***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Fixed. Kim Jong Un needs to stop threatening us and neighboring countries. It's not the US fault that we said we will defend ourselves from a potential attack.

someone sees it right....

North Korea been beligerant....Bill Clinton bribed em in da 90's into quitting their nuclear aspirations to no avail...
Or Japan....NK been directing lots of their tests near their country as of late

The mainland US got some crazy *** anti missle defense system so we good for now...

Honestly never been too sold on missile defense as a solid/tangible means of safety in general in the event of nuclear war...

The main deterrent strategy should be to just stop **** from escalating to that point :ohwell:

Pretty sure we will be fine given our bloated defense budget that prepares us for such situations.
I'm sure South Korea and Japan are crapping their pants though given their close proximity to NK.
And I don't think China will back a NK that fires first
We got issues to be more worried anyway imo.

I don't know if you all have seen it in the news but the US government and The Boeing Company have been ramping up tests lately for our Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles as well as our testing of our interceptors. If something pops off we're Gucci but hopefully it doesn't come to that.
They've done this same song and dance for decades though. They sabre rattle annually in search of economic concessions. All that has deescelated the situation to a somewhat stable status quo over the years but now all of a sudden,with all the inflammatory and jingoistic bluster coming out of the WH, is it really a surprise that they finally made good on their ICBM development threat?

Tiny hands has been a huge W for Kim,he's given him justification for advancing the program and has provided valuable ammo for propaganda purposes

It's not like this is an isolated case either,he's tried to provoke and bully Iran as well even as they've complied with the internationally recognuzed and sanctioned deal
It's one thing to criticize Trump for acting like a idiot drunk uncle (which is true)...but Kim Jong Un been acting reckless ever since Obama implemented sanctions on them and recently the whole UN decided to sanction NK too....f him
I'm not cosigning NK or anything of the sort at all,I'd be all for immediate regime change if **** ever popped off but just saying the inflammatory rheotric serves no purpose but to endanger lives and escalate the situation unnecessarily

Saying you're gonna rain fire on them just plays into their narrative of the 'big bad imperialists that wanna wipe us out so we must build and use Nukes to defend ourselves' as well as pushing an already irrational actor even further to the brink
Don't know about some of you but any situation set up where tiny hands and Kim have to call each other's bluff is a nightmare scenario
I'm not cosigning NK or anything of the sort at all,I'd be all for immediate regime change if **** ever popped off but just saying the inflammatory purpose does nothing but endanger lives and escalate the situation unnecessarily

Saying you're gonna rain fire on them just plays into their narrative of the 'vg bad imperialists that wanna wipe us out so we must build and use Nukes to defend ourselves'
I can see that, but at the end of the day, NK can choose to obey the sanctions and clearly have not....China better hold on to their dog tight
China doesn't have any interest in war popping off. They'd have a giant flood of refugees coming in from NK if it ever happened as well as losing their one friendly neighbour/partner in the region. Can't see them letting things escalate too much before making a hard calculation on the Kim families future


Why would you ever announce this if you were about to do it?

As cartoonish as it sounds at times,still some scary rhetoric though...
normally, a nuclear escalation would be out of the question. but like others have pointed out, we have an abnormal ****boy president, so it's possible.

his presidency is going to end in flames one way or another. an unnecessary nuclear war with N Korea is certainly one way to end it.
What better way to be the "best president" than to win a war? Who cares who initiated it, who cares how many civilians will die, who cares how much debt the country could go into?
What better way to be the "best president" than to win a war? Who cares who initiated it, who cares how many civilians will die, who cares how much debt the country could go into?

unlike normal presidents, trump's approval goes down during times of uncertainty because he lacks basic empathy and communication skills.

i really think a major war or terrorist attack would lead to many people turning in him.

hopefully it doesn't have to go that far though.
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