Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

Saw the highlights of the interference call on Straka last night and I'd say that was a questionable call as he WAS holding up Crosby a bit, but don'tthink it was really enough to be called an interference penalty. Crosby was skating up ice for a 2 on 0 chance as well.

So far I'd say the play is even in the game right now......Pens have 1 more penalty than the Rangers but the Pens have 6 more shots (23-17). I knew afterGame 1 that Game 2 would be all about defense and special teams. Whoever is the most disciplined in the 3rd period will win the game IMO. Hopefully the Penscan hang on
marc andre fleury needs to feel some pain next game for that cheap shot between the legs against avery
that was not a goal by the rangers. puck was covered up and the whistle was blown, just like it should be. too many penalties in that game - the pens' PPwon it for them
Originally Posted by Tman90

that was not a goal by the rangers. puck was covered up and the whistle was blown, just like it should be.

Are you kidding? The puck was loose in front of Fleury and a Ranger tapped it through his legs...

What about when they were scrambling in front of Lundqvist in the crease for a good 10 seconds in the 2nd period? No whistle there and you know the refcould not see the puck. There were about 8 players on the floor in the crease and helmets and sticks all over the place....C'mon
I actually missed this non-goal by the Rangers cause I was getting some I won't comment on that.

Fleury needs to feel some pain for the shot on Avery?
....I won't even getinto that, my man Gil was GOING to take care of the pest, but as usual Avery didn't drop the gloves since he knew Gil wasn't someone he could beat.However, if it was Tyler Kennedy Avery would've had his gloves off in a second.

Big win by the Pens and very beneficial for them to have taken the 2 games at home. I expect them to come out flying in MSG for some reason. Crosby lovesplaying there and in the bigger picture it's great to have all these stars playing in the biggest stage of them all......really help market the game IMO.

Sharks/Stars tonight.....let's hope Sharks take this one.
sorry was studying for finals wasnt able to chime in during the flyers game

but this is ridiculous

Kostopoulos sucker punches timmonen and not a word is said about it, but you know if that was any flyer everyone would be in an uproar
i think the flyers are doing a good job not complaining about all the calls going against them, because everyone knows the habs are going to get the majorityof the calls

also after the flyers won in game 7 against the caps during a post game interview jeff carter got hit in the face by a bottle that one of the caps fansthrew...yet no one said anything about that again...again if that was in philadelphia, reporters would have a field day

Rangers will take care of business on their home ice, Penguins got them upset at the end. Rangers played a GREAT game and were robbed for a 2nd straight gameby horrible officiating late in the game yet again.

LOL @ that NOT being a goal, thats a joke. A 1-1 game with Rangers having late momentum changes the dynamic of the game.
Lets go San Jose, I wanna roll a celebration blunt tonight!! I'll roll one either way, but still hahahhaha. Play aggressive, no more sloppy passing, andget some men in front of the net for christ sakes.
Good first 2 games for the Wings. Chelli played pretty bad in Game 1 and without Stuart it made it even worse. Franzen is an animal. The kid is playing out ofhis mind. Game 2 was a lot better. Too much talent and the team is clicking. This could get ugly. DMac fighting was something I have been waiting for a while.I think this team has too much going for them and they should be able to keep it going. Ozzie is playing solid as well. I hope Jose starts again.
Oh boy the Pens are now 10-0 on NBC. The refs totally gave them that game by blowing the whistle on the "non-goal" the Rangers scored. This isridiculous, the Rangers are getting screwed because the NHL wants to push its "Poster Boy"

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Rangers will take care of business on their home ice, Penguins got them upset at the end. Rangers played a GREAT game and were robbed for a 2nd straight game by horrible officiating late in the game yet again.

LOL @ that NOT being a goal, thats a joke. A 1-1 game with Rangers having late momentum changes the dynamic of the game.

I wouldn't go that far saying they were "robbed" of this game......It was even through 2 periods and the 3rd period I said whoever was themore disciplined team would win the game. The pens took 7 penalties as opposed to the 6 taken by the Rangers, both teams were penalized twice in the 3rdperiod. Pens took 2 penalties in the last 6 minutes of the game, including Gil's penalty on Avery with 2:22 left in the game and Rangers couldn'tscore. If the Rangers are going to complain about anything it should be that they couldn't capitalize on their chances. I can't comment on the no goalas I didn't see it, but I DO agree that definitely changes the pace and momentum of the game. We'll have to see what happens on Tuesday in NewYork.....if the Pens win I definitely don't want to see anyone come in here and say the Rangers were once again "robbed" of a victory or complainabout the refs. If the Rangers win, I'll be able to come in here and complain about how the Pens were "robbed" of a W.

Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

but this is ridiculous

Kostopoulos sucker punches timmonen and not a word is said about it, but you know if that was any flyer everyone would be in an uproar
i think the flyers are doing a good job not complaining about all the calls going against them, because everyone knows the habs are going to get the majority of the calls

also after the flyers won in game 7 against the caps during a post game interview jeff carter got hit in the face by a bottle that one of the caps fans threw...yet no one said anything about that again...again if that was in philadelphia, reporters would have a field day

bullcrap.... one said anything about Kostopoulos' cheap shot? It was all over sportscenter and the media talked about it as well. Of course if that wasa Flyer everyone would be talking about it, look at what they've done all season. They brought it upon themselves to be viewed as a dirty team, which theyare. So far through games 1 & 2, the Flyers have been called for 10 penalties, and the Canadiens have been called for 8 penalties.......Sure looks like theCanadiens are getting the majority of calls huh?
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

sorry was studying for finals wasnt able to chime in during the flyers game

but this is ridiculous

Kostopoulos sucker punches timmonen and not a word is said about it, but you know if that was any flyer everyone would be in an uproar
i think the flyers are doing a good job not complaining about all the calls going against them, because everyone knows the habs are going to get the majority of the calls

also after the flyers won in game 7 against the caps during a post game interview jeff carter got hit in the face by a bottle that one of the caps fans threw...yet no one said anything about that again...again if that was in philadelphia, reporters would have a field day

that's because you have scumbags like steve downey. of course reporters are going to talk about the stuff the flyers do when you have dirtbags onyour team. thats it.
Sharks need this game to win the series. I expect a big game from Thornton, Marleau, Cheechoo, and Campbell. With that talent, they need to get goals on theboard. I don't care if it's Turco on the opposing end.
To be honest I still have a little confidence in the's why:

- last year in round 2, we lost the first 2 on the road and then won the next two at MSG
- we came so close to beating the Sabres (7.7 seconds away from taking a 3-2 lead back to the Garden)
- Buffalo (last season's Pres Trophy winners) was a way better team than this years Penguins
- I think we have the leaders on this team to come back
- and finally, we have Mr. Clutch, Chris Drury, on our side this year

whatever....just trying to stay positive

hopefully the Sharks could get a W tonight
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

sorry was studying for finals wasnt able to chime in during the flyers game

but this is ridiculous

Kostopoulos sucker punches timmonen and not a word is said about it, but you know if that was any flyer everyone would be in an uproar
i think the flyers are doing a good job not complaining about all the calls going against them, because everyone knows the habs are going to get the majority of the calls

also after the flyers won in game 7 against the caps during a post game interview jeff carter got hit in the face by a bottle that one of the caps fans threw...yet no one said anything about that again...again if that was in philadelphia, reporters would have a field day

that's because you have scumbags like steve downey. of course reporters are going to talk about the stuff the flyers do when you have dirtbags on your team. thats it.

stop being a lil girl, you obvs dont like the Flyers...i saw your other post, how does calling a phantom penalty with a minute left in a game not factor inthe outcome of a game??? OH WAIT IT DOES
I played hockey for 14 years, and I can tell you no little about the game other then it's cool to watch duringthe playoffs...I can tell you just listen to what reporters say and their thoughts equal your thoughts
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