Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Fade on You

who the hell are you, you finally start posting in this thread tonight? and add a Pens sig??? get the hell outta here

to Pens fans not jumping on the wagon (Fade on you), i'll def be rooting for you guys in the finals, Det. is gonna be a heavy favorite but as much as it pains me to watch my team go down they had a great run from worst in the NHL last year to the improvement this year

I think Crosby and Malkin in the finals is good for the NHL

Son! Ive had this sig for weeks. You just didnt notice it because you stay in the filthadelphia and stussy threads. YOU MADD SON! It aint my fault the flies cant win!

Edit: But im gone right now off that sailor jerry so props to you for supporting us in the finals, but ill throw respect your way.

typical frontrunner, you full of it so i'm gonna ignore punks like you who obvs. know nothing about hockey so they just talk smack to try and hidetheir lack of intelligence
congrats to real Pens fans, I have many friends from going to school at Penn State that are Pens fans so I always said if the Flyers were out of iti'd root for them ( whether they caused it or not)
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Fade on You

who the hell are you, you finally start posting in this thread tonight? and add a Pens sig??? get the hell outta here

to Pens fans not jumping on the wagon (Fade on you), i'll def be rooting for you guys in the finals, Det. is gonna be a heavy favorite but as much as it pains me to watch my team go down they had a great run from worst in the NHL last year to the improvement this year

I think Crosby and Malkin in the finals is good for the NHL

Son! Ive had this sig for weeks. You just didnt notice it because you stay in the filthadelphia and stussy threads. YOU MADD SON! It aint my fault the flies cant win!

Edit: But im gone right now off that sailor jerry so props to you for supporting us in the finals, but ill throw respect your way.

typical frontrunner, you full of it so i'm gonna ignore punks like you who obvs. know nothing about hockey so they just talk smack to try and hide their lack of intelligence
congrats to real Pens fans, I have many friends from going to school at Penn State that are Pens fans so I always said if the Flyers were out of it i'd root for them ( whether they caused it or not)
Continue to tell em why your madd son! Since you know me so well, why dont you ask me, what is it that i dont know about hockey?
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Fade on You

who the hell are you, you finally start posting in this thread tonight? and add a Pens sig??? get the hell outta here

to Pens fans not jumping on the wagon (Fade on you), i'll def be rooting for you guys in the finals, Det. is gonna be a heavy favorite but as much as it pains me to watch my team go down they had a great run from worst in the NHL last year to the improvement this year

I think Crosby and Malkin in the finals is good for the NHL

Son! Ive had this sig for weeks. You just didnt notice it because you stay in the filthadelphia and stussy threads. YOU MADD SON! It aint my fault the flies cant win!

Edit: But im gone right now off that sailor jerry so props to you for supporting us in the finals, but ill throw respect your way.

typical frontrunner, you full of it so i'm gonna ignore punks like you who obvs. know nothing about hockey so they just talk smack to try and hide their lack of intelligence
congrats to real Pens fans, I have many friends from going to school at Penn State that are Pens fans so I always said if the Flyers were out of it i'd root for them ( whether they caused it or not)
Continue to tell em why your madd son! Since you know me so well, why dont you ask me, what is it that i dont know about hockey?

you obvs. didnt know how to run your mouth until tonight, where you been #1 Pens fan? you are a frontrunner plain and simple, it's's ironic how you entered this thread for the 1st time tonight but had your sig for "weeks"
that's all I need to say...i got nothing else for you
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by areyouin729

Fade on You

who the hell are you, you finally start posting in this thread tonight? and add a Pens sig??? get the hell outta here

to Pens fans not jumping on the wagon (Fade on you), i'll def be rooting for you guys in the finals, Det. is gonna be a heavy favorite but as much as it pains me to watch my team go down they had a great run from worst in the NHL last year to the improvement this year

I think Crosby and Malkin in the finals is good for the NHL

Son! Ive had this sig for weeks. You just didnt notice it because you stay in the filthadelphia and stussy threads. YOU MADD SON! It aint my fault the flies cant win!

Edit: But im gone right now off that sailor jerry so props to you for supporting us in the finals, but ill throw respect your way.

typical frontrunner, you full of it so i'm gonna ignore punks like you who obvs. know nothing about hockey so they just talk smack to try and hide their lack of intelligence
congrats to real Pens fans, I have many friends from going to school at Penn State that are Pens fans so I always said if the Flyers were out of it i'd root for them ( whether they caused it or not)
Continue to tell em why your madd son! Since you know me so well, why dont you ask me, what is it that i dont know about hockey?

you obvs. didnt know how to run your mouth until tonight, where you been #1 Pens fan? you are a frontrunner plain and simple, it's apparent... it's ironic how you entered this thread for the 1st time tonight but had your sig for "weeks"
that's all I need to say...i got nothing else for you
So your telling me that im not a fan because I didn't post in your nhl thread up until now on, an internet message board.
your a funny guy
You just keep thinking that if it will make the pain of losing easier. Whatever works for you.
Whoever talked about how the Flyers were going to be realy hampered with their passing and handling on the backline was spot on... they're reallystruggilng back there to move the puck out of their own end, it's so obvious how much they're hurt by these injuries. It's kind of a shame, too.. iwas hoping for a really good series, but you can't expect philly to be stopping one of the best o's in the league missing their best defenders, andit's really hurt thei offense, too i think because they've been forced to play a different style of offense than i've seen them playing prior tothis series.

Let's hope the pens can finish this out in 4, get rested, and get ready for Detroit.

Although i heard the finals won't start until next thursday at the earliest? yikes.. if both series are 4-0's, that's a ridiculous amount of timeoff.
Do you think the long break favors the Wings or the Pens (I love how we're talking like these series are both sweeps already
)? I would definitely sayit favors the Wings, for two reasons: First, Franzen... While they've actually played better without the Mule, I think him coming back to the lineup wouldhelp them trmedously. Second would be Pittsburgh's youth. Their stars haven't really been here before, and the longer the wait the more pressure buildsup (from the media AND self-inflicted). They will play tight early. Fleury is good, but is he Roy good? Is he Brodeur good? I guess this will remain to beseen...

It's not like there will be much familiaritybetween the two teams. Pittsburgh is great offensively, and they've dominated defensively according to thenumbers. It'll be interesting to see how they adapt to the Wings ability to score and their puck playing ability. Malkin and Crosby and Hossa againstDatsyuk, Zetterberg and (Hopefully) Franzen is gonna be a monster matchup.

This will either be a goalie showdown between two dudes who are very good, or an all star game where every game is 6-5. We'll see. I believe youth will getserved...
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Do you think the long break favors the Wings or the Pens (I love how we're talking like these series are both sweeps already
)? I would definitely say it favors the Wings, for two reasons: First, Franzen... While they've actually played better without the Mule, I think him coming back to the lineup would help them trmedously. Second would be Pittsburgh's youth. Their stars haven't really been here before, and the longer the wait the more pressure builds up (from the media AND self-inflicted). They will play tight early. Fleury is good, but is he Roy good? Is he Brodeur good? I guess this will remain to be seen...

It's not like there will be much familiaritybetween the two teams. Pittsburgh is great offensively, and they've dominated defensively according to the numbers. It'll be interesting to see how they adapt to the Wings ability to score and their puck playing ability. Malkin and Crosby and Hossa against Datsyuk, Zetterberg and (Hopefully) Franzen is gonna be a monster matchup.

This will either be a goalie showdown between two dudes who are very good, or an all star game where every game is 6-5. We'll see. I believe youth will get served...

I definitely think it favors the Wings. Pens are young, they're pretty fresh and don't really need any kind of rest as far as i'm concerned...but they're also going to be anxious i believe, and the longer the wait, the tighter they'll likely come out.

I tend to agree that the pens will lose the series.. i think the wings are the more complete team, and obviously more experienced... BUT, with a team thatcan score like the pens, you just never know. I do feel like they haven't really been tested yet, but i don't know if that's a blessing or acurse, because Detroit is without a doubt going to test them.
I dont necessarily know who it favors. Sure pressure builds up on the Pens but they have some older guys who have been around a while like Roberts, Gill,Laraque, they make a huge difference. Obviously on paper the Red Wings are better on both sides of the puck, but the Pens have not gotten enough credit fortheir D and we all know about their offense.
I'm actually not sure who I'd say the potential
layoff could benefit becausewith the Wings their older guys can get the rest, and with the Pens their youth will be fully charged by the time the SC Finals start. I have a feeling aPitts/Detroit would be a very fast paced series. Yes, the Wings are good defensively, as are the Pens but both teams will be flying IMO. Should be a fun seriesto watch though for sure
I hate to say it but this might end up being one of the worst NHL playoffs ever, not too many exciting games and only 2 series going to game 7.

Detroit vs. Pittsburgh is a match-up of the two most exciting teams in the league but I have a feeling Detroit will steamroll the Pens. I see Detroit winningin 6 games max.
i think for the Pens to win the cup, Fluery needs to basically be what he was expected to be when he was drafted #1 overall (not saying he isn't on hisway) but he has to play like a top 3 goalie in the league

this might be the best Detriot team i've seen in about 10 years

i'm rooting for the Pens tho

of course there is always the chance my Flyers will win 4 straight
You know it's funny Gingers... on paper, the Pens actually have the edge. They shoot the puck less, but score at a higher clip, albeit the Wings score alittle more. Fleury's save pct is dope, but the Wings average is thrown off by Hasek's old tail... The Pens PP is better than the Wings, and the WingsPK is a couple %age points higher...

This series, on paper, is more close than people think. I just think the Wings experience will play out here. Sid lost last year badly, but came back this yearwith a vengeance... I see the same type of thing happening this year...

Anyway... Ozzie is playing VERY well today as the Stars are throwing the kitchen sink at the Wings... Lines changed up so they can bang everybody, pressure allup and down the ice... Dallas is playing like they know there is no tomorrow, as they should be. Glad to see they haven't rolled up. But the Wings puckposession is what's killing them, and I don't think anything they have can answer it... Did you guys SEE Zetterberg keep the puck away from 4 STARS onthe PK?!? That's amazing what those guys can do and how strong they are with the puck... Just minutes earlier, Datsyuk was skating up along the right wingat Center Ice, and skated with the puck with somebody ON HIS SHOULDER THE WHOLE TIME.

It's gonna be SO fun to watch Sid and Malkin and Hossa play with these guys... Wide open hockey that they intended the league to turn into when they gotrid of the 2 line pass...
I think you guys are forgetting that the Pens can play a trap style defense when needed. They can clog up the neutral zone and sort of trap anything fromgetting through them aside from a dump in and Fleury is a decent enough stick handling goalie that they can get the puck and reverse in a second. The Wings cando the same as well. Sure I would love to see 5-4, 5-3. 6-4 games, but I dont think they'll all be like that. Maybe the first one but then it will settledown.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

It's gonna be SO fun to watch Sid and Malkin and Hossa play with these guys... Wide open hockey that they intended the league to turn into when they got rid of the 2 line pass...
Wow......we agree on something!

Can't wait for the Finals.....wonder if people in Detroit will show up?
It'd be nice if they did.

It'd also be nice if the refs didn't take the money to disallow the goal... Should be 1-1. Dah well. Stars are playing great right now, flying aroundlike I figured they would... We'll see if they keep it up, or if they get gassed and allow the Wings to capitalize. It's only so long you can play atthat level, and they've done it for two straight periods.
Stars are playing well, but in the end they are just delaying the inevitable. I actually think the Flyers will win tomorrow, and then Pitt will be crowned theEastern Conference champs on their home ice on Saturday (I think). The Wings will be doing the same thing come Friday (I think game 5 is Friday)
Looks like we're headed back to Detroit for Game 5 on Saturday @ 1:30.......IF the Pens lose tomorrow Game 5 is Sunday at 3
Garbage. Not happy with tonites game. The only good thing is that my dad will get a dope birthday present tomorrow morning and we will be going to the D forGame 5 on Saturday. Look for us. We will be rocking the Bob Probert jersey.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Garbage. Not happy with tonites game. The only good thing is that my dad will get a dope birthday present tomorrow morning and we will be going to the D for Game 5 on Saturday. Look for us. We will be rocking the Bob Probert jersey.

Sweet, love Probert. HBD to your pops. I'd give my left teste to go to that game.
It's a long flight from Vancouver, I did get to go to game 2against Calgary in '04 though. Best sports experience of my life to finally see a game at the Joe. Plus Stevie had 2 goals including the winner. I'm aWings fan for life.

Enjoy the game.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Even if they won, cquan... I wouldn't have held you to that $10 thing
.........What did I say again? If they had swept Dallas & Pitt I'd paypal you $10 right? I'm lucky Dallas won last night I suppose

Flyers are up 3-0 right now and it doesn't appear they'll lose this game
.....Pitt will win it at home in game 5
My man Ryan Parent getting the call tonight
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