***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Call me a conspiracy theorist again, but I am legit worried about a false flag attack.

So some political commentators have said that one will happen when Trump needs a big enough political win. And enough idiot liberals where congratulating him on bombing Syria that he knows it would work.

Maybe Trump doesn't explicitly plan one, but when one comes (which it will, that is the world we live in), Trump is gonna use that to try to drag us into war.

Trump is just a different breed of *******.

If trump says that NK launched a missile at the USA... would you believe him? I certainly wouldn't. Shows how absolutely un-credible his word is.
Call me a conspiracy theorist again, but I am legit worried about a false flag attack.

So some political commentators have said that one will happen when Trump needs a big enough political win. And enough idiot liberals where congratulating him on bombing Syria that he knows it would work.

Maybe Trump doesn't explicitly plan one, but when one comes (which it will, that is the world we live in), Trump is gonna use that to try to drag us into war.

Trump is just a different breed of *******.

If trump says that NK launched a missile at the USA... would you believe him? I certainly wouldn't. Shows how absolutely un-credible his word is.

It really is terrifying.

Months have gone by and I still can't believe that we're actually in this situation.
This man Trump legit doesn't know who the leader of North Korea is....


Trump also made two references in the interview to “this gentleman” in North Korea, who he said had “outplayed” both Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. The late North Korean ruler Kim Jong Il died in 2011. His son, Kim Jong Un, is the country’s current ruler.

“But, you know, they’ve been talking with this gentleman for a long time,” Trump said. “You read Clinton’s book, he said, ‘Oh, we made such a great peace deal,’ and it was a joke. You look at different things over the years with President Obama. Everybody has been outplayed, they’ve all been outplayed by this gentleman. And we’ll see what happens. But I just don’t telegraph my moves.”

I would say I'm shocked at the incompetence, but I am not
My personal favorite Alex Jones product is his 15 dollar tubes of tooth paste which claim to be full of colloidal silver and have the ability to block globalist flouride. I also imagine that you could use it to polish your Jesus piece and your XI's and keep them free of gloablist xenoestrongens.

As far as appealing to white voters is concerned, let's not forget that Clinton's campaign also targeted wealthy white Republican women in the suburbs. That was a pretty preposterous premise especially to liberals under the age of 40. Intersectional feminists knew that wealth and whiteness would win out among those suburban women who Clinton courted. Conservative women are willing to be groped, catcalled and raped, literally and politically, as long as they can be close second on the social hierarchy behind wealthy, white men. There is also the fact that America is much more partisan than it was 40 years ago and that ticket splitting rarely happens any more.

Now, Bernie is making a similar error by spending so much time courting low income whites. He reminds me of those delusional Republicans who think that Mexicans Americans are a "natural conservative constituency."

I think everyone should come to grips with the fact that white voters only will change their party allegiance and voting patterns if they experience a total ideological realignment. Actually this is the case for non white voters as well. Elections are about increasing your side's turnout and depressing the other side's turnout.

Obama's 2012 campaign did that by emphasizing GOP misogyny and, perhaps more importantly, portraying Mitt Romney as an out of touch elite who was contemptuous of the working class. Obama's campaign knew that this country has millions of low income white supremacists who would never vote for Obama but they could be persuaded to not vote at all.

Trump's campaign flipped it and used wikileaks to depress turnout among the left's more marginal voters. By showing Clinton as an out of touch autocrat, Trump's campaign did depress turnout among young voters and low income people of color. Meanwhile, Trump's used his well documented appeals to white and male fragility to engage otherwise marginal conservative voters.

Within this new reality, a Democratic party's move to the left is still the way to go. Not so much to flip white working class people but to reengage black and brown working class people. Much more cynically, Bernie's engagement with white working class folks might still be helpful. Not because it will get them to change sides but because Bernie's reminders of Trump's broken promises might very well demoralize downscale whites in the way they were in 2012.
Well the Prime Minister of the UK just called an election for June. They have a system where there must be an election every 5 years but if 2/3 of parliament agrees they can call one earlier.

Not sure why Theresa May would call an election now though - hopefully she'll lose badly.
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Man the ads republicans have been ruining down here to attack Ossof have been absolutely ridiculous.
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Well the Prime Minister of the UK just called an election for June. They have a system where there must be an election every 5 years but if 2/3 of parliament agrees they can call one earlier.

Not sure why Theresa May would call an election now though - hopefully she'll lose badly.

She calls one now because the opposition party is in shambles
The order aligns with President Trump's promise as a candidate to review visa programs to prioritize the goal of "buy American, Hire American," even as the president's own company, the Trump Organization, has often opted to take an alternate route. The company has used existing visa waiver laws in order to fill positions with foreign workers in Trump properties such as Mar-a-Lago and Trump Vineyard.

he aint even trying
It'd be a glorious failure for the GOP if dude manages to win after they've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him :lol:

Anyone else feel like it's been a while since we heard about a new EO...

@ABC: President Trump to sign executive order targeting foreign work visas: https://t.co/rcerqx75BG https://t.co/RxyCPuQPWk

...welp :smh:

The funny thing is that there have been reports of companies in small towns relying on foreign labor (mostly refugees, according to CNN) because of the locals' inability to pass drug tests.

Also, I'm pretty sure that EO won't affect Mar-a-Lago's foreign workforce since they come here on a visa that is not the H1-B.
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