Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

First of all, I am definetly not just a reporter or TV based fan, I to played from the time i was like 6 all the way through high school. So don't tell me what type of hockey knowledge I have. I was just saying that the flyers have a stigma attached to themselves for being a dirty team. You're right I don't like the Flyers but not for the that particular reason, I just dont like them. My response about the goal that was waived off in the Pens Rangers game was full of sarcasm in case you couldn't tell. Obviously the NHL would like to see Crosby go further just like they'd like to see the Canadiens get there to boost business. I'm by no means stupid when it comes to hockey. I understand the way things work. NHL with Crosby and Habs in the Finals > NHL with Rangers and Flyers in Finals. Thats the way it seams. My fanhood doesn't need questioning pal.

thats all i was getting it..everyone knows who the nhl wants in the finals and it just seemed like that was affecting the game
but anyway...big gametonight
but unluckily i got finals tomorrow....o well LET'S GO FLYERS!! BACK WITH A VENGEANCE!!!
Originally Posted by eternalist34

is it me or did it feel like almost every shark kept on slipping to the ground in the 3rd.
Didnt really notice but the only thing I can think of is how bad the ice is in San Jose....They've had problems with the ice at HP Pavillion foryears.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

The whistle blew before the puck went in.
That's not even the issue...Even if the puck went in first it wouldn't matter...It depends on when the official has the intent to blow thewhistle so I'm not even mad at that....I'm mad because the whistle should have never been blown in the first place...
Big game tonight in Philly....Go Flyers I guess.......I know I am a Ranger fan and I should hate the Flyers but I really dont mind them....And I can'tstand the arrogant fans in Montreal so that helps my decision...
Wings need to grab a strangle hold on this series tonight. They have to play this game like it is Game 7. Crush the Analanche and their hopes.
I think they got pissed at whatshisnuts for throwing the octopus and talkin junk before the game in game two.

The Pepsi Center (is it still called that? I can never keep up with anything but the Joe and MSG anymore) will be jumping tonight, I'm sure. Especiallyafter DMac got into a fight last game... Reminicent of 97 all over again? I think not... But this'll do.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Wings need to grab a strangle hold on this series tonight. They have to play this game like it is Game 7. Crush the Analanche and their hopes.

They don't play tonight.........
@ the last 2 pages or so
So far its a good game. Lots of intensity, good goaltending, Biron has looked real sharp, I'm surprised because any other game excluding the playoffs helooks mediocre at best
3-2 Canadiens thanks to a 5 minute powerplay..........I expect this thread to jump about 3 pages after the game
wow that first goal was BS, it was clearly not across the line

NHL def wants the Habs to move on to the finals
Originally Posted by areyouin729

wow that first goal was BS, it was clearly not across the line

NHL def wants the Habs to move on to the finals
see... I am not the only one

At first it didnt and then someone came after and hit it past the line...even hit the back of the net...definitely a goal
Originally Posted by areyouin729

wow that first goal was BS, it was clearly not across the line

NHL def wants the Habs to move on to the finals

Sarcasm?.........please tell me it was
The last few pages have been comedy lol. Bad game by Price tonight. That's a risk you run with a young goalie, a couple week goals and now they're down2-1. Tomorrow nights game should be pretty fun to watch. Detroit has been clicking and well lets just say "the PosterBoy" and his team are doingfairly well.

edit: found this this morning and thought it was pretty funny
^One of my good buddies is the Assistant on Wilkes Barre/Scranton and he was just telling me about that I was dying

They're just guys having fun I don't think it's that big of a deal IMO, thankfully the media didn't somehow blow this up
i like rangers' scoring chances so far. playing aggressive and making opportunities

good pressure on fleury, but they really need to watch out for the quick offensive charge by the penguins. they have some great skaters
Hossa looked like Manny Ramirez doing his head first slide into second base last year lol. (I'll post vid if nobody knows what im talking about). I havebeen to a few AHL games and I have to say they are as fun if not more than an NHL game. More things for the fans, more family friends, and a helluva lotcheaper. Needless to say they are all guys trying to get to the big show and I think its hysterical what the captain did lol.
wow intense game right now

they need to clear benches and just get it over with

can't let the penguins chump people on ny ice

that was a goal. absolutely
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