***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is that a problem?
I mean, we have Trump voters who are asserting that he won't take away the ACA, despite having tried multiple times and not having a concrete plan 9 years after entering politics.

You said it was unrealistic to expect people to change the way they get their news, and I said that in the last 40 years, we've collectively changed the way we get information, from exclusively print media to digital media and everything in between.

Like this?

Some screenshots even had page numbers to make it easy for people to dig further if they wanted to.

They still didn't believe.

Who reads Robert Reich’s tweets though?

(Edit: not dissing RR, I follow him. But his audience are mostly socialists and progressives)

The most impactful parts of project 2025 should be spoken by the candidate whenever they have a platform like a convention speech or an interview.

Preferably with a little mustard on top like mentioning project 25, its impact, and highlighting a MAGA Chud on Twitter who is using an important project 2025 bullet point to threaten women with SA.

Again, like with Limbaugh calling women, who get birth control, sluts.

But the Harris campaign considered things like that to be gauche and uncivil.

That only works against a Mitt Romney.

Donald Trump

- moved to the center on abortion
- moved to the center on entitlements
- actually campaigned for the votes of black Americans
- campaigned for non college educated Latinos.

2012 Obama ran against a Mormon nerd/plutocrat. It's not gunna work on Trump.

Sure, Romney was an easier target.

But that means that Dems should decided not “go high” against Trump, who goes way lower than Romney.

We’ve ran the civility and appeal to Republicans playbook three times now and absent a plague breaking out on his watch, Trump is pretty much bullet proof against this outdated 1990’s triangulation style politics.
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"What have Democrats done for the working class?"
"Democrats only care about the college educated"

Oh course Trump is worse for labor than Biden.

At the sane time, Democrats keep falling back on Biden’s relatively union friendly stance (relative to a series of extremely anti labor Democrats). Unions cover less than 10% of private sector employees, they cover even less if we count all those “contractors” who work for the apps.

They need to stop using working class and unions interchangeably.

We are all rightfully mad, but I don’t see the point in this.

Maybe if ICE could kick out Trump voters, call them. But by definition, ICE deports non voters.

MAGAs are a bunch of jackals, and therefore don’t care about the welfare and safety of vulnerable family members. Hell, many of them will be the ones calling ICE on their family members soon enough. (And should be prosecuted if they break any State or local laws while doing so).

concepts of a strategy

yah this is silly,

1. spending money isn't magic

Jamie Harrison spent an insane amount of money trying to unseat a relatively unpopular Lindsay Graham and still got wrecked by 10 points.

2. Sporadic voters are more moderate than consistent voters, so those black voters who don't show up in Mississippi or south carolina, might be trump voters for all you know.

3. Black people are still the minority in all those states. you'll still need to win other demographics to win the state.

North Carolina is more diverse.
It has a growing Latino population and an existing native population that are all moving towards republicans.

Im not saying don't invest in southern states.
but winning southern states is no different than any other state. you'll have to persuade swing voters.

having large black population doesn't absolve democrats from this reality.
Who reads Robert Reich’s tweets though?

The most impactful parts of project 2025 should be spoken by the candidate whenever they have a platform like a convention speech or an interview.

Preferably with a little mustard on top like mentioning project 25, its impact, and highlighting a MAGA Chud on Twitter who is using an important project 2025 bullet point to threaten women with SA.

Again, like with Limbaugh calling women, who get birth control, sluts.

But the Harris campaign considered things like that to be gauche and uncivil.

Sure, Romney was an easier target.

But that means that Dems should decided not “go high” against Trump, who goes way lower than Romney.

We’ve ran the civility and appeal to Republicans playbook three times now and absent a plague breaking out on his watch, Trump is pretty much bullet proof against this outdated 1990’s triangulation style politics.
Dems handle the GOP with kid gloves and are afraid to play dirty.

Like how is Harris going to say Trump is a threat to democracy after he incited an insurrection and then congratulate him on his win and concede like she never said those things? As long as the Democratic Party tries to “go high” they will keep being dependent on getting bailed out by the next crisis like they did with the 2008 financial collapse and COVID in 2020 since voters seem to trust them more with dealing with those (maybe this is a remnant of feelings on how the GOP handled post-9/11 America by going to War in Iraq, etc.).

This is oddly reassuring.

It’s certainly not good news but it is reassurance that both parties will likely trade off power as capitalism’s decline causes the small but decisive mercenary middle to switch its sources of alienate e eye few years and vote according. This as opposed to GOP rule (a remote, though more likely now than last week, possibility).

Eventually, more decisive contests for power await but by the look of things, multiracial democracy will strike back in the coming years. And may it strike back with ferocity in the future.

That’s, of course, cold comfort for those facing the savage austerity and socio-legal reprisals to come. And to that end, seek out your nearest mutual aid groups, or charities and houses of worship that you trust and contribute to them however you may be able to.

It feels so much better to shrink the scope of political thinking, get immediate and tangible results, and that you’re contributing to the building of resilient communities that can resist the violent politics of resentment.

National and State elections don’t need much thought and we shouldn’t ruminate on them so much. Focus on local politics most of the time along with mutual aid. Your local sheriff and DA office matters. The Federals simply do not have the capacity to enforce Trump and the GOP’s quotas for cruelty. Undocumented people, unhoused people, trans people can either be shielded or rounded depending on the local, ideological balance of power.

Citizens, let’s spend the next year taking to the metaphorical barricades. Turn every city, town, and village into a hive of physical and legal resistance at the street level.
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The most impactful parts of project 2025 should be spoken by the candidate whenever they have a platform like a convention speech or an interview.
Gotta love the back and forth between the "Kamala talked too much about Trump" and "Kamala didn't talk enough about Trump" talking points.

Variations of that list were making the rounds in left-wing spaces. Folks just didn't believe that Trump would do it, and they didn't believe that Democrats were telling the truth.

The problem isn't the message. The problem is that the message isn't getting through.

Imagine talking about American voters this way and wanting them to join your cause.

Hopefully, you'll accept this piece of knowledge taken from the website of a former Republican first lady.


It isn't condescending to tell the truth. Anyone who claims so has bought into grievance politics.
Imagine talking about American voters this way and wanting them to join your cause.

Continuing to be purposefully obtuse and tone deaf, despite losing the Presidency, House, Senate, Electoral College, and Popular Vote is a choice.

Hopping on NT to expose yourself as a hypocrite and a simpleton is also a choice.

I’m good with my choice, as you are with yours, it seems.
Imagine living through all of this:







And when faced with four more years of it your reaction is tone policing Democrats.
Wow, please be kind. This is how the NT political thread lost it's last election.

*Jokes aside I actually knew some of the friends of the young lady who lost her life in Charlottesville, they had a tough time. There's no impact to some of these folks so they get to be callous, distant, and spin obnoxious circles on topics above their heads online.

Voting machines were hooked up to Starlink?

Isn’t that a conflict of interest?

What the heck
Anyone ever come across this account on twitter? It’s pretty conspiracy and “both sides” ish.. but I won’t lie, I’ve wondered this myself before. Is the establishment as a whole using Trump as the perfect catalyst to keep us divided ? Sometimes it feels that way with how fake it all feels at times.


sign me up for a war on NIMBYism.

i dont disagree with this at a high level and its some very good insight. but its another one of those think pieces that conveniently paints dems as the only party with agency while leaving out the damage and destruction done by the other side. this "Dem's just don't understand the working class anymore" minimizes the work republicans have put in over the past 15 years to make the truth as hard to distinguish as possible. Simply going on Joe Rogan isnt going to combat that level of misinformation/disinformation thats eroded reality for so many Americans.
2013: wife gets found out as illegal
2018: wife gets deported to Mexico (husband voter for Trump)

2021: under Biden's new immigration policies, wife comes back to the US WITH option to legalize her status

2024: Latinos increase votes for Trump, and this lady might very well be under USCIS scrutiny again, if denaturalization orders go through

Stop telling Democrats to modulate their message.

Take your eyes off Tiktok.
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