging a white person. The whole point of criminal justice reform is for all people, especially poor black people to get the same treatment by the criminal justice system as an affluent white person. Laughing the courts washing a white person does the exact opposite

-Stop defending sexism, classism, homophobia, antisemitism, neoliberalism and other nonsense just because there is a black face attached to it.

I don't want this to come off as respectability politics because this is not about looking good to white people. It is about being consistent in your fight. If someone demands justice for their people, then you look like a hypocrite when you are willing to deny it to others, and adopt the behavior of your oppressors.

I see so many smart black people alienate would be liberal allies AND OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, with hypocritical stances. Yes, the white community has further to go, no question, but that should not blind us to counterproductive behavior within our community. Especially when this discussion is between black people

And finally stop letting the kneejerk reaction to legit criticism be "we white people do it too, or do it worst."
What power do these people you speak of have?
We have bigger fish to fry.
First off, the stuff I listed are not restricted to Tariq Nasheed, my post was not some vent about that clown. Many people are down down these roads, you even see it on NT. Even myself at times have been guilty.

A black person can reject sexism, classism, homophobia, antisemitism, junk economics, etc. AND fight against racism and white supremacy. These things are not mutually exclusive

We a capable adults, we can multi-task, it is not that hard.
I understand the brothers argument, but the ultimate truth is that white supremacy can only be dismantled by white people themselves, it is their burden to bear, not ours. Power will not be taken from them until they choose to dismantle the system and replace it with a system of justice (for all). The white supremacist are the card dealers, the slot machine riggers, and security guards in this grand casino. We focus too much attention on the uncooth street level white supremacists that are caught on video doing ignorant crap instead of the high level players.

What are the last hundred-so pages of this thread? Commenting on high level white supremacists bickering, arguing, firing, spying, on each other. All so they can maintain the system they think it should be maintained. Non-whites, marginalized groups yeah we can be clean cut, combine, merge, demand justice until we have overwhelming numbers where majority rules. Until then, it (justice) will be allowed when the white supremacists allow it. Sounds rather defeatist but when you have to complain, demand, file a grievance, demand equality, then you are not in control of what you are asking for and ultimately it is up to the person who possess what you want to either grant it or not.

Feelings are a chemical reaction in the brain, no one cares about white supremacists feelings. But their feelings can be transformed into action at the stroke of a pen, or the pulling of a trigger, without meaningful opposition (at this point in time).
Y'all dudes can sit in a corner and act like things are hopeless, and wait for racist white to change their mind.

Every little bit of change for black people in this country was done not just by white supremacist changing their mind, but instead it was done in the face of hard objection from racist that wanted to keep the status quo

I still breathe air, so I still fight against white supremacy, and fight to change policy
Who says things are hopeless, you take care of yourself, your family, your friends, your community, that is where the hope is.

White supremacist aren't going to change their minds, the system benefits them, why would they? Again, the truth is that white supremacy can only be dismantled by non-racists white people who believe in justice. Black people have been fighting white supremacy, at least in this country since the 50's. It's still here. However, when enough non-racist white people get angry, you start to see things happening, socially and politically. So let them pick up the ball and run with it. Mr non-racist white man, tear down that wall.
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