Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

Sharks just need a new coach and just get some toughness and consistency to play in the playoffs. In the Stars series, ultimately fallin 3-0 is just too hardto overcome
Originally Posted by acidicality

Sharks just need a new coach and just get some toughness and consistency to play in the playoffs. In the Stars series, ultimately fallin 3-0 is just too hard to overcome
Hello last week.... jk. Yeah The Sharks do need a new coach, Wings are dominating right now though so I think it would have only been inevitable forthe Sharks to get knocked out.
Red machine keeps rolling.

Another game winner for Mule, that's 5 now.

Turco now 0 - 8 - 2 all time at Joe Louis Arena as a pro.

Go Wings!
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by acidicality

Sharks just need a new coach and just get some toughness and consistency to play in the playoffs. In the Stars series, ultimately fallin 3-0 is just too hard to overcome
Hello last week.... jk. Yeah The Sharks do need a new coach, Wings are dominating right now though so I think it would have only been inevitable for the Sharks to get knocked out.
true, we always find a way to lose in the playoffs
butthat's just how it goes.

and on another tangent not really related to the games themselves, the red wings logo has always been
to me. just classic.
Originally Posted by Twilight24xJet

@ Timonen being out for the series

As a Flyers fan, I know we've taken some injuries before and still killed it; but this is a hell of a blow before the series even started.

it's def a tough loss but I still have alot of faith in this team

I pray they dress Ryan Parent over Modry, i'll take the unproven kid over the proven to suck aging veteran
This series better get to Game 5. I would love to see them win the West while in attendence
heading to Champps right at 6pm from work

LETS GO FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ouch high scoring game already
marty better stop playing the puck so much.....
richards killing it....hopefully we can pull it out
Not sure which goal you said "cherry picker" to......but I'm assuming it was for the Malkin goal. If you saw the replay you'll realize aftergetting hammered by Richards he (Malkin) slowly made his way back into the defensive zone when his teammate got possession of the puck and threw it up ice andhe def wasn't waiting up there for 2mins waiting for the pass.

Flyers just seemed flat tonight.....knew it'd be a high-scoring game but I expect both teams to play better defensively in Game 2 now that the nerves areout and Game 1 is in the books

@ Dallas getting dismantled by the Wings......hopefully that's just their4 OT hangover
.....I think if they can somehow find a way to win a game or 2 in Detroit, they'll be in good shape because the Stars play very well @ home.
Wow @ that slapshot by Malkin on that breakaway in the second period. I just saw that on SportsCenter. That's some serious confidence.
Cherry Picker? He got rocked like 20 seconds before that and was slow to get up, not anyones fault that they forgot about him except the Flyers defense. Goodgame overall by Pitt. I hate Mike Richards for some reason, I think he's a cheap shot artist,
Yeah, Malkin got wasn't really a cherry-picking goal as he was just starting to make his way (slowly) back into the defensivezone...ain't no one gonna stop a slapshot from 10 feet out
...Ive said it before, and I'll say it again....Malkin > Crosby. That's going tobe a scary 1-2 combo (assuming Malkin stays) for the next 10 years.

Pens are SICK....

Also, how many times will Melrose sayy "_____________ is the best player in the world?"

*Just saw Don Cherry's segment on ESPN, and he KILLED the Red Wings fans...he had some unflattering remarks about them, and said it was a disgrace thatthey aren't selling out their playoff games.
Wings should be selling out their games, that is sad. I KNOW Detroit is a good hockey town, surprises me. Great game by the Pens. I really don't see Pittlosing this series........
Yeah... Grapes mentioned it, and I was gonna ask Newbs if his Tix were easy to come by.

Detroit had 10+ STRAIGHT years of sellouts, and the streak was over at the beginning of the season, I believe. Something close to 400 games. It's sad. Ialways wonder if it's because the novelty is over... The fact that the Wings have been basically the most successful regular season franchise since theMid-90's, or the fact that since the Pistons and Tigers are selling out, people don't tend to follow the OTHER sport as much any more.

Like the streak started back in 96, when the only thing the City had going was Grant (although the Stones never won a playoff series), but they were generallya tad better than mediocre when he was there... plus they had teal uniforms. The Tigers were atrocious, and the Lions were... well, the Lions.

I remember when we won in 97 and a million people went to Hart Plaza. Hell, right after we won to erase the 42 year draught, EVERYBODY flooded downtown and hada big party after Game 4. I don't see that happening any more. It seems as though since the other teams started to come up, the Wings fanbase fell off,like it was an artificial fanbase to start.

Perhaps it has something to do with border security and the fact that the Windsor folks don't come over in droves anymore...
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