***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'll be checking out the inauguration in Friday. Will be live posting for out of towners about the goings on.
My brother just sold his ball tickets for 2k a piece 
I just want to take the time to acknowledge the contributions to society made by MLK, Jr. and to express the optimism I have now that America has elected a president who will realistically continue his legacy.


JANUARY 16, 2017

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump will meet on Monday with the eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to discuss the legacy and observe the holiday of the civil rights icon, Mr. Trump’s spokesman said.


Yes, a great day in American that we elect a man that famously violated one of the Civil Rights Bills by discriminating against black people looking to rent apartments.

Something MLK fought his nearly entire adult life for, and was almost killed over multiple times. (they eventually murdered him when he wanted to uplift working poor whites as well)

How do you feel about his niece voicing her support for (President) Trump? Does she need to "learn her history”?

Her vote doesn't absolve Trump of his racist act, and yes she needs to "learn her history" if she think Trump is a step forward for the civil rights of black people this country.

Trump represents nothing that Martin stood for

OK, Racial Maddow. Meanwhile, I recognize that she probably has way more insight into her uncle's legacy than any of us are privy to and hope that Trump's meeting with MLK, III goes brilliantly and furthers the legacy of MLK, Jr.
Obama went to Cuba and did da Iran deal...let Da Donald cook a lil :lol:

you can disagree whether it was worth it, but there are clear aims a goals to that.

What is the benefit to America of destroying their post war alliances, to appeas a dictatorial regime?

Like I don't understand what america has to gain from this?

I understand what Exxxon has to gain, or what Trump and his russian creditors have to gain, but what's in this for America?

to stop funding da "USA world Police" initiative" and save some money, and get our ***** outta da business of foreign affairs.

da Obama Iran deal has same underpinnings, provide a counter balance to Saudi Arabia and make a convert neutral stance in da Israeli Palestinian conflict.

da President has always had to deal with unsavory international actors since da dawn of this Country's founding...i say let it play out & see what happens.

it's about time da E.U. start putting their more money where their mouth is if they truly are worried bout Russia.

Time to inject some reality in your worldview.

Show me a country without a ministry of foreign affairs, and I'll show you an autonomous province at best, and a colony at worst.

Countries cannot withdraw from international relations because no country is self-sufficient. Consequently, when **** is lacking at home (oil, wheat, banana, timber, spices, labor you name it) there are only two alternatives: see what you can exchange for what the outside world has that you don't have (trade), or mobilize your army and try to get what you need (conquest).

The way **** is going to play out if all countries withdraw in their own bubbles is exactly how both world wars came about. Avoiding an unstable world is exactly why the UN and all other international organizations (military, civilian, economic, social) have been created. Not all member states agree with where they stand on the power scale, but going back to the old ways of doing things is not something you or anyone else wants to go through. It's not going to be like in Rambo. Instead of annexing territories, Russia needs to position itself so that it can become a destination for capital and ideas (like the Chinese did).
-Your analogies do not illuminate you point, they just make your argument look silly. Must everything be abut rap music, cars and video games

to people who understand being a tactician in da respective platforms and formats it makes perfect sense.

i can translate it to basketball too:

when u load up da primeter with shooters it opens up da paint a number of offensive weapons, from penetrations and to da mid range, to da dish & kick out swish. You're zoning your players and creating space so your opponent has to respect da threat of a 3 point shot.

don't care what you ignore, you can't report that post to I guess you need another way to fake like you're trying to maintain order. This civility act doesn't wash away your previous behavior

all i did was show u i got 3 point shooters, so u have to play honest, respectful, and clean defense, a check if u will 8)

@Reuters: Germany says NATO concerned about Trump 'obsolete' remark


Trump and the Russians says one thing while his generals have said the opposite in their confirmation hearings...hmm :lol: :nerd:

Trump da commander in chief so he's gonna have da last word.

only way i see this backfiring is if Russia takes their new found hospitable US stance and tries to recreate da Soviet Union.
I just want to take the time to acknowledge the contributions to society made by MLK, Jr. and to express the optimism I have now that America has elected a president who will realistically continue his legacy.


JANUARY 16, 2017

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump will meet on Monday with the eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to discuss the legacy and observe the holiday of the civil rights icon, Mr. Trump’s spokesman said.


Yes, a great day in American that we elect a man that famously violated one of the Civil Rights Bills by discriminating against black people looking to rent apartments.

Something MLK fought his nearly entire adult life for, and was almost killed over multiple times. (they eventually murdered him when he wanted to uplift working poor whites as well)

How do you feel about his niece voicing her support for (President) Trump? Does she need to "learn her history”?

Her vote doesn't absolve Trump of his racist act, and yes she needs to "learn her history" if she think Trump is a step forward for the civil rights of black people this country.

Trump represents nothing that Martin stood for

OK, Racial Maddow. Meanwhile, I recognize that she probably has way more insight into her uncle's legacy than any of us are privy to and hope that Trump's meeting with MLK, III goes brilliantly and furthers the legacy of MLK, Jr.

-Ninja said no name calling. Reported! :lol:

-She is no more a expert on her uncle's legacy just because she her niece.

Trump violated black people's civil rights, and he is farrrr from a social democrat (which MLK was), he represent nothing close to MLK's legacy.
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I just want to take the time to acknowledge the contributions to society made by MLK, Jr. and to express the optimism I have now that America has elected a president who will realistically continue his legacy.


JANUARY 16, 2017

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump will meet on Monday with the eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to discuss the legacy and observe the holiday of the civil rights icon, Mr. Trump’s spokesman said.


Yes, a great day in American that we elect a man that famously violated one of the Civil Rights Bills by discriminating against black people looking to rent apartments.

Something MLK fought his nearly entire adult life for, and was almost killed over multiple times. (they eventually murdered him when he wanted to uplift working poor whites as well)

How do you feel about his niece voicing her support for (President) Trump? Does she need to "learn her history”?

Her vote doesn't absolve Trump of his racist act, and yes she needs to "learn her history" if she think Trump is a step forward for the civil rights of black people this country.

Trump represents nothing that Martin stood for

OK, Racial Maddow. Meanwhile, I recognize that she probably has way more insight into her uncle's legacy than any of us are privy to and hope that Trump's meeting with MLK, III goes brilliantly and furthers the legacy of MLK, Jr.

-Ninja said no name calling. Reported! :lol:

-She is no more a expert on her uncle's legacy just because she her niece.

Trump violated black people's civil rights, and he is farrrr from a social democrat (which MLK was), he represent nothing close to MLK's legacy.

Steve Bannon bruh.

Steve Bannon.
In other violating-civil-rights-on-the-daily news:


Christopher von Keyserling, 71, of 402 Post Road E., was arrested in Greenwich Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon and charged with fourth-degree sexual assault, police said. He posted $2,500 bond and was released to appear in court on Jan. 25.

The incident began at about noon Dec. 8 when the 57-year-old woman encountered von Keyserling in the hallway of an unnamed town facility, the warrant said.

The two briefly spoke about politics and the woman told him that "it was a new world politically" and he had to educate his fellow politicians, the warrant said. Von Keyserling is a member of Greenwich's Representative Town Meeting.

He allegedly replied: "I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct," according to the warrant.

She told him that if he was "proud of that I can't help you," after which he called her a lazy, bloodsucking union employee, the warrant said.

She uttered "(expletive deleted) you" and walked into her office, the warrant said. She said he followed her into the office and said he wanted to talk with her co-worker, the warrant said.

When that co-worker walked in, she said she didn't have time to speak with him and left the office, the warrant said. The 57-year-old woman decided to leave with her co-worker because she didn't want to be alone with him, the warrant said.

As she walked by, he allegedly pinched her in the groin area, according to the warrant. She threatened to punch him if he ever did that again, the warrant said.

She said he "looked back with a really evil look in his eyes and said, 'it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,'" according to the warrant.

On the following day, the woman accompanied by a friend and the town's Assistant Director of Human Resources went to the police department to report the incident, the warrant said. She said that she didn't want to have a criminal complaint laid against him.

A detective called von Keyserling at 6:35 p.m. and told him he was to not have any contact with the complainant and to stay away from the facility until he was contacted by the facility's executive director, the warrant said.

He told the detective that he understood and that it was all a misunderstanding, the warrant said. "He related that he was sorry he pinched her, and ... it has gotten this out of hand," according to the arrest warrant.

On Dec 16, the woman returned to police headquarters because she now wanted to move forward with the complaint, the warrant said. She said she had originally been reluctant to go forward due to a fear of retribution and the possible publicity that an investigation could bring, the warrant said.

She told the officer that she learned he had allegedly acted in a similar way with other employees and that he had told other individuals at Town Hall that the incident between the two of them was a joke, the warrant said. She said she was compelled to come forward to prevent similar acts from happening against other women, the warrant said.

Police also spoke with her about a meeting she had with von Keyserling on Dec. 9, the warrant said. He had been told to stay away from the facility and that if had concerns about that to speak with Human Resources. She had another employee sit in with her because she told police she wasn't comfortable with meeting him alone, the warrant said.

She declined to speak about the complaint, prompting him to say, "Was this about the little pinch I gave?" and further adding it was a joke and that he couldn't believe the 57-year-old woman could be offended, the warrant said. He said that he and the woman have "that kind" of a relationship. He added that "he is the kind of guy that like to embarrass his teenage daughter and he calls it a 'gig' and that's what this was 'a gig.'" He asked whether he could apologize but was told to not contact the victim and stay away from the facility.

Police said video footage from a surveillance camera on the day of the incident is consistent with the sequence of events described by the complainant.

Another republican politician literally grabbing women by the *****...
"Trump will continue Martin's legacy in civil rights"

Hires guy that said civil rights movement was unamerican.
Hires the guy MLK's wife campaigned against :lol:




Attorney General is suppose to be the main defender of civil rights in America. And Trump hires Jeff Sessions, someone Coretta Scott King would damage the work her husband did.
Reince Preibus had the audacity to tell Obama he should step up and quiet Democrats that question Trump's legitimacy.

Trump was a ******* birther :smh:
Crazy how obsessed a lot of you are with constantly bashing the President. Give him his due, he won, lets see how it plays out
Somehow I have to believe you weren't saying all this for President Obama.  Funny how that works.  

No wonder Trump was the GOP nominee--you cats are a mirror image of his frail self.  Love to dish it out but can't take it at all.  

I'm really going to enjoy seeing you dudes cry every time Trump gets lambasted in the media for the next 4 years. 
Switching gears slightly -- are Trump and Republicans just going to roll out Obamacare 2.0?

Of course Trump has offered no details because likely he is clueless and no better than a mass of rotting flesh, but I get the sense that "repeal and replace" is really just codeword for "modify." They'll keep many of the same provisions but just move around some of the numbers and throw in some tougher regulations on drug companies (or at least try to). Trump was talking about lower deductibles but I'm worried that will include some kind of ceiling, i.e. you would pay $100 on the first $5000 but then above that you would pay 20% on the rest with no cap, so you could easily be out $100k for an expensive set of treatments. So I'm cautious but I think a lot of those provisions would meet too much resistance.

From a legacy standpoint, unless there's a major overhaul of the ACA, I think the new law will be remembered as tweaks to Obamacare.
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If Obama made so many questionable remarks praising Russia, bashed the intelligence community prior to seeing the report, altered his party's platform on Ukraine, surrounded himself with a cabinet wihere multiple picks have close ties to Russia, refused to say whether he trusts Putin or Merkel more, talked about lifting sanctions amidst all this controversy, ...

Republicans would be calling for a firing squad execution for treason. 
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If Obama made so many questionable remarks praising Russia, bashed the intelligence community prior to seeing the report, altered his party's platform on Ukraine, surrounded himself with a cabinet wihere multiple picks have close ties to Russia, refused to say whether he trusts Putin or Merkel more, talked about lifting sanctions amidst all this controversy, ...
Republicans would be calling for a firing squad execution for treason. 

People were calling him a communist for less :lol:

Lisa Montgomery Kennedy (FOX News, surprise) called him a commie last month.
 Opinion: Trump is a weak man, and his problem is he knows it
great article. we can't allow ourselves to forget or to minimize what Trump stands for and how he got to where he is. the most striking example but by no means the only example is his longstanding birther crusade.

he and everyone who supported him have no right to open their mouth and complain now when we question Trump's legitimacy. and the difference here is that there is actual evidence that Trump is illegitimate.

this is not about politics. this is about truth, justice, and dignity.
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