***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If you've run out of fresh stuff to watch on Netflix, you might enjoy a few hours of testimony from Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopther Wylie A.K.A. Mr. Pink.

Can Hannity and Carlson get the same treatment? These dudes spew nonsensical BS all the time. Hannity did a semi-apology a few days ago yet no advertiser pulled out.

Like if these advertisers are only doing it for one person/one show, it doesn't make that much of a difference. Some selective ish going on :smh:

Though it's all appreciated that some of these advertisers are thinking about the welfare of the people. Bout time we ain't letting hatred/bigotry get a pass. It may not be much, but it's a start. We gotta have BIGGER, WELL-KNOWN companies to show out!
I hope that Roseanne's new show last a few seasons, enough to see absolutely nothing change for the working class.

I also want there to be more accurate representations of Trump voters. Self hating Hispanics and Middle Easterners would be good. Let's not forget the white potheads who figured that Trump would never use Federal resources to take away their drug of choice/only known topic of conversation. We could have the 22 year old Jordan Peterson fan who thinks that he's an alpha lobster. We have Tiffanys and Beckeys who remembered that their white identity is more important than their gender identity. We also can have the Chriiiistian who doesn't watch R-rated movies but will dismiss Trump's vulgarity as locker room talk.

Most importantly, we need the most enthusiastic Trump supporter of all. The college educated white guy who is firmly in the professional-managerial class, who lives in an affluent blue County and who benefits from globalization. He works in a managerial capacity in tech or finance, he gets lunch at Panera Bread and has absolutely no economic anxiety whatsoever.This guy votes Republican no mater what and voted for Trump in 2016 after no deliberation and will do so in 2020 as well.
I think its a combination of the black protesters making it a black thing, years of resentment on the gun debate, the kid is VERY charismatic, the protest never had any riots near them and his plan is VERY much better then the usual.
So every police protest has a riot? What is his plan?

They're making it easier and easier for you @Maximus Meridius. Take advantage champ.

El Suga Papi just invalidated da Jostens ring


LOL. Dude probably feels like he wasted his time at community college with that statement by Trump. All 6 years.
All the ish Ingram says about minorities and it took advertisers this long to pull out smh.

If it takes white-on-white crime to banish these alt-right white supremacists to the upside-down, I'm happy to sit back and watch. We already know they don't care what we think.
All the ish Ingram says about minorities and it took advertisers this long to pull out smh.

its crazy how she was dating Dinesh D'Souza

and how ann coulter dated him too

they probably had a 3 some

let that mental image burn into your brain

"A teacher rebellion that started in the hills of West Virginia spread like a prairie fire to Oklahoma this week and now threatens to reach the desert in Arizona," AP's Sean Murphy reports from Oklahoma City.

Why it matters: "Many GOP-led states are feeling the pushback after years of tax cuts that have slashed funding for core government services."

  • "In the deep red state of Oklahoma, the Republican-led Legislature approved money for teacher raises and more school funding, even [reversing a tax cut and] hiking taxes on the vaunted oil and gas industry to do it."
  • "Oklahoma teachers were inspired by West Virginia, another red state where a 9-day strike led to 5-percent teacher raises."
  • "Now, teachers in Arizona thronged their GOP-run Capitol this week, demanding a 20 percent teacher pay hike."


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A teacher rebellion that started in the hills of West Virginia spread like a prairie fire to Oklahoma this week and now threatens to reach the desert in Arizona.

In the deep red state of Oklahoma, the Republican-led Legislature approved money for teacher raises and more school funding, even hiking taxes on the vaunted oil and gas industry to do it. Republican Governor Mary Fallin rushed to sign the measures into law Thursday.

Oklahoma teachers were inspired by West Virginia, another red state where a 9-day strike led to 5-percent teacher raises.


Several Kentucky teachers won't be going to work Friday after the state legislature approved changes to their pension on Thursday.

Educators, who are furious over the pension issue, called out of work in protest. At least nine counties have canceled school, the Kentucky Democrats tweeted early Friday. Kentucky has 120 counties.
The bill, which overhauls the state's pension, passed mostly on party lines and heads to Gov. Matt Bevin, who supports reforming the system. State leaders say it's critical to fix the pension crisis, which ranks as one of the worst in the US.
Kentucky teachers have opposed changes to their pension, which was in Senate Bill 1 that proposed reducing benefits.

*head nod gif*

Once again, money puts these fools in the way of justice and truth:

While Prime Minister Theresa May scored a diplomatic coup by persuading many other nations to expel Russian diplomats, the trail of corpses raises the question: Why have British authorities been so slow to act? Billions of dollars of Russian money have rushed into the U.K. since the 1990s, but billionaire oligarchs with ties to Putin have been allowed to remain. Britain said on March 28 that it would review visas for 700 wealthy Russians. When she was minister in charge of interior affairs, May “fought like a tiger” to stop a public inquiry into the Litvinenko murder for fear of causing a total rupture with Russia, says Jeff Rooker, an opposition Labour member in the Upper House of Parliament. “London is the capital of money laundering,” he says. May at the time said “international relations” were a factor in the decision not to allow a public inquiry into Litvinenko’s death
No they don't but let's not lie. Alot of police protest have had riots near them.

When the riots happen they hurt the initial protest and the problem.
MLK wore a suit and many folk still hated them. Even if black protestors "behaved" folk woudlnt care.
MLK wore a suit and many folk still hated them. Even if black protestors "behaved" folk woudlnt care.
Different decade and time but we all know everyone isnt gonna like the protesters.

All I'm saying is its easier to get the message across for the Parklanders due to the different circumstances,
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