***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...
Obama CIA let ISIS slide, funded & armed "rebels" to gain some leverage on Assad. But the plan failed b/c Russia stepped in. Hence, the new wave of Russophobia and anti-Russian propaganda by the MSM. WaPost has a $600 mill contract with the CIA is just one example.

Goebbels ain't **** compared to the US MSM that's being linked to generously in this thread.

I'm very happy Obama commuted Manning, however. Finally.
Yes, Nazi Germany's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels, who advocated for harsher discrimination and eventually the mass extermination of the jews.

"The jews will pay with extermination of their race in Europe and perhaps beyond"- Goebbels

The man whose propaganda worked to revere Hitler and indoctrinate the masses to unquestionably support the nazi regime and its horrible policies.

But clearly that man is nothing compared to the evil US mainstream media right?

Jesus christ
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i really dislike the roads in cities in this country. very little is walkable and it's bad, both for long-distance traffic and for locals in the city, to have highways cutting through cities. and then of course there's the racial and economic components that feed into it.

i like stuff like this:


edit: wait, the msm got compared to goebbels? what a lazy (at best) comparison to make.
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Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK
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ninja, just go back and read the original post by Rex. the point you're trying to make, even if it was correct, is insignificant and immaterial to Rex's post

i never implied it was anything other than sidebar...

i was merely highlighting da minutia that while Obama faced Republican opposition almost immediately when he got sworn in, it wasn't till way later that da general public participated in that formal political obstruction via da Tea party.
Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK
Idk how he linked the highways to Germans out the blue :lol: ...but it's facts that highways were built with 2 main factors in mind (among others ) n that was as an economic stimulus n provinding access back to the city for the white flight ppl , often times at the expense of the ppl that lived in the actual cities alotta then minorities

Still to this day some cities cater n bend ova backwards for the ppl living in the burbs while ignoring the actual residents of that city :smh:
Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.
Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.

You're aware that tools can have multiple purposes, right?
Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.

You read the article, yet the argument and evidence they present are completely lost on you.

Dude I can site multiple more sources and didn't form my opinion from reading one article; and you keep thinking "da original intent" negates the discriminatory implementation.

This is your go to dismissal of anything racist against black people. Whether it be stop and frisk, voting rights, or this.

Just stop. You are not making yourself look smart, you are making yourself look like a lot of other things. Things if I stated explicitly, you would run to Meth.
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Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.

You're aware that tools can have multiple purposes, right?

this i can agree with u with...my point though is originally why da highway system was federally funded and passed in a bipartisan manor had bo nefarious intent, it was a military tool that then became a way to reach American dream via house & picket fence with da latest ang greatest invention..da automobile.

this is a more

"guns don't kill people, people kill people"

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Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.

You're aware that tools can have multiple purposes, right?

this i can agree with u with...my point though is originally why da highway system was federally funded and passed in a bipartisan manor had bo nefarious intent, it was a military tool that then became a way to reach American dream via house & picket fence with da latest ang greatest invention..da automobile.

this is a more

"guns don't kill people, people kill people"


I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you, because all you are trying to to do is deflect.

No one is blaming actual highways, the arguments you dismissed clearly paint them as just a tool. Like I don't look at an interchange and think that the road itself had some nefarious plot against my community. You are trying to pedal a ridiculous straw man.

Jesus Christ Ninja, I'm trying, but I can tell this new you is just a more civil repackaging of your old antics.
I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you, because all you are trying to to do is deflect.

No one is blaming actual highways, the arguments you dismissed clearly paint them as just a tool. Like I don't look at an interchange and think that the road itself had some nefarious plot against my community. You are trying to pedal a ridiculous straw man.

Jesus Christ Ninja, I'm trying, but I can tell this new you is just a more civil repackaging of your old antics.

you can repackage **** all you want it's still ****
Even the highways that transport rich suburbabies to their city jobs carry the legacy of racial discrimination.

Tons of flourishing black neighborhoods were set back because they were targetes to have highways built right throw them.

Even when America does something as smart as upgrade the infrastructure, that can be used as a weapon against minority communities.

but da highway system came from da brainstrust of military interest that was inspired by da German Autobahns moving vehicles around...

Like what is your problem.

Your comment has nothing to do with what I said.

It does not matter what inspired it, if it's implementation was discriminatory. You keep thinking these sides facts, right or wrong, disproves what posters say.

It doesn't.

And whenever any discussion and discrimination pops off about black people, you coming out the closet with a pointless deflection.

Here, an article I'm sure you will never read. LINK

beeeen read that :lol: i love cars after all.

you're taking da interpretation of a columnist as Gospel and you're skeptical of da original military intent of da application of da highway system as racially nefarious.

You read the article, yet the argument and evidence they present are completely lost on you.

Dude I can site multiple more sources and didn't form my opinion from reading one article; and you keep thinking "da original intent" negates the discriminatory implementation.

thats exactly how i think, because da way you're framing your argument you'd accuse or find liability of racial discrimination of da inventor of da cotton gin because of da subsequent implementation and effect of African Americans.

and in regards to da article, here's da juiciest part that your political leanings got a blind spot for..

What does work, though, is bringing cities together so that poverty isn’t so concentrated, so that the rich can’t just leave or wall themselves off from the poor, so that the poor aren’t trapped in areas of concentrated poverty—what people used to call slums.

couple things about this..

if u wouldve known da history of Robert moses or Henry Ford, these folks were of da school of thought that cities were obsolete, and people living in cramped crowded dirty cities were unnatural. they weren't alone...Ford himself lived like a frugal Farmer lonnnnnnnnnnnnng after his success of da Model T.

this is why da Original Penn Station was torn down, this is why all da elevated train systems in NYC were almost all demolished, this is why 2nd ave train system was delayed 100 years. this is why da Grand concourse in da Bronx which was originally designed as da new expansion of Madison ave failed miserably.

da fact was Cities were considered something u escaped from and with da brand new private transportation in da name of da automobile, as soon as you got means u was out, plain and simple.

Robert Moses's World fair City of da future highlighted this.

da government has a ishy track record trying to socially engine da behaviors of what people with their money do.

looking at people propsering during da post war boom and shedding what most people considered obsolete city living conditions with their brand new car going to a brand new house, on a brand new Highway isn't racially discriminatory in nature.

da article also highlighted how they used highways to "bulldoze" slums...u know who they got all that city planning swag from? Robert Moses...

he was gonna da Bulldoze da neighborhood now known as SoHo to connect da Lincoln and Holland tunnel highways to da i287 because in his opinion, da abandoned warehouses and factories that looked blighted and outlived in its usefulness..

you know who stopped him? white people wanting to preserve da huge spacious and affordable (albeit illegal at da time) warehouse "loft" living.

Cities were left for dead, it was equal opportunity ishy environments for anyone who was still in da cities when da age of suburban sprawl and da automobile was underway.
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I am thankful I am on a train on the way to the airport, because I don't have to waste my time addressing that top level deflection in detail.

Nothing is ever racist or discriminatory when it comes to black people, because you assume that a few people in the process where not racist.

And yes Eli Whitney deserves blame, he intentionally marketed his invention to Southern Slave owner, and it was used as an major economic justification for keeping slavery around. If the cotton gin does not make slavery so much more profitable, the economics of it could have weaken the system earlier. You don't know black history, stop talking about black history.

You trying to deflect from discrimination by just saying "that is not what a few of them meant". Sorry, but that is a bull **** excuse.

And of course, do New York City example.

Why do you have such a problem with racism and discrimination against black people being discussed? You run to the defense of the of executors of white supremacy without fail.
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