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I cant say much, but this is mission impossible, Im not in the know but got 2 overseas connects in the US and both have told me whats going off.
If anyone can help tell me if these are releasing in the UK would be helpful this is the info I need!

you should focus on learning the English language and proper writing mechanics... not yeezys
I cant say much, but this is mission impossible, Im not in the know but got 2 overseas connects in the US and both have told me whats going off.
If anyone can help tell me if these are releasing in the UK would be helpful this is the info I need!

There hasn't been any confirmation to the public that these will release period. So far all this has been speculation only.
However, some people in the thread do say they have info on release details and you should probably contact them through pm because they haven't released it to the thread.
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It's funny that people would rather give Nike $1000 for a shoe that costs them $20 then a reseller $1000 for a shoe that cost him $200-$350. Are people really that desperate for a Yeezy they think if retail price is some crazy number they will have a chance to buy it?

Scenario 1: a sweatshop laborer in China makes your Yeezy's for pennies an hour, using materials that cost a couple bucks. Nike gives it a 10,000% mark up and retails it for $1000. A huge corporation gets all the money and decidedly consumers are idiots and the rest of the line increases in price. People feel good and happy to throw their money away.

Scenario 2: starts the same way in China but retail price is $250. A shoe collector wants a different sold out shoe and knows this would make for a good trade or money towards THEIR grail. They spend hours researching, days camping out, just for the chance to pay retail(most likely over) from the store. The person gets a pair, try's to trade for the shoe they really want but people keep offering money instead so they sell for current market price of $1000 giving the seller $700 towards the shoes they want.

Your telling me you would rather support a billion dollar corporation, with a $1000 msrp, then a shoe head who is trying acquire his grail or put food on the table?

At least the money to Nike actually goes to pay someones salary who is a laborer.

Going by the multitudes of resellers I've had to deal with, most are not "looking to get their grails."

Greed and promises of a quick profit is what drives people to buy shoes with only intentions of reselling.

Id rather give money to a corporation that at least pays a wage to someone who actually WORKS for their money than any reseller.
NYC was damn near empty

Negative. Everyone from Kith, Premium Goods, footlocker 34th, Jimmy Jazz, all the boutiques had these. It's just they all had raffles which made getting them hard as hell. It was on orders by Nike. Raffles only

My friend made an interesting point. During Kanye West SNL performance, the screen behind him kept saying not for sale not for sale. Then someone said these were only friends and family
Negative. Everyone from Kith, Premium Goods, footlocker 34th, Jimmy Jazz, all the boutiques had these. It's just they all had raffles which made getting them hard as hell. It was on orders by Nike. Raffles only

My friend made an interesting point. During Kanye West SNL performance, the screen behind him kept saying not for sale not for sale. Then someone said these were only friends and family
that makes a lot of sense, but why would he include that kind of propaganda for his shoes, i'm assuming he put that not for sale graphic there as an expression for himself, that he isn't a sellout and basically just does whatever he wants as an artist and person.
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Negative. Everyone from Kith, Premium Goods, footlocker 34th, Jimmy Jazz, all the boutiques had these. It's just they all had raffles which made getting them hard as hell. It was on orders by Nike. Raffles only

My friend made an interesting point. During Kanye West SNL performance, the screen behind him kept saying not for sale not for sale. Then someone said these were only friends and family

Wrong. Some did first come first serve.

and that screen behind deals with the song, how people (and Im guessing from his lyrics specifically black people) are the new slaves in entertainment industry from musics-sports and hows he's not for sale. That's entire different thread though.

It's only Monday and damn everyone will be stressin on that til more Red Yeezy info is dropped
At least the money to Nike actually goes to pay someones salary who is a laborer.

Going by the multitudes of resellers I've had to deal with, most are not "looking to get their grails."

Greed and promises of a quick profit is what drives people to buy shoes with only intentions of reselling.

Id rather give money to a corporation that at least pays a wage to someone who actually WORKS for their money than any reseller.
I'd agree but corporations like Nike are resellers. The people who actually do the most work (factory workers) get pennies. Nike is a multi-billion dollar company and the people actually doing the work don't get compensated close to what they should. You aren't supporting the workers you're supporting the white collar guys not really working as much as they are living off the hype train and nike branding (like your local reseller) with ballooning profit margins because the factory workers make dirt. 
Hope y'all didn't sleep on that iTunes per order this morning. Got taken down after an hour or so...

supposedly it was fraud & kanyes team and def jam had nothing to do with it.

either way no point in pre ordering unless you get something you can't get elsewhere.
y'all can stop PMing me, i was asked to keep what i was told to myself, and so i will... we should all know NOTHING is guaranteed anyways, until nike themselves release an official statement... the higher up's change their minds all the time (anyone remember how the release of the 2's was rumored to be getting pushed back by reputable sources even just a few days prior to release?)...

to add a little criticism to these, and echo what i said originally about the first set of 2's... while the colorways are dope, they're just rehashed ideas... the solar's are basically blink's, the plat's are basically zen's, and the red's are basically the red don's (tho copping these would prolly make me stop caring about getting a pair of red don's, i like the Y2 design better)...

i'm really surprised and disappointed he didn't come up with and release something new for this shoe... the design and silhouette of the shoe is so dope, and a lot can be done with it.

if he was gonna just rehash colorways he shoulda given us the charcoal / fire red colorway from the glow in the dark tour 1's... would look SICK on this shoe...
Are you saying the workers who are essentially given a Lego set of materials and put the same pieces of a shoe together mindlessly over and over for hours should earn more than the supporting team of designers, marketers, etc... higher up at Nike who actually make all that possible an distribute the product?

You must not know how corporations work
Misunderstood me bruh no way did I say low skilled laborers deserve more than support teams or higher ups. I was speaking from the idea that resellers on the street do no "actual work" they benefit from the branding and hype. The higher ups at Nike I'm sure don't work exponentially harder or are exponentially better than Reebok, Adidas etc. Yet Nike and Jordan Brand benefit tremendously more than comparable corporations based on branding and hype alone (the tech and functionality is not as wide a gap as sales would infer). Supporting the "workers" that get billions of dollars and fat bonuses year after year based on wanting the coolest shoes while blasting a reseller who essentially benefits from the same hype and branding seems silly to me. The low-skilled workers are not being supported by purchasing more kicks for retail they don't get bonuses. The benefactors are the white collar people. Yes, I may not be in charge of a corporation so I won't pretend to know exactly how they work, but I am a Business Management Major if that counts for anything 
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y'all can stop PMing me, i was asked to keep what i was told to myself, and so i will... we should all know NOTHING is guaranteed anyways, until nike themselves release an official statement... the higher up's change their minds all the time (anyone remember how the release of the 2's was rumored to be getting pushed back by reputable sources even just a few days prior to release?)...

to add a little criticism to these, and echo what i said originally about the first set of 2's... while the colorways are dope, they're just rehashed ideas... the solar's are basically blink's, the plat's are basically zen's, and the red's are basically the red don's (tho copping these would prolly make me stop caring about getting a pair of red don's, i like the Y2 design better)...

i'm really surprised and disappointed he didn't come up with and release something new for this shoe... the design and silhouette of the shoe is so dope, and a lot can be done with it.

if he was gonna just rehash colorways he shoulda given us the charcoal / fire red colorway from the glow in the dark tour 1's... would look SICK on this shoe...

Might have something to do with his contract. But I agree, some of the fakes have good color ways I wish nike or kanye would exploit. But we gonna buy em anyways so
I find it funny that a bunch of people have release info they cannot share only after the fact the Kanye was seen wearing them.

PS-I cannot wait for you guys to see the yeezy 4's! 
IBN Jasper posted this comment on IG, b4 he deleted it very quickly after:


just sayin'... :nerd:
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y'all can stop PMing me, i was asked to keep what i was told to myself, and so i will... we should all know NOTHING is guaranteed anyways, until nike themselves release an official statement... the higher up's change their minds all the time (anyone remember how the release of the 2's was rumored to be getting pushed back by reputable sources even just a few days prior to release?)...

to add a little criticism to these, and echo what i said originally about the first set of 2's... while the colorways are dope, they're just rehashed ideas... the solar's are basically blink's, the plat's are basically zen's, and the red's are basically the red don's (tho copping these would prolly make me stop caring about getting a pair of red don's, i like the Y2 design better)...

i'm really surprised and disappointed he didn't come up with and release something new for this shoe... the design and silhouette of the shoe is so dope, and a lot can be done with it.

if he was gonna just rehash colorways he shoulda given us the charcoal / fire red colorway from the glow in the dark tour 1's... would look SICK on this shoe...
Way to protect yourself.  "we should all know NOTHING is guaranteed anyways, until nike themselves release an official statement."  Just say you dont know whats going on but you have heard a rumor like everyone else. And..... you can leave out the word y'all because that would imply that everyone in here has PMed you. Love how cats want to be king yeezy thread guy.  
^ LOL!

just sayin', my inbox got blown up...

i BEEN HAD been the yeezy thread king when i brought the first detailed pix of Y2's to the world 1.5 years ago... been there, done that. :lol:

ain't no props wanted for hearing from a reputable source what the release info will be.

and i'm not protecting myself, just sayin', these things change all the time, so i'm taking what i was told with a grain of salt (he told me to anyways, cuz he knows things change)...
u shouldn't have mentioned anything if u didn't want attention. Saying u know something about the release details and then being hush about it aint cool in my book
I'll try for these if they are somewhat attainable. If not, no stress. I'm more than fine with my pair of Solars.
random dude? If that's what everyone meant by release plans this sneaker will be going for INSANE prices
that guy is obviously trolling. if it doesn't come from kanyes camp, nike or official storefronts with release information, ie "we wil be doing a raffle, etc" then either expect it to be false or good chance the info will change. just like when people say march 23rd was the date for the y2s.
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