***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I remember him in here struggling to debate gry60 gry60 , talking about "da real world efficiency" :lol:

Great comeback considering no one admitted to what you just said.

Keep thinking you know it all. You're the same guy who tried to argue that gas powered vehicles are superior to electric powered vehicles because of the energy density of gasoline.

doesn't matter when...






I like my car. It has an engine...

If you gave me an electric car I wouldn’t turn it down... who gives af. Times change...

my main thing is the range with electric cars is trash.
Range wouldn't even be that much of an issue if charging took as long as filling up a regular tank, which is something we are moving towards.

It’s pretty groovy to watch white people do themselves in, talk bad and try and ruin each other. I never thought I’d see the day in which the future of white america, actually be on the ropes. Opioid addictions, crazy politicians hell bent on preserving white supremacy, karen getting caught on tape stating that they deserve an unearned privilege, and now the markets have taken a hit. I am grateful to my ancestors for protecting me and the family from all of this. Truly. Looooong time coming.
As bad as this is, along with all her other stuff, this “but she’s a bad person” debate will go nowhere. Look at Donald Trump for the past 4 years as reference.
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Just got this email...


It’s been a tough day, and we’re grateful to you for being a Robinhood customer. In light of the extraordinary market conditions this week, we temporarily limited buying for certain securities this morning. Starting tomorrow, we plan to allow limited buys of these securities. We’ll continue to monitor the situation and may make adjustments as needed.

This was a temporary decision made to best continue serving you, and was not an easy one to make. We know it’s led to frustration and confusion, and wanted to provide some clarity.

As a brokerage firm, we have many financial requirements, including SEC net capital obligations and clearinghouse deposits. Some of these requirements fluctuate based on volatility in the markets and can be substantial in the current environment. These requirements exist to protect investors and the markets and we take our responsibilities to comply with them seriously, including through the measures we have taken today.

To be clear, this decision was not made on the direction of any market maker we route to or other market participants.

The past year in particular has shown us that the financial markets are for everyone—not just institutional investors and hedge funds. We’ve seen a new generation enter the market, and they’re sparking conversations about what it means to be an investor. We stand in support of you, our customers. Democratizing finance for all means giving more people access, not less.

We’ll keep monitoring market conditions and will update this Help Center article with the latest changes. We also published a blog post regarding today’s events.

Thank you again for being a Robinhood customer. We’re so grateful for your support.

The Robinhood Team

i dont know if i shared on here that i worked on WS for Merrill Lynch back in the 00s.
I was on the equities desk and honestly the greed was real. Nothing special about these cats either...the banks are just dealing with more money, taking more risks cuz its not their money, and got a safety net with the US government.

I recall that as an intern one of my sups gave me $100 to go get his golf clubs on the upper west side. Easiest $100 i ever made. Even reimbursed my lincoln town car taxi.

Anyway I left because the equities desk was shrinking due to online platforms like etrade and scottstrade so as the low man on the totem pole they wanted to move me to debt or IB. Debt was boring to me and IB guys worked like 18 hours a day. I was not about that life so I moved to DC.

Prior to leaving NY i was interviewed by Lehman Bros. Glad i didnt take the job. Although i was young and unmarried so getting laid off at that point wouldnt have been too hard to deal with.
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Ummmm..... He kinda hit that nail on the head at the end there.

After watching “The Swamp” I don’t hate him as much as I thought I did. Dude is smart and seems like he’s playing the game, I’m not sure what his end game is, and he has voted definitely against my beliefs on a lot of things and has looked like a P backing Trump, but all I’m saying is I don’t hate him as much as I thought I did 😭
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