***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Jake tapper bumped his head. he's making zero sense.

What is Joe Biden supposed to do about Afghan Leaders peacing out of the country and handing over the capital to the Taliban in the span of a NBA finals TV Timeout???

They had more than two decades to prepare themselves for when America leaves and to take care of themselves. What are we supposed to do? Stay there forever? It really sucks for the people there. I hope they can find refuge someplace else. They should be mad at the Afghan leaders.
huh? thats like saying
"people buy way too much into the myth that Michael Jordan is greatest basketball player of all time"

it's called the "graveyard of empires" for a reason. :lol:

uninhabitable desert, surrounded by mountain terrain filled with people who speak a totally different language, religion, and culture that is totally hostile to foreign invaders?

whatever it would cost to win it, it's clearly astronomical and totally not worth it.
If that wasn't bad enough, the biggest ethnic group in the country lives in a region where the border with Pakistan is drawn.

Pakistan doesn't enforce this border like that.

You bomb the Taliban out of Afghanistan, guess what, they will simply cross the border into Pakistan and wait you out while engaging in guerilla tactics. Living among several people sympathetic to their cause. And you can't go after them, because you don't have the blessing of Pakistan to bomb and invade a large part of their country.

Honestly, the only way for Afghanistan to be conquered is for every world power, and every neighboring country agrees 100% to do it. Which will never happen. Even then, I still give whatever group on the other side a fighting chance.

I don't know why with so much observable history, folk still delude themselves about fighting wars in that region


Jake tapper bumped his head. he's making zero sense.

What is Joe Biden supposed to do about Afghan Leaders peacing out of the country and handing over the capital to the Taliban in the span of a NBA finals TV Timeout???


This is Jake Tapper's steez.

The Trump Era fooled people into thinking he is principled but really his whole angle is forcing "both sides" takes.

He was famous for his during the Obama Era.
huh? thats like saying
"people buy way too much into the myth that Michael Jordan is greatest basketball player of all time"

it's called the "graveyard of empires" for a reason. :lol:

uninhabitable desert, surrounded by mountain terrain filled with people who speak a totally different language, religion, and culture that is totally hostile to foreign invaders?

whatever it would cost to win it, it's clearly astronomical and totally not worth it.

you come up with the worst analogies b
"Biden: I want to leave Afghanistan, how long will it take?

Military Industrial complex: he ahhh...well we have the nation so under control, AND we've trained the afghan army so well

that they will be ready to defend their country while we withdraw slowly over the next 6 months."

Guess what? it was all bull****, the afghan army is fake, the country was about to fall apart anyways.

How do you blame Biden when it's obvious the military is lying about the facts on the ground.

do you think biden is dumb? its not like he drew up the withdraw plans himself.
All those analyst and none of them gave him the truth? Also the buck stops with him and he will have to own this.
Again, give specifics on what Biden should have done differently.

I wish I knew. All I know is the end result is a disaster.
For one, the US military should’ve foreseen the problem of leaving Kabul as the evacuation point. They should’ve kept Bagram open.

the humanitarian crisis left behind, the airport situation, embassies being hastily evacuated. It all seems extremely poorly planned and executed
Even if the pressures of 9/11 pushes us to go into Afghanistan, the Bush Administration botched the situation on the ground well before Obama, Trump, or Biden came along

Inexcusable given his daddy left him a fairly good playbook on how to get in and out with massive damage to the other side’s ability to wage war.

i would’ve been impressed if he called out the crappy intel :lol: but for sure it would’ve been a horrible look for him

I will be very disappointed if a few generals and a lot more colonels don’t lose their careers on this. But a chief exec can’t spank his generals in public.

There is no middle finger big enough to express my contempt for Bill Kristol. His support for 43’s idiocy definitely makes him more culpable for the tragedy than Biden.

I wish I knew. All I know is the end result is a disaster.
For one, the US military should’ve foreseen the problem of leaving Kabul as the evacuation point. They should’ve kept Bagram open.

the humanitarian crisis left behind, the airport situation, embassies being hastily evacuated. It all seems extremely poorly planned and executed

Not seems, it was. It looked like the Taliban made a surge and the decision was made to pull out rather than engage which is where the problem comes in. It’s been 50+ years since the end of Vietnam and America didn’t learn ****. I wasn’t alive then, but it’s pretty clear you got to fight your way out or leave the people behind. After 20 years of war there I think it reflects incredibly bad on everyone involved that the solution was ditch the civilians we claimed to be helping.

Also who really thought their army could stop the Taliban? The entire government was a puppet, and we had soldiers on the ground for 20 years and half of that was viscous urban warfare.
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I wish I knew. All I know is the end result is a disaster.
For one, the US military should’ve foreseen the problem of leaving Kabul as the evacuation point. They should’ve kept Bagram open.

the humanitarian crisis left behind, the airport situation, embassies being hastily evacuated. It all seems extremely poorly planned and executed

That is the thing. A lot of people you including yourself are making these takes trying to lay so much of the blame on Biden for supposedly botching this but can't really say what he should have done instead to avoid this outcome. Even this, your main specific criticism is that they should have not turned over the Bagram airbase to the Afghan military. I have no idea how that makes the situation that much better.

None of this was poorly planned really, but was just based on a wrong assumption. It was just based on the assumption that at a minimum the Afghan leadership could hold it together for 6 months, that the US had more time. And that turned out to be wrong. And all it took was 1 month for the leadership and army in the country to give up and let the Taliban retake the country. I just don't know how someone foresees it happening that quick.

The US predicted a potential takeover, but I didn't hear anyone, in or outside of the Administration, really sounding the alarm that the US would acyallty have 1/6th the time they thought they would have.

It is like people are trying so hard to avoid grappling with that fact.
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i disagree. :D

tbh other than Russia in the winter, Afghanistan might be the GOAT "unconquerable nation"

You may be correct but we won’t know because the US had a weak strategy. Especially post-taliban. I don’t understand how there was so little oversight of so much money. Which created the mafia-type corruption there. In reference to modern middle eastern history, new governments seem to also need either nationalism or religious identity to unify people. It seems that there wasn’t enough of a cultural campaign for unification. I’d never seen Afghans more divided than in recent years as more and more started to consume divisive news outlets via Facebook. There needed to be a sophisticated campaign to counteract this, and there wasn’t any real attempt. If this war was going to be won, it would have had to take pages from colonizers who knew you needed to control the populace culturally as well.

I was referring to the military leaders who dropped down on all fours as soon as the Taliban got close and the president who went ghost in the middle of the night like a deadbeat dad.

of course the civilians don’t deserve this and I feel bad for them. Whole world gotta step up for our **** ups over the last 20 years and take in as many refugees as possible.

This sentiment of Joe and yourself IMO is one of victim blaming. They dropped their arms because their death wasn’t worth delaying the inevitable, for a country that due to mismanagement became corrupt and hopeless. And of course a corrupt government constructed of people there to siphon US tax dollars didn’t stick around. The US oversought a house of cards being built and then blamed it for no longer standing when the wind blew.

It’s interesting that people will simultaneously acknowledge Afghans aren’t afraid of any empire, but then put the blame on tired and hopeless Afghans for not having enough fight in them here.
Not seems, it was. It looked like the Taliban made a surge and the decision was made to pull out rather than engage which is where the problem comes in. It’s been 50+ years since the end of Vietnam and America didn’t learn ****. I wasn’t alive then, but it’s pretty clear you got to fight your way out or leave the people behind. After 20 years of war there I think it reflects incredibly bad on everyone involved that the solution was ditch the civilians we claimed to be helping.

Also who really thought their army could stop the Taliban? The entire government was a puppet, and we had soldiers on the ground for 20 years and half of that was viscous urban warfare.

That is not what happened though

And your suggestion is that the US goofed by not engaging in MORE warfare with the Taliban? You really think that would have prevented them from taking over?
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You may be correct but we won’t know because the US had a weak strategy. Especially post-taliban. I don’t understand how there was so little oversight of so much money. Which created the mafia-type corruption there. In reference to modern middle eastern history, new governments seem to also need either nationalism or religious identity to unify people. It seems that there wasn’t enough of a cultural campaign for unification. I’d never seen Afghans more divided than in recent years as more and more started to consume divisive news outlets via Facebook. There needed to be a sophisticated campaign to counteract this, and there wasn’t any real attempt. If this war was going to be won, it would have had to take pages from colonizers who knew you needed to control the populace culturally as well.
Good ******* grief
BTW, I don't blame any Afghan soldier that saw this situation and decided they didn't want to die for this cause. Especially when you see so many others making the same decision. I mean why risk your life for what looks like a lost cause.

But them making that decision lead to the current situation. And it was hard to predict that it would have happened so quickly

Like I said before, #1 at the top of my list to place blame is Bush
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