Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

I'm not sure I can be too irritated by what Crosby has been saying because you really have to be careful of what you say and not give any confidence to theother team. You're in the Stanley Cup Finals and to me you just don't give the opposing team credit UNTIL there's a winner. If he doesn't givethem credit WHEN (
) they lose, then I would be a little
@ him.

Zetterberg did an amazing job killing off that 5 on 3......from blocking shots to taking away Crosby's potential goal (cross-crease feed from Hossa).Fleury was playing a bit off the post and like football, hockey is a game of inches IMO (football more so, but oh well

Overall, I just don't see the Pens winning the next 3 games including what would be Game 7 in Detroit if it got to that point. Good run by the Pens, Ireally believed they would be able to defeat the Wings
Now it's time to watch mybuddy capture the Calder Cup with the WBS Pens
the east has no place in playing the west. the game is totally different much faster, harder hitting.. its not as dominant as the nba, but still the west showsits better in nhl. zetterberg simply amazes me with his play because right now he is playing better then crosby malkin and the rest of the superstars becausehe is getting it done on both sides of the rink. and i can't praise detriot enough, they are such a classy team and so organized and gathered. theydidn't whine when the refs were giving all these undeserved penalties to them, they just went out and did their job. babcock is doing a tremendous job ofcoaching and this team truly deserves to win this cup in 08 in every single aspect i can think of, except my fan stand point cause im a little disappointed itwon't be dallas but detriot truly deserves it. i even tried picking out things to say wrong about them but i couldn't find anything...
You know I know its just a typo, but every time Detroit gets typed as DetRIOT, I crack up... Given our reputation
Originally Posted by cquan05

Zetterberg did an amazing job killing off that 5 on 3......from blocking shots to taking away Crosby's potential goal (cross-crease feed from Hossa).
I love watching Hank kill penalties.... IMO, he is the best penalty killing forward in the league and Chris Drury is a close second.
zetterberg simply amazes me with his play because right now he is playing better then crosby malkin and the rest of the superstars because he is getting it done on both sides of the rink. and i can't praise detriot enough, they are such a classy team and so organized and gathered. they didn't whine when the refs were giving all these undeserved penalties to them, they just went out and did their job. babcock is doing a tremendous job of coaching and this team truly deserves to win this cup in 08 in every single aspect i can think of, except my fan stand point cause im a little disappointed it won't be dallas but detriot truly deserves it. i even tried picking out things to say wrong about them but i couldn't find anything...
No doubt. Pens have finally shown life the past two games, but Detroit is just too good. Pens have a bright future though, and I feel good aboutit; but it would've been an amazing feat to win the Cup this year..... Oh well, I just hope it goes to 6, again if nothing else for the NHL as a whole. I love hockey
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Dude... Has anyone read the quotes by Crosby?

He's showing his immaturity. Really. Like he's not supposed to slurp the Wings or Hank or anything, but peep these gems:
"He made a good play on me, got my stick," Crosby said. "I don't think he did anything out of the ordinary besides what any other guy would do on a 5-on-3."
"We have to win one to get back," Crosby said. "That's the way we're thinking. They scored two, we scored one, so I don't think they're running away with it. We'll battle them in Detroit and see what happens."
I don't know... perhaps I'm just reaching. but buddy is just rubbing me the wrong way (pause) right now. It just seems as though he's acting as if the pens are totally beating themselves... Hoisted by his own petard...

You get your %$@ whooped in the first two games, and yet you did nothing wrong? You just missed your opportunities?!?
You get shut out for two games and you think somehow it's YOU and not the other team? C'mon... I can understand not admitting defeat... don't say the Wings are better than you; that's defeatist. but you can give credit where it may be due, and admit it Kid... they been beatin that tail like you got suspended from school...
What is he supposed to say? They're going to beat us, they're full of better players? We're sub-par? No he as the captain has to try andmake his players believe they can do it whether or not they can.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Dude... Has anyone read the quotes by Crosby?

He's showing his immaturity. Really. Like he's not supposed to slurp the Wings or Hank or anything, but peep these gems:
"He made a good play on me, got my stick," Crosby said. "I don't think he did anything out of the ordinary besides what any other guy would do on a 5-on-3."
"We have to win one to get back," Crosby said. "That's the way we're thinking. They scored two, we scored one, so I don't think they're running away with it. We'll battle them in Detroit and see what happens."
I don't know... perhaps I'm just reaching. but buddy is just rubbing me the wrong way (pause) right now. It just seems as though he's acting as if the pens are totally beating themselves... Hoisted by his own petard...

You get your %$@ whooped in the first two games, and yet you did nothing wrong? You just missed your opportunities?!?
You get shut out for two games and you think somehow it's YOU and not the other team? C'mon... I can understand not admitting defeat... don't say the Wings are better than you; that's defeatist. but you can give credit where it may be due, and admit it Kid... they been beatin that tail like you got suspended from school...
What is he supposed to say? They're going to beat us, they're full of better players? We're sub-par? No he as the captain has to try and make his players believe they can do it whether or not they can.

yea... i dont think what he said was so bad... and you all know how I feel about Crosby.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Dude... Has anyone read the quotes by Crosby?

He's showing his immaturity. Really. Like he's not supposed to slurp the Wings or Hank or anything, but peep these gems:
"He made a good play on me, got my stick," Crosby said. "I don't think he did anything out of the ordinary besides what any other guy would do on a 5-on-3."
"We have to win one to get back," Crosby said. "That's the way we're thinking. They scored two, we scored one, so I don't think they're running away with it. We'll battle them in Detroit and see what happens."
I don't know... perhaps I'm just reaching. but buddy is just rubbing me the wrong way (pause) right now. It just seems as though he's acting as if the pens are totally beating themselves... Hoisted by his own petard...

You get your %$@ whooped in the first two games, and yet you did nothing wrong? You just missed your opportunities?!?
You get shut out for two games and you think somehow it's YOU and not the other team? C'mon... I can understand not admitting defeat... don't say the Wings are better than you; that's defeatist. but you can give credit where it may be due, and admit it Kid... they been beatin that tail like you got suspended from school...

I don't think he said anything wrong there. He's trying to stay optimistic, he wasn't badmouthing anybody.. i think you're reaching a bit.
Like I said, I could be reaching... I don't so much mind the part about missing your own opportunities, but nobody else gets the little smarmy remarksabout the holding of the stick and all that? Like, and I could be totally off here, and it wouldn't be the first time, but I just get the impression thathe's basically saying the Wings aren't winning as much as the Pens are losing.

Like Roberts said something about "such and such made a good play, and we just couldn't bang it in the way we're supposed to", which to mesays the same thing Crosby said, but in much more of a vet way... If Crosby were to say the same thing, it's like "Nah, he didn't do anythingspecial, he held my stick, but it just didn't get called... I would have scored otherwise..."

He's like the Pistons... nobody ever beats them, in their eyes. Yet they've amounted almost to Buffalo Bills status in their losing when it counts...

I suppose I'll just wait until AFTER the series to pass final judgement... just seems as though he's playing the role of spoiled brat right now.

Nobody else gets that from the way he does interviews? Really?
No, because everyone isn't reaching for something. He definetly did not say anything wrong, he did what he's supposed to say. What did you expect himto be like well they aren't really that good, we're playing horrible? No he has to be PROFESSIONAL as well as allowing his team to believe they have achance (even if they don't)
As stated we'll see what he has to say AFTER the series/game is over.........You said it yourself as well Joe, Roberts is a long-time Vet and this isCrosby's FIRST Stanley Cup Final. Assuming he gets to the Finals later on in his career I'm sure he'll be able to mature and learn from eachexperience and maybe handle his press conferences a little differently. However, I honestly don't see your point of view on the situation and it could bebecause you're not his biggest fan so you look for his flaws? I know I would probably be the same way if I was watching a player I absolutely hate in thepost-game press conference
Nothing makes me happier than hearing Cindy Crosby crying. Hank is showing who the best forward in the L is. Second is Datsyuk. That is not homer talk, that iswatching these guys for 100 times this season and seeing them both show up for every game they played in.

I love seeing our OLD team win these games.
Hank is showing who the best forward in the L is. Second is Datsyuk. That is not homer talk, that is watching these guys for 100 times this season and seeing them both show up for every game they played in.

that is homer talk...

Alexander Ovechkin is the undisputed best player in the L.

outside of Detroit, I don't think many people would put Zetterburg and Datsyuk as 1-2 in the ENTIRE NHL....that's ridiculous. They are both in the top10, and Zetterburg is maybe a top 5 player, but #1? C'mon now....
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Hank is showing who the best forward in the L is. Second is Datsyuk. That is not homer talk, that is watching these guys for 100 times this season and seeing them both show up for every game they played in.

that is homer talk...

Alexander Ovechkin is the undisputed best player in the L.

outside of Detroit, I don't think many people would put Zetterburg and Datsyuk as 1-2 in the ENTIRE NHL....that's ridiculous. They are both in the top 10, and Zetterburg is maybe a top 5 player, but #1? C'mon now....
Ovechkin is a stud offensively but Hank does everything. I think All Around, Hank is better but offensively, AO is a unreal.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Hank is showing who the best forward in the L is. Second is Datsyuk. That is not homer talk, that is watching these guys for 100 times this season and seeing them both show up for every game they played in.

that is homer talk...

Alexander Ovechkin is the undisputed best player in the L.

outside of Detroit, I don't think many people would put Zetterburg and Datsyuk as 1-2 in the ENTIRE NHL....that's ridiculous.

I would put Alex Ovechkin #1 and Zetterberg #2
I prob haven't seen AO as much I would like (even though I love the way he plays the game) but watching Zetts thru this whole season has been unreal. Hedoes it all for this team. Dats is the same way and now that Dats is throwing the body around in the playoffs, I think that adds to his game a lot. I think AOis the most talented player in the L and I am gonna need to see him more next year thats for sure.
If I'm doing my top 5...

1. Alexander Ovechkin
2. Evgeni Malkin
3. Sidney Crosby
4. Nicklas Lidstrom
5. Jarome Iginla

If you don't want to count Lidstrom, it would go like this..

1. Ovechkin
2. Malkin
3. Crosby
4. Iginla
5. Zetterberg
What did you expect him to be like well they aren't really that good, we're playing horrible? No he has to be PROFESSIONAL as well as allowing his team to believe they have a chance (even if they don't)
That IS what he said, in essence... I'll have to put more quotes up, but he's basically said that the entire series... Like when he goeshome he's telling his friends "Dude... they suck. I have NO IDEA why we're losing" He just gives me that type of vibe...

However, I honestly don't see your point of view on the situation and it could be because you're not his biggest fan so you look for his flaws? I know I would probably be the same way if I was watching a player I absolutely hate in the post-game press conference

That's the thing... I LIKE Crosby. Dude is amazing to watch, and I thought, given his pedigree and how exposed he's been to the mediasince a very young age that he'd be much more mature about the situation. I don't hate him at all, and I think that's why I'm so taken aback.

You and I have had this discussion before about giving credit where it is due, and while I am a huge Wings fan, I can definitely see virtues of other folk.Now, with that said, the dude is being a prick. Seriously. I'm seeing it. A vet would have been saying things like "we have to play better" to besure, but Crosby throws things in there about the other team not doing anything special, which is bush league.

I gues I'm not really explaining it right. But I know vets don't do this...
You know, Crosby is starting to get to me like Lebron is getting to me. Dude puts on that crybaby face, and it just gets sad.

Both him and LBJ are starting to really get to me.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

You know, Crosby is starting to get to me like Lebron is getting to me. Dude puts on that crybaby face, and it just gets sad.

Both him and LBJ are starting to really get to me.

newbs your hate for crosby is beyond annoying. you'd think dude raped your mom or something with the way you despise somebody.. somebody, i might add, youdon't even personally know like that.

It'd be one thing if he was actually doing something that warranted hatred towards him - but he's a clean player that most of the rest of the leaguesfans respect and admire. You seem to have formulated your opinion of him solely off the hype the media gives him, which is just pathetic in my opinion. Butkeep doing you.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

You know, Crosby is starting to get to me like Lebron is getting to me. Dude puts on that crybaby face, and it just gets sad.

Both him and LBJ are starting to really get to me.


I really wish i could like Crosby and appreciate his game but I can't... He has amazing talent but his whining really gets annoying... And of course,his diving is pathetic....

I'll never forget when I saw him dive purposely because someone tapped him with a stick and after the play he was laughing with a bunch of his teammatesabout how he got away with it...

It's a damn shame...
Turrible tripping call on Datsyuk (i can never spell his name right).

Man, the Pens just came out dead this game. Mental mistakes with 2 straight penalties.

EDIT: Damn, that right side of the net was WIIDDDDDEEE open.

Lets go boys, tie this game up but quick.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

You know, Crosby is starting to get to me like Lebron is getting to me. Dude puts on that crybaby face, and it just gets sad.

Both him and LBJ are starting to really get to me.


I really wish i could like Crosby and appreciate his game but I can't... He has amazing talent but his whining really gets annoying... And of course, his diving is pathetic....

I'll never forget when I saw him dive purposely because someone tapped him with a stick and after the play he was laughing with a bunch of his teammates about how he got away with it...

It's a damn shame...

It's something all young players do now man.. you expect that he won't do something to give his team an advantage?

sure, we don't have to like that as a part of the game.. but while it's rewarded, you can't blame dudes for doing it. that's a silly reasonto dislike somebody, you're just going to end up hating the entire league before it's all said and done if that's your reasoning for it.

Pens are playing their best period of the series so far.. 2-0 and we're really getting a lot of good chances, things in the middle look much more openright now, not sure what adjustments were made but so far, so good... if we can survive the 2nd period, which is our worst period this playoffs for some reasonby far, i like our chances... man, if we could send this back to pittsburgh somehow, it'd be so awesome!
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