Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

quick question about something i've always wondered...

what keeps the goal/net from sliding or moving around on the ice?
damn i cant even read any of that im too burnt from work

what the hell happened in here???

I'm sure if someone else came in here and started to praise their team like they were God's team you'd have something to say about it as well.
Not a chance. I've said not ONE WORD about the Sharks, Rangers, or anyone else's picks that had nothing to do with the Wings. In fact,I've enjoyed the banter of the Flyers, Rangers and Sharks fans here. I think its outstanding that there are 32 pages worth of people interested in Hockey.

Dude writes essays to inform people of his OPINIONS. Nobody cares.
Quiet when grown folks is talking.
j/k If nobody cares, don't acknowledge it. We're on Yuku now, so it's not taking your preciousbandwith. I saty quiet all year about Football, hoops (relatively) and all the baseball threads, and now I get a Hockey thread, and I get blasted for puttingup a few opinions? What gives?

You're surely fooling yourself if you think the Wings will sweep Dallas & Pittsburgh. I'll PayPal you $10 if the Wings win their next 8 games.
I know we're pseudo-arguing, but it would help if you actually contradicted my actual opinions or arguments, instead of saying I say the Wingswill sweep the stars. Please look at what I wrote, and reply again, if you feel the need.

Outside of Lidstrom/Rafalski and MAYBE Kronwall.......Detroit's D is sub par.
just think you don't know much about hockey,
First, yes I was exaggerating about the outshot part. That was a not-so-clever attempt at humor given the comment you made about me exaggeratingthe Wings having gone 82-0 with a 0.00 GAA
, which it seems was lost.

Anyway, I'd MUCH rather argue stats and what not with you. It makes for much less wishy-washyness. The puck don't lie...

1) Dallas ranks second in the playoffs with 2.00 goals against per game. Detroit ranks third with 2.10 goals against per game.
However Detroit averages 3.79 GPG, and Dallas averages 2.63. Your tenth of a goal trumps my 1.16? No. But you guys DID play argualbly two of the best in JSand Nabby. So I'll call it even.

2) Dallas ranks second in the playoffs with a 25.0% success rate. Detroit ranks ninth at 20.4%.
Slightly misleading since they scored 6 of their 15 goals in the first two games against the Ducks. They have 15 PPG in 12 games, with an average of 5 PPopps per game. Detroit has 10 in 10 games, averaging a lil under 5 opps per game. Another push.

3) Dallas' Brendan Morrow and Stephane Robidas rank first and second in the playoffs with 66 hits and 59 hits, respectively.
Hmmm... I'll concede that. I won't argue that one. I got nothing for it...

4) Detroit's Johan Franzen and Dallas' Mike Ribeiro are tied for second in the playoffs with 14 points.
Only difference is, Johan is a +9 in the playoffs, and Ribeiro is only a +2, and Ribby has played in 2 more games...

And I agree... let's move on. But just because I have blind optimism in a team doesn't mean I know nothing about hockey. Like I said, everything I saidabout the Avs came true. If it doesn't against the stars, I can concede defeat. I have no problem being wrong. I just haven't yet. I take that back,Dallas has proven me wrong once. I thought Anaheim would have beaten them at first.

what the hell happened in here???
Apparently, one cannot be blinded by love of a team and get away with it, even if you are correct for a couple series. All Rangers and Flyers fanstake note.
Apparently, one cannot be blinded by love of a team and get away with it, even if you are correct for a couple series. All Rangers and Flyers fans take note.
no offense but you just showed up in this thread and became Scotty Bowman all the sudden

i'm about as big a Flyers fan as you get and not once have I not been's idiot experts who continuly pick the Flyers to lose and are wrong butwhen/if they finally do they are geniuses, much like it seems you think you are

i'll let their play speak for them
to the guy who posted the question about what makes the net not slide, there is a hole drilled into the ice under each goal post, inside this hole they put arubber plug that also goes up into the post a little bit and that keeps it so it doesn't come off the goaline or move unless it needs to. it preventsinjuries if people slide into the net while at the same time keeping the next in place.

and to conclude my post, go Pitt
I didnt get a chance to post last night after the game was over cuz i was too pissed. Big ups to the Dallas Stars and my Sharks for giving everyone a game toremember! That was the best damn hockey game i've ever seen. And im still proud of the Sharks. San Jo had so many chances to put the game away but Turcowas just in the zone last night. I'm super bummed, but there's always next season.
Can't wait for the Pittsburgh v. Philly series. Pens have to win it though, their offense is just too strong, and MAF is playing amazing in goal (thoughPhilly is playing better defense/goal work than anyone). CUP CRAZY! GO PENS!
its gonna be a goos series between the Flyers and Pens

My prediction:

Pittsburgh in 7....

Than they'll get their #$$#$ handed to them in the finals by Detroit....
So wait, is sharks going to loose any players this off-season, or will they have pretty much the same team. The flaw I noticed is that they didn'tmesh/coordinate as much as the could have(until game 5). Who they keep and who they might let go is definitely a concern for the off-season IMO.
Well San Jose is definetly going to be getting a new coach in the off season. There were talks about breaking apart some of the guys and letting go of some ofthe older ones. I don't think meshing was their problem. They had a great year, a great first round, and that was it. They got outplayed. Dallas is abetter team.
The Sharks can feel free to send Marleau, Cheechoo, or big Joe to Boston, I'd take any of them
I am dying for the Conference Finals to start. They are the best of any sport outside of football. The intensity is unmatched. I want to see what Hatcher doesto Malkin and Crosby when they get in front of the net.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

I am dying for the Conference Finals to start. They are the best of any sport outside of football. The intensity is unmatched. I want to see what Hatcher does to Malkin and Crosby when they get in front of the net.

Leafs fired Paul Maurice today.........the interim GM Cliff Fletcher said that the newly hired GM would decide the fate of Maurice as the Head Coach, whichmust mean they already have a GM lined up?
I don't personally like wasn't Maurice's fault, his record over 2yrs as the HC with the TML is 76-66-22 but they missed the playoffs both years. It'll beinteresting to see who the new GM is, or if Fletcher will stay.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Well San Jose is definetly going to be getting a new coach in the off season. There were talks about breaking apart some of the guys and letting go of some of the older ones. I don't think meshing was their problem. They had a great year, a great first round, and that was it. They got outplayed. Dallas is a better team.

I agreed they got out-played, but I seriously think sharks could have played better from the beginning of the series IMO. Anyways, I hope we can get abetter coach though.
Don Cherry is set to make his ESPN debut tomorrow night....he's gonna be debating w. Barry Melrose. THAT should be entertaining....

Adding Cherry to beef up ESPN's playoff coverage will restart speculation about ESPN2 returning as a carrier of NHL games next season. Gross said that decision will be made at a management level above his.


The fact that this is even being discussed or is a rumor, is a HUGE step in the right direction for the NHL....there has to be MORE press for young studs likeOvechkin, Malkin, and Crosby....
That would be awesome if ESPN2 took over games, but I kinda of like Versus, they showed more games then ESPN2 ever did.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Don Cherry is set to make his ESPN debut tomorrow night....he's gonna be debating w. Barry Melrose. THAT should be entertaining....

Adding Cherry to beef up ESPN's playoff coverage will restart speculation about ESPN2 returning as a carrier of NHL games next season. Gross said that decision will be made at a management level above his.

Enjoy. I don't care what anyone says, Don Cherry > any hockey personality. It will be a very sad day when Don Cherry leaves Hockey Night in Canada.

Barry Melrose? Don will make him cry.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

quick question about something i've always wondered...

what keeps the goal/net from sliding or moving around on the ice?
Each post has a rounded spike under it that fits in a hole created in the ice.
Pegs keep the net from moving on the ice....

Don Cheery>Anyone

Us Canadians have the honour of watching him every Saturday Night
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