***Official Political Discussion Thread***


i dont know if i shared on here that i worked on WS for Merrill Lynch back in the 00s.
I was on the equities desk and honestly the greed was real. Nothing special about these cats either...the banks are just dealing with more money, taking more risks cuz its not their money, and got a safety net with the US government.

I recall that as an intern one of my sups gave me $100 to go get his golf clubs on the upper west side. Easiest $100 i ever made. Even reimbursed my lincoln town car taxi.

Anyway I left because the equities desk was shrinking due to online platforms like etrade and scottstrade so as the low man on the totem pole they wanted to move me to debt or IB. Debt was boring to me and IB guys worked like 18 hours a day. I was not about that life so I moved to DC.

Prior to leaving NY i was interviewed by Lehman Bros. Glad i didnt take the job. Although i was young and unmarried so getting laid off at that point wouldnt have been too hard to deal with.
Listed Trading here. Merrill, Bear Stearns, were two of our customers. I got out after BET stock went public, made some cash, jetted.
Ummmm..... He kinda hit that nail on the head at the end there.

After watching “The Swamp” I don’t hate him as much as I thought I did. Dude is smart and seems like he’s playing the game, I’m not sure what his end game is, and he has voted definitely against my beliefs on a lot of things and has looked like a P backing Trump, but all I’m saying is I don’t hate him as much as I thought I did 😭

He’s a sociopath. American Psycho in the flesh, or a Courage the Dog monster of the week with constituents.
As a guy that was born and raised in da Cowboy State, I'm not surprised Nestor's father employer had a small turnout. The Cheneys are royalty in that state. Nestor's brother boss sticks out like a sore thumb. Folks in Wyoming probably thought he was just another clown 🤡from Fox News.
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