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I wonder how many people facebooked/googled the winners and waiting infront of their homes for a package to come in lmao
I will say that after all of this, people on IG have not said anything negative toward me.  Usually, the fan boys come out and start drilling you for anything, but it's like the internet has collectively said, "Geno, you're a clown and those Yeezy's are fake."
Raffles are the new come up for resellers. Saw on twitter someone doing a raffle for the 88 cements 30 spots for $20
only time you and me will see eye to eye.

Wanna join forces and raffle off pairs? Every youtube lame does it, so we should be lame and prosper.
Forreal I got a few Laneys to raffle off 20 for $20
I will say that after all of this, people on IG have not said anything negative toward me.  Usually, the fan boys come out and start drilling you for anything, but it's like the internet has collectively said, "Geno, you're a clown and those Yeezy's are fake."

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fakes!! Lol probably bad lighting
Lol will never play myself and post fakes your right bad lighting took pic with a Blackberry torch at the time so not best quality resolution.
I don't know why he called you out on fakes.. those are obviously real.  please note that the scales aren't ashy right away, they become more ashy over time.
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Lol will never play myself and post fakes your right bad lighting took pic with a Blackberry torch at the time so not best quality resolution.
I think he was just messing with you.... At least I hope so. Those looked clearly real by the picture you posted.
So are we pretty much still where we were from since forever?  No clue of a release date and now a debate of what stores have stock or not?  Anything else?
Yeah know he was messing with me more or less just putting end to any doubt. And yes @Johnny250 they get slightly ashy over time only wore them about 4 times and are def showing by now.
Its illegal hosting a raffle like he's doing. Only way its legal is if you're a not for profit organization
***** FIRST RAFFLE ******

Ronald Saysangkhy is doing a raffle for san diego sole roughly 100members, $50 a ticket for a chance to buy em at retail price........hes the one that won a pair of the ROs in San Diego
This is considered gambling and is illegal in the state of California. Dude's full name on NT and everything lmfao.
  1. Who may hold raffles?
    Only eligible private, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations qualified to conduct business in California for at least one year prior to conducting the raffle may conduct raffles to raise funds for the organization and charitable or beneficial purposes in California.

    Eligible organizations are charities and religious or other organizations that have been granted tax-exempt status by the Franchise Tax Board under the following Revenue and Taxation Code sections: 23701a (labor, agricultural, or horticultural organizations other than cooperative organizations); 23701b (fraternal orders); 23701d (corporations, community chests, or trusts operating exclusively for religious, charitable, or educational purposes); 23701e (business leagues, chambers of commerce); 23701f (civic leagues, social welfare organizations, or local employee organizations); 23701g (social organizations); 23701k (religious or apostolic corporations); 23701l (domestic fraternal societies); 23701t (homeowners' associations); and 23701w (veterans’ organizations).

    If an organization needs a copy of its exemption letter or entity status letter, one can be obtained by contacting the Franchise Tax Board  or by using the "Entity Status Letter" tool  on the FTB website. In addition, a list of California tax-exempt organizations by category may be found on the Exempt Organizations List page  on the FTB website.
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Yeah know he was messing with me more or less just putting end to any doubt. And yes @Johnny250 they get slightly ashy over time only wore them about 4 times and are def showing by now.
Yessir.  Just saying that cause some people see brand new yeezy's without too much ash, and they go ahead and assume they fake.
:rofl: At KTT having anyone believe its production issues. Kanye has 0 input. He "designed" the sneaker and his services are done from that point on.

I think that's being over blown some way, maybe in the beginning the color shade was a issue. I hardly believe it's as big of a deal as some would like us to believe.
I'm sure he gets royalties and receives first pairs when they release in addition to a pair early.  What he wants is a brand backed by Nike where he's in control, but he's going to have to wait until the Nike Air Yeezy 6 for Nike to do something like that lol.
I'm sure he gets royalties and receives first pairs when they release in addition to a pair early.  What he wants is a brand backed by Nike where he's in control, but he's going to have to wait until the Nike Air Yeezy 6 for Nike to do something like that lol.
I'm sure Kanye has burned that bridge. 

someone change the name to ValentineYeezys. 
damn do any places in the south get these..i was having some yeezy talk with someone earlier and they said major places as in new york and cali
damn, go into a conference meeting and come out to find NT got TMZ on the case.

this is legendary..
I don't think they (Nike or any major corporation) want set him up to someday be competition.  If Pfizer offered to back brand Yeezy he'd do it.
Kanye going to Adidas/New Balance, etc. will not affect them in the slightest. I believe they've learned their lesson that LV warned the world about. 

Ye couldn't get PASTELLE off the ground....there's something wrong with Ye. When he accepts that...then he can flourish in the clothing industry.
Think it's kinda pitiful that a pro athlete is calling someone broke. Most pro athletes don't even make that much money..... We hear millions tossed around all the time but that's mostly for household names.. The other guys are just well.. Other guys. Geno smith should man up and be like "damn I got got" that's it. When they do release get a real pair and make a joke out of it. But then again some pro athletes don't have advisors, or management that really care about there career. Lets face facts geno smith is not a proven quarterback in the NFL we see this all the time. Hell look at RG3....... Call me when that dude starts playing. But that's besides the fact I don't get it.. Why someone like that would snap on someone telling you, you got burnt. It's like smashing a fat girl... Everybody takes that L at least once and then jokes about it later on in life.
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