***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lettuce not bring his mom into the mix, we are all better than to stoop down to his level of petty personal attacks.
Surely this thread will deeply miss the great contributions of this man

No racism to see here

Nothing wrong with posting false statistics designed to dismiss police brutality and paint blacks as thugs and murderers

What the hell? What about that paints blacks as thugs and murderers? That image made you think that? There is something very very very wrong with you if so

Hes not a career politician and I agree with his rhetoric. America first. I do not agree with Globalism and I definitely dont want us to turn into Europe. And I definitely dont want to take in refugees.

I will check out those links though give me a few mins.

You also said believes and not beliefs. You pay attention in school? Unlikely, explains why liberalism is a mental disorder
Anyone keeping up with the Catalan Referendum? I would like to know more outside of media reporting from people who might be close to the situation.
Anyone keeping up with the Catalan Referendum?
Yes. It's disgusting what the Spanish police and government are doing :smh: The Guardia Civil police are firing rubber bullets into peaceful voters, beating them up, sabotaging, ...
Putting any views about the referendum itself aside, this is far below what a democracy should be. Our national news broadcast has a reported there right now and there were some pretty shocking videos on the news a few hours ago. Police straight up beating and dragging people not even fighting back, firing rubber bullets into crowds, raiding a voting booth and shutting it down, ...

Edit: As of around 2 hours ago, 337 citizens injured from clashing with police according to the Catalonyan department of public health. 90 of them with moderate injuries, one with severe.
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Proud of our prime minister and minister of security and interior affairs. From what I can tell they were the first EU leaders to condemn the actions of the Spanish police and government. Hopefully the rest of the EU will follow and side with Catalonia as well.
This is rough. It's not like back in the day where you'd just have a civil war and people in other countries would mind their own business.
The whole world is watching and judging nowadays. No country wants to lose valuable land and citizens but the answer is no longer a use of force.
Ninja called a family of 2 making 150k regular regular. What would you call a man in his 30s still living with mommy not paying rent?

A leech

This is rough. It's not like back in the day where you'd just have a civil war and people in other countries would mind their own business.
The whole world is watching and judging nowadays. No country wants to lose valuable land and citizens but the answer is no longer a use of force.

You're right, but they don't get it.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

My country - Cameroon - is going through the same ****. Instead of opening up negotiations, the government has forbidden the Anglophone population to organize meetings of more than four people and to protest; houses in the Anglophone regions and neighborhoods are getting raided by the police, and the Communication minister is going to every media outlet to threaten the owners and journalists: "don't give airtime to Anglophone activists or we'll close you down." At the same time, they are asking members of the party in power to flood the streets in the cities to show support for the central government.

When authorities behave like that, they don't give much choice to those folks who have legitimate grievances against the system, and violence often ensues.
This is rough. It's not like back in the day where you'd just have a civil war and people in other countries would mind their own business.
The whole world is watching and judging nowadays. No country wants to lose valuable land and citizens but the answer is no longer a use of force.

The desire to control land and resources are at the base of every imperialist power. From my understanding, Catalunya is a wealthy province that accounts for a big source of revenue for Spain's economy and has one of the biggest tourists industries in the country. There's a major incentive to keep it in Spain.

It's no different to other nations who were under the heel of colonialism. Haiti was among the top sugar producers in the world under the French. French Speaking West Africa were major sources of gold production for the French empire. And the Congo was a major source of cobalt and rubber for Belgium. in that respect, you could make the case of Catalonians being a colonized people, even if they are European.
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Thanks for alerting me to this and I hope everything works out in Cameroon

Me too, even though I am not optimistic about the shirt term situation. I don't think there will be secession because the Anglophone leadership doesn't seem unified on what they want: some want to go back to the federalism we had between 1961 and 1972, while others favor secession. There hasn't been a referendum yet on the question of Ambazonia independence (and there are no talks about it as far as I know).

I should also mention that the issues of the english-speaking regions are shared with the other 8, french-speaking regions. The latest constitution of 1996 established a senate and gubernatorial elections in each of the ten regions as well as more autonomy from the central government of Yaounde, but none of that ever went into practice because it's hard to give up power like that.

There is also the fact that Ambazonia lies right next to the Nigerian area known as Biafra, where there was civil war in the 90s (they also want to separate from Nigeria). I doubt the Nigerian government will let instability fly unless they get access to oil-rich Bakassi.

Place is a mess and our 85 y.o. president is chilling in Switzerland right now. :lol:
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