God Avery is a f'ing moron. I hope the Caps score just to prove this to everyone who thought he'd changed his ways.
who the hell ever said avery changed his ways?

1 min hold on!
Caps have outplayed the Rangers in just about ever facet of this series...the difference is Lundqvist...dude has taken his game to another level. If he staysthis hot, the Rangers will go VERY far....
i hate the rangers, they suck. lundqvist is the only reason they are in it, capitals stay in their zone but can't find the back of the net
rangers suck yet they are the ones up 3-1, that makes a lot of sense.

you can have all the shots on goal you want, Rangers are maing their count and Lund is showing why hes the best goaltender in the game.

i dont see how they are being outplayed, rangers have come out with more energy than the caps in every game except the last.
wooooooooo great to sweep the damn canadians and get a few days before our next series. hopefully it's not too much rest. love how ryder absolutely killedthe canadians in this series...must be a sweet feeling for him. lucic handled himself well tonight

not looking forward to possibly playing against king henrik...dude looked nuts.
easy there mez one, first game theodore was the main reason they lost, let up some terrible goals and today they got a few bounces to go their way. the caps dput that first one in his own net. capitals haven't been so lucky with the bounces. cool they are up 3-1. if ovechkin isn't running then the teamisn't and thats not how playoff hockey works. if the rangers play boston they will be the ones getting swept. i think rangers don't get past the 2ndround that is if they make it
Originally Posted by Numberr97

easy there mez one, first game theodore was the main reason they lost, let up some terrible goals and today they got a few bounces to go their way. the caps d put that first one in his own net. capitals haven't been so lucky with the bounces. cool they are up 3-1 because i am sorry to say capitals have been horrible. if the rangers play boston they will be the ones getting swept. i think rangers don't get past the 2nd round that is if they make it
it's all on king henrik...if he's not sharp...i think we can take the rangers...but if he's on his game, it's gonna be damn tough
im not concerned with sweeps and other matchups until this current series is complete.

to say the ranger suck makes no sense, they are the ones up 3-1 and are handling their business...not their faults the caps came into this series overconfident.

lund can carry the team if he plays this way consistently.
Just got back from the game... HENRIK LUNDQVIST WAS UNREAL...

This guy is putting up one of the best playoff performances I've ever seen by a goaltender. By no means is this series a wrap yet. I wouldn't expectWashington to quit now. Alot of work still to be done. LGR!!! does the MSG crowd respond to avery when he makes those bonehead plays. not sure if you saw the replays yet, but damn, dude really doesn't makeit easy on you guys to protect a lead. the shot to jurcina on the icing race was ridiculous
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce does the MSG crowd respond to avery when he makes those bonehead plays. not sure if you saw the replays yet, but damn, dude really doesn't make it easy on you guys to protect a lead. the shot to jurcina on the icing race was ridiculous
they blame the refs for having a vendetta against Avery... its pretty lame. Most of his penalties lately have been pretty blatant. The only thingthat bothers me is that opposing players can do whatever they want TO Avery and the refs won't call anything.
^ gotcha. well i mean, as hometown fans, i think it's expected they blame the ref. but yeah...watching him commit some of those penalties makes you justwonder what the hell is going thru his head. i wonder if tort considers sitting him, even if for just a period...or if he believes avery adds more than hesubtracts from the team.
^ with like 10 minutes remaining I was thinking that Tortorella shouldn't even put him on the ice for the rest of the game. Sure enough, he took a penaltywith 3 minutes remaining and almost cost the Rangers the game.
not looking forward to possibly playing against king henrik...dude looked nuts.
Same, but I think we both have let it be known how much we don't wanna see the Big O, so it's cool.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

rangers suck yet they are the ones up 3-1, that makes a lot of sense.

you can have all the shots on goal you want, Rangers are maing their count and Lund is showing why hes the best goaltender in the game.

i dont see how they are being outplayed, rangers have come out with more energy than the caps in every game except the last.

Lundqvist is the SOLE reason why you all are up 3-1. Not to take anything away from the Rangers, but that's how I feel. In the first game, Theodore letin soft goal after soft the 2nd game, Lundqvist stood on his head to make 30+ saves....3rd game, Caps broke through....last night...again, Lundqviststood on his head (and the Rangers benefitted from a lucky bounce on the 1st goal).

Caps were down 3-1 last year vs. the Flyers and came back to take it to game 7. That's about the only saving grace I have in this team at this point. Lundqvist has been ridiculously hot...if he stays like this, Rangers will make things very interesting in the upcoming rounds...

* you think that Torts would scratch Avery for game 5? Dude has been making some moronic plays in the past couple of games. I dunno ifSather is making Torts keep Avery in the lineup (because we all know Torts TRUE feelings towards SA), but he is doing way more harm than good.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce does the MSG crowd respond to avery when he makes those bonehead plays. not sure if you saw the replays yet, but damn, dude really doesn't make it easy on you guys to protect a lead. the shot to jurcina on the icing race was ridiculous
they blame the refs for having a vendetta against Avery... its pretty lame. Most of his penalties lately have been pretty blatant. The only thing that bothers me is that opposing players can do whatever they want TO Avery and the refs won't call anything.
Lately they have been blatant but in Game 3 he was called for the most ridiculous penalties. Ove gets away with a lot of things on the ice.

Rangers will lose Game 5 though, they will have to win at home.

and DoubleJ's, I said this before the series started but as good as the Caps are offensively, they give up goals. The difference maker is Lund and he cancarry a team.

Rangers are going to have to score more though, they can't rely on these 1-0, 2-1 games, too much pressure on Lund.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce does the MSG crowd respond to avery when he makes those bonehead plays. not sure if you saw the replays yet, but damn, dude really doesn't make it easy on you guys to protect a lead. the shot to jurcina on the icing race was ridiculous
they blame the refs for having a vendetta against Avery... its pretty lame. Most of his penalties lately have been pretty blatant. The only thing that bothers me is that opposing players can do whatever they want TO Avery and the refs won't call anything.
Lately they have been blatant but in Game 3 he was called for the most ridiculous penalties. Ove gets away with a lot of things on the ice.

Rangers will lose Game 5 though, they will have to win at home.

and DoubleJ's, I said this before the series started but as good as the Caps are offensively, they give up goals. The difference maker is Lund and he can carry a team.

Rangers are going to have to score more though, they can't rely on these 1-0, 2-1 games, too much pressure on Lund.

I agree w. you 100%....if the Rangers can get a 2 goal cushion like what they did last night, they can beat ANYONE. Lundqvist is just that good.
Great games last night. I was little upset that Versus didn't show Bos/Mtl. Flames/Hawks game was intense, Jokinen coming through in his first playoffseries. Henrik is playing great so far this series, but ATFK I don't know about one of the best playoff performances ever
let's see what he doesif the rest of this series and going on. I gotta give Ovie his props, he played his +%$ off last night. That shot that hit the post was ringing in my ears.Hopefully the Devils don't fall flat tonight.
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