Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

Craftsy, you are always so pessimistic about the Pens! Not a bad thing, I would rather have an objective fan like you than some homer that spouts ofmeaningless rhetoric. Anyway, I expected a loss in game 1. Young team, in Detroit, first Final for any of them? It was going to happen (I was hoping for thescore to be 2 goals apart though). Game 2 is not a MUST win, but it is a MUST PLAY WELL game. If they come out flat and get rolled again, then no momentumwill be brought to Pitt. Detroit is just a solid team, very hard to beat this series. It can happen though, the Pens have the talent

I heard that Marc-Andre Fleury is a restricted free agent this summer. I hope the Pens dont throw a lot of money at him just for making the finals. Although he has a bright future ahead of him, the Pens are still going to have to pay Malkin and spend some money on other needs
As Crafty said, Pens will sign MAF and Malkin, extend them both. Sid is signed through 2013. Hossa is gone, Malone is probably gone, and a fewothers. The core should be good, but with the way Conklin played, perhaps the Pens have him long term for cheap and then spend the MAF money on someone else? Interesting scenario......
I predicted the Wings to win this thing a long time ago, so there's no homer in this statement.. but you're definitely jumping the gun. It was a home game your team was supposed to win, and you guys won. You will probably take game 2 also.. But i wouldn't get too excited until you take one in the Burgh. Either way, the Wings are the more complete team, but I expect much closer games in the days to follow this one.
Yes I get that they were supposed to win, but THE WAY in which they won is what surprised many... Home games I get. Game 1s going to theexperience, I get... But Detroit averages almost 4 goals a game, and got them. Pitt averages about 3 and a half and got shut out. Pitt only managed like 19shots on goal. Like I said, Detroit plays like this ALL the time... can Pitt play THEIR game against the Wings' defensive forwards and blue line? Because,like I said... today didn't look like it at all.

I expect the games to be closer as well, but I said before when the puck bounces for you, it stays on your side until the Hockey Gods decide to twist itagainst you. The Pens had the bounces all playoff, and nothing went right for them last night. They were outhit, outskated, got the puck swiped on a regularbasis, Fleury looked pedestrian, AND the puck didn't bounce their way. That does not bode well for Da Youngstas...
Good game for Detroit, bad game for Pitt. Fleury didn't look good from the start, including him falling onto the ice lol.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Good game for Detroit, bad game for Pitt. Fleury didn't look good from the start, including him falling onto the ice lol.

as soon as he did that i knew the game was over before it even started

The two rink attendants laughing was priceless too.

I'm glad the goal that was called back didn't matter, the refs need to stop directly effecting the outcomes of games. Especially the booting guys fromthe faceoff dot, I counted 4 times for Zetterberg alone in game 1. Stop grandstanding and just drop the puck!

Go Wings!
Tell him to stay his %+% square then...

The Wings get kicked off a lot cuz they put sticks over the circle, I've noticed. Everything else looks okay, but they don't put sticks on the outside,they drop right over top...

But I agree it happens and gets called way too much.

And don't get me started on the non-goals for Homer this year. It's crazy. They allowed one against Nashville, and the very next game calledinterference. That's BS. And that call in Game 1 was atrocious... Goalies must be permitted to make saves WHILE IN THE CREASE. But I suppose since thestick started out in the crease before the shot that's why it was called. I guess. Whatever.
I'm nervous for the game. Hopefully Fleury can at least get on the ice without falling. That video is hilarious
not looking too good for the Pens

i just got back from Mem. weekend so i didnt even get a chance to watch game 1 but I figure it went like this

Det. is just too good, they are shutting down the Pens offense like they are the Tampa Bay Lightning
Wings are such a complete team. Best team all this year, and that isn't stopping. I am just hoping to see a goal at some point.....
Better game for the Pens. More shots, more hits... Got a little chippy at the end, tho. Not sure if that's the type of series they want, but hey.Frustration causes those things.

I'll stick with my question, tho... Since this is always the way the Wings play, and the Pens have never seen anything like it, can Therrien and the Kidsadjust accordingly. I would have thought the amount of 4-on-4 hockey we've seen (what has it been, like 6 times so far?) would have benefitted the Pens,but they can't even get that going, really...
Wow - so i knew we'd lose the first two games, but i thought we'd at least point some points up.. this is a sad start.

I think we look completely different at home, but wow.. we just look so soft compared to detroit, we aren't hitting anybody, we're not getting stickson anything across the middle and really struggling to get decent chances... It's frustrating to watch, but that's just what Detroit does.

I think we make game 3 a battle, and maybe even steal it.. But this series just doesn't look good for us, we are being out-everything'd right now.. ourdefense is just playing lazy, we look tired, which i don't understand at all.. and our spacing is pathetic on both ends of the ice, on all lines.

Hossa and Malkin have been invisible through 2 games.. Malone gets moved into the first line and gets 3 penalties.. nice job. Ugh, whatever.. this is what ipredicted, i'm not surprised.. i was just secretly optimistic and thought we'd at least LOOK better in losing the first two. Not giving up yet, butthings gotta improve in a hurry.
Hossa and Malkin havent done anything. That is a big problem with you're Pitt and two of the better scorers in this league are no where to be found. Fleuryhas looked average, at least he didnt fall this time. The Pens in my mind have to, absolutely have to, win both games at Mellon for this to even be a series.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Is Malkin ever gonna suit up? I havent seen him these first 2 games.

Agreed.........Him and Hossa should've just stayed in the Burgh and waited for Game 3.......I still don't see Detroit sweeping but I'm alsofinding it a lot harder to believe the Pens will come back from an 0-2 deficit against this team. That non-goal in Game 1 against Holmstrom was the worst callI've ever seen, the officials have been so up and down in the playoffs this year regarding the whole goalie interference crap.

I have a feeling Game 3 we'll see everyone go after Datsyuk to try and rattle him.
@ punching Roberts OVER the refs with his gloves ON, then again I don't blame him because Roberts would put him in a hospital bed if they everdropped the gloves
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Is Malkin ever gonna suit up? I havent seen him these first 2 games.

Agreed.........Him and Hossa should've just stayed in the Burgh and waited for Game 3.......I still don't see Detroit sweeping but I'm also finding it a lot harder to believe the Pens will come back from an 0-2 deficit against this team. That non-goal in Game 1 against Holmstrom was the worst call I've ever seen, the officials have been so up and down in the playoffs this year regarding the whole goalie interference crap.

I have a feeling Game 3 we'll see everyone go after Datsyuk to try and rattle him.
@ punching Roberts OVER the refs with his gloves ON, then again I don't blame him because Roberts would put him in a hospital bed if they ever dropped the gloves
Its always nice to see tough guys go after guys that win the Lady Bing. Hes a REAL MAN.
I think we see McCarty/Downey suit up for Game 3. If for nothing more because we don't need all the scorers in this lineup. It sucks that they can'tsuit up some of their fighters because the Wings have too much depth with quality players. Our first 2 lines are doing enough. There are going to be some morecheap shots from the Pens because they can't do much else. I can see them playing Larouque as well. This is pathetic how bad they are playing.
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