***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The thing I've noticed with the unprincipled right is that a lot of their views take shape from one of two starting points.

The first is racism (which can have its own deeper roots i.e. fear, paranoia, anxiety, insecurity, needing someone to blame)

The other, and more common starting point is greed. There are obviously tons of greedy people out there, but how many people actually will straight up admit that they are greedy? Instead, people would rather adopt an entire worldview that spans their lifetimes to mask the fact that they are greedy (similarly to racism.) They can even be thoroughly educated people (although the material they choose to educate themselves with just reinforces their greed and conservative views.)

That's why they'd rather save an insignificant amount on taxes, while cutting tons of money out of necessary programs, and in the meantime will say things like taxes just go to waste on welfare queens to get jordans and illegal immigrants to use up our healthcare system.
The thing I've noticed with the unprincipled right is that a lot of their views take shape from one of two starting points.

The first is racism (which can have its own deeper roots i.e. fear, paranoia, anxiety, insecurity, needing someone to blame)

This became super apparent this week when i had some convos at work about that "racisms reach on black boy" ny times article

Just some back ground. I work for a manufacturer as an engineer but obviously i work in a very blue collar environment. so when this article came up showing that no matter what set of criteria from poor and fatherless to rich and nuclear family, there was always a disparity present when compared to white boys of the same background. So when they tried to use their go to excuses like single parent home, or "if you do the crime you do the time", or bootstrapping, id simply go to a set of circumstances where those excuses didnt work but the disparity was still there. and then i challenged to to explain the disparity without having it based on a generalized and racist statement about black men. they were all stumped.

some people have learned to dress up their racism so well in talking points and paranoia they dont even recognize the inherent racism in it.
Sessions names federal prosecutor investigating FBI allegations
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that a top federal prosecutor has been examining issues within the Department of Justice (DOJ), but has determined there is no need to appoint a second special counsel at this time.

CNN first reported Thursday that John Huber, the federal prosecutor in Utah, has been investigating Republicans’ allegations that the FBI abused a surveillance program against a former Trump campaign adviser.

Huber has also been looking at whether the FBI should have more thoroughly probed Hillary Clinton’s ties to Uranium One, a Russian nuclear energy agency.

Sessions made the revelation in a letter to GOP committee chairmen Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Bob Goodlatte (Va.) and Trey Gowdy (S.C.)

Former President Barack Obama appointed Huber to his position in 2015.

get ya popcorn...

Mans is using a Yahoo email address for his twitter in 2018 :smh::lol:

At least use a Gmail
I agree with trump
Also why is the international house of pancakes name that way call it IHOP or something

Working on sounded connected and disconnected at the same time

Reminder: Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and built his business with a "small" loan of only a few millions.
But sure he has more of a grasp on the everyday struggle of the proletariat than your average politician.
A man that doesn't even know what a community college is and thinks it's the same as a vocational school.
All the ish Ingram says about minorities and it took advertisers this long to pull out smh.
I aint wanna be that guy, so I'm thankful you're around to be him for me.
After my initial glee at her pockets being hit wore off, I wondered why it took so long.
She overplayed her hand going after white children who survived a tragedy.
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