***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Charlottesville is a quaint, glossy, prosperous college town. The street where Heather was killed is around the corner from an Urban Outfitters, and just blocks away from the Let it Be yoga studio. Today, some white Charlottesville residents talk about the violent rally as something that opened their eyes and finally pushed them to have uncomfortable conversations about race. These kinds of discussions , they say, are important but difficult to begin. Heather’s mother, blunt and opinionated like her daughter, does not talk about racism this way, as if it were some kind of social faux pas.

An undated photo from the Facebook account of Heather Heyer. Photograph: Handout/Reuters
I think it’s a damn shame that a white girl had to die for people to have to pay attention,” Bro said during a wide-ranging, three-hour interview in Charlottesville this week. “I think if a black girl had died, or a black man, [the reaction would have been] ‘Oh well, another person lost to violent protest.’”

“I think what has happened with this administration, and with our country, is that finally this festering boil of hate has been lanced to reveal its full measure of infection, full measure of bitterness, full measure of disease,” she said. “Now we see how deep that disease runs, we have the chance to start working to heal it.”

Bro is a cancer survivor, and when she talks about healing, she does not talk in pretty ways. “What I learned from my own surgery is that wounds cannot heal on the surface. You seal it over and it festers,” she said. “You have to heal from the inside out, and that requires keeping the wound open. That’s not a pleasant experience. That requires anaesthetic. That requires pain.”
Addressing KJU as "rocket man" :rofl:

This is the only time I'll give this clown some credit, that **** is funny as helllllll

Sude is starting to sound real concerning/ominous right now...

Does this clown even know that in the past 25 years NK has been ruled by 3 different people. And we actually had an agreement that might have stopped NK from getting nukes at one point?

What am I saying.

Of course he doesn't
I will not be reading or replying to anything in this thread anymore because its a cesspool of ignorance led by President Rusty. Who ironically has a racist username. So dont @ me. Plenty of better ways and websites to spend my time (in b4 "hehe stormfront nationalist")


Imma do your delusional *** proud pa. Stay in the gym, keep that body coat under control, and watch me reunite the country. :pimp:

Considering my arc of the last few years, perhaps you will become ultra left wing. President Rusty has to fight me off from his left. Perhaps I will have to fight you off from my left in 2025 as you come in hard with existential marxism.

Meet me in the White House vegetable garden and you can get deez technocratic paws put on you whenever you would like, b.
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Does this clown even know that in the past 25 years NK has been ruled by 3 different people. And we actually had an agreement that might have stopped NK from getting nukes at one point?

What am I saying.

Of course he doesn't

When he said Clinton I was like "Huh?" :lol:
He really tweeted like Kim Jong-Un aka Rocket Man has been ruling NK for 25 years :smh::rofl:
trump has done what they said was impossible just 6 months ago.

he has united Marshawn Lynch and Kim Jong Un:

I'm sooooo surprised:

Catalan referendum stokes fears of Russian influence
Online activities designed to cast doubt on Europe’s democratic processes, experts warn.


There could be an unlikely winner in this weekend’s efforts to hold an independence referendum in Catalonia: Russia.

In recent weeks, Russian state-backed news organizations and automated social network accounts, known as bots, have aggressively promoted digital misinformation and outright fake news about the politically charged vote planned for Sunday, according to an analysis of recent online activity.

The efforts — aimed at discrediting Spanish political and legal authorities that are trying to clamp down on the Catalan government’s attempt to hold the outlawed referendum — follows similar digital misinformation campaigns during Europe’s season of elections in 2017.

These Russian news agencies, as well as Russian users on Twitter, also repeatedly promoted the views of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, who has taken to social media to call for Spanish authorities to respect the upcoming vote in Catalonia.

“Spain’s government acts like a banana monarchy — embarrassing for Europe!” he wrote on Twitter on September 19.
Good man. This is what professional behavior looks like.

Pentagon: More than half of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water
The number of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water has risen sharply, the Defense Department announced on Saturday.

Fifty-five percent of the population did not have access to drinking water, the Pentagon said in a Saturday press release.

The military said last week that 44 percent of the island did not have access to drinking water.

A Navy hospital ship is expected to reach the island on Wednesday, the Pentagon said.

The latest updates from Puerto Rico come as members of the Trump administration emphasized their commitment to helping the island, which was battered by two hurricanes last month.
President Trump is scheduled to travel to the United States territory on Tuesday, a trip that follows his criticism of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz.

“The mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday.

"Such poor leadership ability by the mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help."

A Pentagon spokesperson in the Saturday release said the department is fast-tracking relief efforts to said the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
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Trump dedicates golf trophy to hurricane victims
President Trump on Sunday dedicated a golf trophy to the victims of recent powerful storms that tore through Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, all the while defending the government's response to the disasters.

"On behalf of all of the people of Texas, and all of the people -- if you look today and see what is happening, how horrible it is but we have it under really great control -- Puerto Rico and the people of Florida who have really suffered over this last short period of time with the hurricanes, I want to just remember them," the president said.

"And we're going to dedicate this trophy to all of those people that went through so much that we love -- a part of our great state, really part of our great nation," he continued.

Trump's remarks were made as he presented the trophy to U.S. captain Steve Strickler following the Presidents Cup golf tournament in New Jersey.

The president's administration has been under fire for allegedly failing to do enough to help Puerto Rico as a majority of its 3.4 million residents struggle with widespread power outages, collapsed infrastructure and ongoing shortages of water and supplies in Hurricane Maria's wake.

The White House has defended its response to the crisis, while some officials in Puerto Rico say the situation is turning into a humanitarian disaster.

The president is scheduled to travel to Puerto Rico on Tuesday.
does the trophy at least come prefilled with potable water?

btw, Kim Jong Un is 38 years younger than the bum. that's pretty incredible. and despite having spent an extra 38 years on earth as, what he claims, one of the richest Americans he somehow managed to remain completely uninformed about international politics.

the dotard is an embarrassment.
Whaaaaaaaah, whaaaaaaaah, WHAAAAAAAAAAH is all I hear from Libbies. Don showing his love to Puerto Rico by dedicating the trophy to them. OBUMMER would never dream of doing such a noble gesture. TEXAS AND FLORIDA DIDN'T even get this done for them and they are REAL AMERICAN HEROES. LIBBIES NEVER SATISFIED.
OBUMMER wouldn't even get a trophy

It only makes sense to dedicate a golfing trophy to Puerto Rico when you've been continually getting slammed for golfing during this crisis and other related actions. Especially when you have a bunch of tweets slamming Obama for golfing during a crisis. What else would a rational man do?
such a noble gesture. that's MY president. he's been working hard these past 6 months on his golf game so that he could WIN that trophy today so that he could SELFLESSLY give it to the puerto ricans.
why are you so dismissive of 70k income?

all i said is its regular, if got a 2 year degree you can make that with your eyes closed.

Im pretty sure 140k between two people in NYC is enough to be living good in plenty of areas in the city. Even with a couple kids.

ehh...unless you go cheap and go to da BX, somewhere deep in queens or Staten island, your gonna basically have da same lifestyle someone who makes due with have a portion of that income supplemented wit EBT, or other assistance,

if u been here, and got some affordable rent, you'll be above average cool.

Me and the wife are about 150k combined and we looking to comfortably buy a 500k home in Beacon NY sometime next year, after running the budget, we will still have money left over for multiple vacays and two cars....

fam talking bout comfy... Of course b, you're gonna move to da sticks where your dollar goes farther, you can't do any of that ish living in my hood JUST moving there :lol: who trying to fool b.
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