***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Those peace loving Democrats. Republicans are scumbags, no doubt, but the pass that Democrats get is astonishing and simply ignores history. Where do you get the balls to say something so ABSURD?


I'm going by recent history, the past 30 years.

I am talking about the current beast we are dealing with.
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da GOP were da original party of minorities doe.

spending discipline is what they're good at. if obama can't come to da table and tell his FAR left wing of da parties that some of their pet projects gotta

get under control then da GOP which for da moment has no control of its FAR right (even their house speaker cant speak sense into them) is gonna make sure

mutually assured destruction is realized via da fiscal cliff.

Technically, yes, but the Republican Party of that time is, ideologically, extremely different from its current form.

That's as misleading as the people that say "the Republican Party freed the slaves!" (despite the Emancipation Proclamation not really freeing the slaves, but that's another discussion)
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I don't get how he stays sucking off a political party where a solid number of its members wouldn't give him the time of day, based off skin color alone.

******g idiot.

It's the same bs every single post. Regurgitate pretty much an entire fox news segment flying off the deep end like everyone else on the far right then claim to be independent. :lol: Tries to rewrite history like party lines are exactly the same as they were in the 1800's (da gop freed da slaves), it's the same old talking points in every post that hold no weight. It's very well known that almost the entire GOP would rather watch the nation fail than work across the aisle and compromise for a greater cause. At this point i'm convinced homie is dumb as a box of rocks seriously and has no business even attempting to discuss politics.
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Lol @ numbskulls who think 1 party is da one stop shop for all their

Needs, ****** up in here treating da Democrats like wallmart, not knowing

Them ****** aint got ALL da answers.

That fact that im WILLING to see both sides equally puts me in a better place

Then da morons who ONLY see partiy lines & not solutions.
What just occurred in this past election, will wind up being an embarrassment, showing the Republicans being on the wrong side of history. Their behaviour, the reactions of Romney's loss, the blatant racism, the attempts to turn people from the polls, the overall ignorance that they've purported, may wind up as a complete destruction of the Republican party, and I welcome it.
da GOP dont respect color, they respect dollar signs and in many ways i respect people like that. cuz their is no love, only a check so you

know where you always stand with folks like that. it may be harsh as hell, but its real.

far left people are just as bad, but alot of folks aren't fluent in pointing them out.

i just know im independent, so i aint afraid to pick ideas from both sides and see a common sense solution in regard to how it would benefit me.
They don't respect a black man with money or with success they just want their people to succeed they openly say this.You think if I move next door to some republicans with a chauffeur chef in the crib and millions in the bank he respect me nah son not a chance you sound like an Uncle Tom right now son .Dudes who profit off of Racism and discrimination gonna respect a black man or a Mexican with money son please they will never view you as an equal you could be richer and have more power yet they won't respect you one bit.

Das da thing though, i believe in money power & respect, da fact that you can attain

Wealth which give you resourses means they have to respect you. Alot of ya ****** confuse

Like with respect, i dont care if ANYONE likes me or not, cuz when i got money & power, da respect

Becomes a standard affair. From what i seen, da GOP respect that hustle, so when they kicking dirt

On entertainers, celebrities, athletes for what they do morally, at da same time they respect what they do financially.
This entire thread you've been stuck on repeat. Obama this, Obama that. At this point you mimic every tea partiers sentiments yet you're the one that's a freethinking nonpartisan? :rofl: You've been the GOP's little afro dominican towel boy this entire election season and now you claim independent :rofl:

I'm done addressing you ninja, you don't really believe the statements you make & you're clearly not meant to be taken seriously.
Das da thing though, i believe in money power & respect, da fact that you can attain
Wealth which give you resourses means they have to respect you. Alot of ya ****** confuse
Like with respect, i dont care if ANYONE likes me or not, cuz when i got money & power, da respect
Becomes a standard affair. From what i seen, da GOP respect that hustle, so when they kicking dirt
On entertainers, celebrities, athletes for what they do morally, at da same time they respect what they do financially.
Son if they don't view you as person equally why would they respect your money.
Das da thing though, i believe in money power & respect, da fact that you can attain
Wealth which give you resourses means they have to respect you. Alot of ya ****** confuse
Like with respect, i dont care if ANYONE likes me or not, cuz when i got money & power, da respect
Becomes a standard affair. From what i seen, da GOP respect that hustle, so when they kicking dirt
On entertainers, celebrities, athletes for what they do morally, at da same time they respect what they do financially.
Son if they don't view you as person equally why would they respect your money.

Because money is da ultimate nuetral, it holds no allegiancy. You can hate someone

To death, but you can never hate on da money.
What just occurred in this past election, will wind up being an embarrassment, showing the Republicans being on the wrong side of history. Their behaviour, the reactions of Romney's loss, the blatant racism, the attempts to turn people from the polls, the overall ignorance that they've purported, may wind up as a complete destruction of the Republican party, and I welcome it.

Agreed. Also kinda why I'm hoping Obama doesn't bend with this bs fiscal cliff business. If republicans don't wanna compromise and get things done then leave it be, let the fallout occur so that it'll be obvious that this party would rather defend the privileges of the 1% and tank the economy. Pretty much directly defying the will of the American people. Obama has the leverage, and at this point the GOP either has to transform it's base or continue to watch their party flow down the drain with the rest of their antiquated beliefs.
This entire thread you've been stuck on repeat. Obama this, Obama that. At this point you mimic every tea partiers sentiments yet you're the one that's a freethinking nonpartisan? :rofl: You've been the GOP's little afro dominican towel boy this entire election season and now you claim independent :rofl:

I'm done addressing you ninja, you don't really believe the statements you make & you're clearly not meant to be taken seriously.

Been independent. Been free thinking, & everything i say comes from

How i feel, thats da beauty of having a free will, & im glad u feel like u dont have

To address me, one less piece of particle from my shoulder that i would've dusted off :smokin
To address me, one less piece of particle from my shoulder that i would've dusted off :smokin

The only thing you need to be concerned with dusting is that crummy apartment. Carry on man, you're cognitive function just isn't there for me to be arguing with.
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Because money is da ultimate nuetral, it holds no allegiancy. You can hate someone
To death, but you can never hate on da money.
Yes you can alot of rich white people don't like seeing minorities with money Espicially blacks and are quick to label them and dismiss them you could be making a 100 mil like lebron and they say oh he new money or he just an entertainer he isn't really wealthy.
Because money is da ultimate nuetral, it holds no allegiancy. You can hate someone
To death, but you can never hate on da money.
Yes you can alot of rich white people don't like seeing minorities with money Espicially blacks and are quick to label them and dismiss them you could be making a 100 mil like lebron and they say oh he new money or he just an entertainer he isn't really wealthy.

You can try to dismiss someone's importance all you want, but nothing

Can dismiss their dollar amount. Alot of folks needs to stop caring what other people

Think of them, its a shackle to ur own progress. If i cared a ZILCH about certain folks negative

View of me here i wouldve been head first over da GWB along wtth that gay Rutger student.

When you care about what others thinks about you it gives them power over you. When you dont

Care they dont matter. This is why da NTer that likes shemales can be on NT with no shame,

Cuz he dont care about how u feel about him & his appeal to chicks with *****. Thats true power folks.

Wanting to being liked is FOOL's gold. Standing on your personal principles >* so when da money comes

****** cant tell you ****.
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Yes you can alot of rich white people don't like seeing minorities with money Espicially blacks and are quick to label them and dismiss them you could be making a 100 mil like lebron and they say oh he new money or he just an entertainer he isn't really wealthy.
Oh wow. How many rich white people you know? How do you know what they think?

Shut up man :lol:
Because money is da ultimate nuetral, it holds no allegiancy. You can hate someone
To death, but you can never hate on da money.
To a curtain extent. Real estate is treated differently, especially on long island where i'm from. You can have all the money in the world, real estate agents will still try to steer you away from white communities and into mixed communities. My family went through it when we moved from hicksville to brightwaters in 1994. We had to contact the owner directly in order to persuade him to sell us the house. Took a couple years for neighbors to warm up to us also.
I have another question.

Why were Michael Steele and Colin Powell not invited to the RNC in Tampa this year?
I have another question.
Why were Michael Steele and Colin Powell not invited to the RNC in Tampa this year?

Powell ended up backing Obama, even did a commercial for him.

Republicans probably knew which way he was leaning before the commercial came out, so they gave him the stiff arm.

Don't know about Steele, dude is a such a clown tho.
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old white men =/= neo cons

I never said they were equal or comparable, but can you name me any neo cons that aren't old white men??

One of the most influential neoconservative thinkers, ever. (Although he's since distanced himself from the paradigm.)

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I have another question.
Why were Michael Steele and Colin Powell not invited to the RNC in Tampa this year?
Powell ended up backing Obama, even did a commercial for him.

Republicans probably knew which way he was leaning before the commercial came out, so they gave him the stiff arm.

Don't know about Steele, dude is a such a clown tho.
Steele is on MSNBC, which is probably why he wasn't invited.
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