***Official Political Discussion Thread***

well yeah, you go through the motions of college and don’t network you’re ****ed.

its always about who you know in life.

I’m just saying a degree isn’t a golden ticket. Like bro was saying a lot of these federal jobs pay is laughable.

I also don’t think you should automatically get more money because you have a masters.

Honestly in most cases a masters is sort of worthless. It’s just redoing your undergrad with a few items covered in bigger detail. At least that’s what I saw as my MBA. I literally learned almost nothing new in thebusiness classes that I already knew or learned in undergrad.

The network I built though, that was priceless. And of course I was able to land an internship and job because of it all so again it’s what you make out of college. I went through the motions in undergrad and it hurt me. Even though my school was a top 50, so you’d think it would make fine work easy.
I def think higher minimum wage standards was overdue. With that said, my problem comes when you have individuals that went that extra mile to get a degree and higher and only starting at jobs that pay 20 to 25 bucks because lack of experience.

I think the entire wages process is skewed.

If you see some federal employees with Masters and are only GS 07/09 making 45 to 55k. It's ridiculous.

EXACTLY. If you were making $15/hr at your job previously and minimum wage jumps to that rate, you’re going to feel underpaid overnight. How is that course corrected? A lot of folks are going to feel some type of way and I don’t know what companies do to address that.


1. hire less people but give more hours/benefits. Stop cutting people off at 36-37hrs a week to avoid giving benefits

2. these companies get so many tax dedications I don’t want to hear **** about cost of labor. Not to mention the bailouts they get. Yet the employees lose 20% of their check to the feds.

these companies are double dipping on cheap pay and dodging taxes. For the 100th time, 15 dollars and hour isn’t breaking anyone at the top

These folks are greedy famb. You won’t believe some of the **** I’ve heard proposed to squeak out margin. And while It’s not breaking anyone at the top, that’s not the problem. Once you **** up the financials (increased labor costs would likely reduce profit) then that’s when EVERYBODY starts sweating.

BTW, how you guys feel about this new directive “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation"

Can you expound on this?

I disagree with that statement. College done wrong is a waste of time. You do it right and you’re set before you even leave. You should have **** mapped out before you graduate. If not, good luck. Every one of your professors is a ticket into what you want to do. If you don’t utilize that then you’re falling in line

This is what I say about student loans. You should be required to research your major, exit opportunities, salaries for said positions and get an idea of how much you’ll actually make and see what your life will be like before taking on 10s (or 100s) of thousands in debt at the age of 18. A lot of Kids just go to college because they think they’re supposed to. That would at least force them to think a little bit and make better decisions about what they should do.
college is obsolete for the most part unless you’re going into a STEM career.

college priced themselves out of the game.

Nothing wrong with college but it’s not going to automatically get you a high paying job. That’s just the school selling you on a dream.

wages as a whole are in the trash can for most jobs I feel like. Trades are booming but most people aren’t about that life. Medical is good but again most people aren’t about that life and cry after 8 hours of work.
I'm not going to get into college vs non college. What i will say is this, the job industry has evolved and going to college just for a degree is obsolete. You need to have clear guidance and know the industry you're interested in.

With that said, aint no way you have a entry level engineer making 25k an hour while the person flipping your burgers is making 15k.

My point although is about the degree of education, it is moreso to the different type of jobs and the salary discrepancy now.

Im also an advocate for trait school, no one can take that away from you and you will always find a job if you are good. Learn a trait.
fed min wage, min wage here is already 13. Nothing has changed. McDonald’s is still a trash job and 13 an hour has you poor.
well yeah, you go through the motions of college and don’t network you’re ****ed.

its always about who you know in life.

I’m just saying a degree isn’t a golden ticket. Like bro was saying a lot of these federal jobs pay is laughable.

I also don’t think you should automatically get more money because you have a masters.
No, it’s not a golden ticket for sure. People with a master + DO deserve more IMO. Means they have proof they know what they’re talking about. Lot of people without higher Ed know what to do but have no idea why they’re doing it. Learning by experience is good but without a higher understanding they often can’t learn past it or innovate.

not downing not going to college either btw. They’re just levels to all this. Yes I understand they’re instances where either route leads to failure or success
I'm not going to get into college vs non college. What i will say is this, the job industry has evolved and going to college just for a degree is obsolete. You need to have clear guidance and know the industry you're interested in.

With that said, aint no way you have a entry level engineer making 25k an hour while the person flipping your burgers is making 15k.

My point although is about the degree of education, it is moreso to the different type of jobs and the salary discrepancy now.

Im also an advocate for trait school, no one can take that away from you and you will always find a job if you are good. Learn a trait.

no I agree with you man, my boy was an engineer and quit because the pay was trash. But as long as these companies get people for 25 an hour they’ll keep paying it.

you need to know what you’re getting yourself into 100% or else you’re getting yourself into a huge debt for no reason.
Honestly in most cases a masters is sort of worthless. It’s just redoing your undergrad with a few items covered in bigger detail. At least that’s what I saw as my MBA. I literally learned almost nothing new in thebusiness classes that I already knew or learned in undergrad.

The network I built though, that was priceless. And of course I was able to land an internship and job because of it all so again it’s what you make out of college. I went through the motions in undergrad and it hurt me. Even though my school was a top 50, so you’d think it would make fine work easy.
And yet there are many business that wont consider your experience and will required a Masters for progression. Ask your educators that are way underpaid but are required a Masters if you want to make it a career. Exactly what I'm getting to ... entry level educators make about 20 to 22? Yet, their kids are making 15 at a bagger in a grocery store. Just dont get it.

BTW, my rant is not about is unfair people getting paid 15 bucks, its moreso about people that are worth way more not getting their fair raise. Which is what storm2006 storm2006 said, feel underpaid under appreciate it overnight.
If anything we should establish a minimum wage the autoadjusts with the CPI or some calculated poverty level index. Arbitrarily picking a number to jump to every 30-40 years is just an overdue stop gap. Also, how about a requirement that businesses of a certain size must have a certain percentage of their employees be full time so we can stop all this 29 hours/week mess?
If anything we should establish a minimum wage the autoadjusts with the CPI or some calculated poverty level index. Arbitrarily picking a number to jump to every 30-40 years is just an overdue stop gap. Also, how about a requirement that businesses of a certain size must have a certain percentage of their employees be full time so we can stop all this 29 hours/week mess?
True that. Also make sure these
Companies pay their ******* taxes. Amazon not paying a damn thing for years is just amazing to think about. Donald Trump paying 500 bucks over a couple years just shows the type of loopholes these lobbyists put into place.
Honestly in most cases a masters is sort of worthless. It’s just redoing your undergrad with a few items covered in bigger detail. At least that’s what I saw as my MBA. I literally learned almost nothing new in thebusiness classes that I already knew or learned in undergrad.

The network I built though, that was priceless. And of course I was able to land an internship and job because of it all so again it’s what you make out of college. I went through the motions in undergrad and it hurt me. Even though my school was a top 50, so you’d think it would make fine work easy.

I think a lot of it has to do with how saturated the field is you’re trying to get into as well. Basically supply and demand for that job.

ups needs workers like crazy so you can make 100k there with no education vs an entry level engineer job paying 25 an hour because they have a lot of applicants.

it sucks for a lot of people but that’s what happens when they’ve been preaching you’ll be rich if you’re an engineer for 25 years.
True that. Also make sure these
Companies pay their ****ing taxes. Amazon not paying a damn thing for years is just amazing to think about. Donald Trump paying 500 bucks over a couple years just shows the type of loopholes these lobbyists put into place.
It also shows the IRS always comes for the little guy and rarely comes for high profile people.
For everyone. So the floor every worker would start at would be $15 across the 50 states.
I was gonna say, I hope federal workers are near $15 or above. Weird that some news sources are saying federal workers but that wouldn't cover very many.
The boats rise with the tides bruhs, min wage rises then all the wages should.

once they can’t find an engineer for 25 they’ll pay more.

I went through that with truck driving, 5 years ago they paid 18 an hour, now you can find a job making six figures easy because they had to pay more to keep up with demand in construction and shipping.
Raise the minimum wage, on aggregate, things will be fine.

The consensus regarding minimum wage increase has damn near flipped since Card and Krueger came out.


We can talk about all the inefficiencies or potential drawbacks in some areas, but on a macro level, it looks safe. The economist in me might prefer something around 12 and a negative tax rate that pays out on people's checks instead of like tax time. While not only being more efficient, it protects marginally attached workers, who are disproportionately black.

Now while that could be easier to pass with reconciliation, it might be a much harder sell. It would have to be part of a massive tax code rework, at it would get buried in talk of the tax increases needed to offset the loss in revenues.

So for Dems...

1. Have the support of the Economist
2. Have the support of Progressives
3. Centrist are on board
4. Popular with their base
5. Popular with the general voting block
6. It is an easy to understand policy that people will be salient in people's mind come voting time

My advice to the Dems, well really Joe Manchin, just drop the filibuster and...

-Sidenote, if you want to help supermarkets in low-income, protect low-income people against potential inflation (this shouldn't be that big of a concern for people not in these areas) and because in low-income areas the food island side effect is also real, just juice up SNAP benefits.
Can you expound on this?
Haven't read the entire thing, but it basically bands entities from discriminating against Males/Females for identifying with the opposite sex.

While this seems like a good thing, my issue is (extreme) against males that "identify" as females to compete in sporting events. This directive will prohibite the discrimination thus allowing males to compete and 9/10 win (if they are athletic) these event, which in turn will take away a lot of opportunities for females.

Also don't know the impact for lets say a person that's about to get incarcerated and which to be house with the people they identify with vices what their gender is.

Is someone had more knowledge ya can shime in and/or correct me.
I’m all for it. We pay for everything in America. Literally even thing you come into contact with you either paid for or have to pay for. ****ing pay me
In America every step you take cost money. It's real life monopoly. You have to pay to live.

$15/hr is still below the poverty line. You needed to make about $20/hr to be above the poverty line about a decade ago. Much higher now. Only way the American lifestyle can survive is if it is heavily subsidized.
Raise min wage and let people organize. That will solve the lack of hours and benefits problems.

80% of labor in Nordic countries is organized. Thats the key to everybody eating. It’s a safety net after the government.
If anything we should establish a minimum wage the autoadjusts with the CPI or some calculated poverty level index. Arbitrarily picking a number to jump to every 30-40 years is just an overdue stop gap. Also, how about a requirement that businesses of a certain size must have a certain percentage of their employees be full time so we can stop all this 29 hours/week mess?
Lets not get into unemployment there's a big mess with it. I think Biden is or signed a bill that allows employees to quit if they feel unsafe and collect unemployment. **** crazy.
In America every step you take cost money. It's real life monopoly. You have to pay to live.

$15/hr is still below the poverty line. You needed to make about $20/hr to be above the poverty line about a decade ago. Much higher now. Only way the American lifestyle can survive is if it is heavily subsidized.

to be fair the American lifestyle is also wild af.

people spend so much money on bs.

ig, and keeping up with the next brah and sah is toxic af. You waste so much money on crap you don’t need.
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