***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So basically...fake news?

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Yeah I'm all for the outrage as long as it's channelled in productive ways towards changing the current reality.

Can't normalize any of the banana republic,kleptocratic BS going on because it isn't normal and should for damn sure be outrageous. Once folks become numb or disillusioned/defeated about it all,that's where the real danger begins

I agree. Still, FWIW, I'd say folks have been numb to politics for a long time. We've been in the danger zone for a long time (see the amount of people who believed that both parties were the same). Now we're more or less in the "oh ****! What did we do?" zone.

While local election results are encouraging, the answer to whether Americans care enough to be politically involved will be in 2018 and beyond.
They're still using this pathetic excuse 

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Trump's 2016 tax returns are under audit and will not be released, pointing to a decades-old rule that automatically places the president's returns under audit.  

"The president is under audit, it's a routine one, it continues, and I think the American public knows clearly where he stands, this was something he made very clear during the election cycle," Spicer said during Monday's press briefing. 

"We are under the same audit that existed, so nothing has changed." 

Spicer's remarks came after Trump critics rallied across the country Saturday — the United States's traditional tax deadline — to call for Trump to release his returns.

Trump broke with long-standing precedent during the presidential campaign by refusing to release his tax returns, and has continued to refuse to release them as president. While Trump has cited the audit in defending his decision not to release the taxes, the IRS has stated that the audit doesn't prevent Trump from making his records public.

Presidents have faced an automatic audit since the fallout from the Watergate scandal administration. The IRS told McClatchy in a November statement  that the provision meant audits for every president and vice president since former President Nixon.

Trump refused to release his taxes throughout the campaign, bucking decades of tradition and drawing the ire of his opponents who questioned whether he was hiding business dealings that could look unfavorable. Democrats in the House have attempted to obtain Trump's taxes through committee votes, but have been stymied by Republican lawmakers.

When asked later in the briefing whether Trump would ever release his taxes, Spicer said "We will have to get back to you on that." 

He also swatted aside questions about whether President Trump would order the Internal Revenue Service to confirm the existence of and detail the extent of an audit he faces. While the IRS does not comment on individual Americans' returns, Trump could direct them to do so since the IRS is part of the executive branch. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood  
dem Russia Collusion talks been REAL quiet...

meanwhile there was a FISA warrant on on Trump Tower...go figure
You do realize that means there was probably cause right? Like that's not a good thing that doesn't vindicate trump
FOR Carter Page.... however Susan Rice unmasking Americans on surveillance for political gamesmanship..big no no.

trope already dropped off, now we're on da North Korean "won't they, will they"
Couple points:

Here is a good breakdown of how the DNC functions. Even after the election some that are still bitter over the primary have deluded themselves is that it just the chair calling all the shots to decide who gets the power.



The DNC Unity commission in coming up. This has a 50/50 shot at going left. The folk Bernie picked are sounding like they want to be whistler blowers over everything else :lol:

They is a journalist from the Young Turks, Nomi Konst, on it :rolleyes. May god help us


It will be interesting to see what happens when Obama comes back around. He is scheduled to give his first speech soon (in Germany I believe) but besides writing his book and building his foundation I would assume he will have a strong presence with the DNC.

He is a great grassroots organizer, and fund raiser. He is needs to not half *** it.

Watching Obama operate sometimes is like watching someone drive a Lamborghini in first gear.


Jason Kader would probably be the front runner for 2020 if he won his Senate race. Maybe if he wins a House seat in 2018 he might be able to turn around an run for President right away.

There might be a couple people that try this, so it might not be that big a knock on him.


Bernie and other progressive and too concern with white male Midwestern voters. Yes it costed Hillary the election but those voters are not as important in a primary.

If you message can't connect with middle aged black women, especially in the South, then your only hope is a massive cosign within the community of tons of vote splitting.

Perez and Sanders are kicking off a "Unity Tour" today in mainly red states. And Bernie been talking about how this is important because in his own words: "It’s absolutely absurd that the Democratic Party has turned its back on working people in literally half the country." He is saying this about red states :rolleyes

Yeah, someone can preach to me about election strategy all they want, I can still point out how this rhetoric sounds like a dog whistle.
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The frustrating part is that people will read that and believe Ossoff will destroy America and eat your babies tomorrow if elected
Crazy that statement actually came from the President of the United States. It's not even subtle garbage
Call me a conspiracy theorist again, but I am legit worried about a false flag attack.

So some political commentators have said that one will happen when Trump needs a big enough political win. And enough idiot liberals where congratulating him on bombing Syria that he knows it would work.

Maybe Trump doesn't explicitly plan one, but when one comes (which it will, that is the world we live in), Trump is gonna use that to try to drag us into war.

Trump is just a different breed of *******.
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