***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i alway hated Roseanne.

Every time I see alt right infighting articles I start thinking maybe they're being destabilized internally like other groups are/have been.

Then I see the reasons behind the infighting and nope, they're just stupid as ****.
Stupid and *****made

"Anglin is currently on the run and claims to be in Cambodia while he attempts to avoid a lawsuit by a Jewish woman whose address and phone number he posted online after she argued with Spencer’s mother. Anglin encouraged readers on his neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer to call the woman and visit her home, unleashing a campaign of harassment against her"

Literally using your readers as pawns while you are on the run, and this government won't even torture and kill you if they catch your ***.

And it's funny how they always run away to places where Whites aren't even the majority, which begs the question: if they can find security among Asians, what's all this "white-only America" noise for?

Read the reply to that comment too.

Alfa Bank is the bank whose servers were constantly in communication with the Trump Tower servers during the campaign. The son in law of the owner of the bank recently pleaded guilty to lying to Mueller.
Governor Scott Walker (R) has announced that the Wisconsin special elections to fill 2 vacant seats will be held on June 12. The governor and his fellow state Republicans were forced to give up their attempt to keep the seats vacant after losing a number of court battles.
While facing court challenges, the state GOP began planning out legislation to rewrite state law in order to render the initial court challenge against Scott Walker's move invalid. That bill has been dropped according to the state Senate majority leader.
Walker sets special election date after losing court fight
David Hogg got 3 advertisers to cut ties with Laura Ingraham. These kids are not playing.

This is how you hurt those right wing trash talkers, hit their bank accounts and all that nonsense stops. Not going on their show with pointless arguing, not twitter wars...go straight for the bag.
This is how you hurt those right wing trash talkers, hit their bank accounts and all that nonsense stops. Not going on their show with pointless arguing, not twitter wars...go straight for the bag.
Works if you're white.
Even with protesting and boycotting and calling for boycotts we have to work twice as hard. Smh.
Laura Ingraham's initial tweet that is now deleted linked to a Daily Wire story and said this:
"“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates,)”

Now she wants to apologize after some of her major advertisers are pulling out
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