OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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Tom Brady, Antonio Gates, and Adrian Peterson are all going to get voted into the HoF and most (if not all) will be first ballot.

One is synonymous with cheating and controversies, another pissed hot and was suspended for PED use, and the final one beat the **** out of a kid.

If they all make it in first ballot, but TO didn't because he rustled some jimmies, they gotta fix the process.

That's all I'm saying.

(and before someone gets rustled on NT, yes I believe all three of these guys *AND* TO deserve first ballot HoF status. top or near the top of best players I've seen at their respective positions. simmer down now)

man it's not if...the system IS messed up. but itll never be fixed. these writers/voters can be beyond petty when it comes to this stuff.

totally agree TO deserves to be in that first ballot category
 Why would they ask dude that...thats not a question an employer should ask in a job interview which is essentially what that is.
Just wanted to ask him if he got down how Atlanta gets down. 
Bears rumored to be looking to trade Martellus Bennett. I'm fine with Will Tye going forward but I wouldn't mind seeing the "Black Unicorn" back with the GIants.
Adam Schefter
Bears and Martellus Bennett's agent, Kennard McGuire, are working together to trade the tight end to an agreeable landing spot, per source
HoF votes should come from a committee of former players or something. These writers have jack **** to do with the actual game and hold too much power when it comes to these votes. The fact that TO is probably gonna wait a while because guys can't get out of their feelings is absurd.

Agree on all points.

TO never pissed hot, didn't hit women/children, didn't have any run-ins with the law, never got suspended for dirty **** on the field... but he's not a 1st ballot HoFer. Why? Media got their feelers hurt. He was a "locker room cancer."

Okay, but when he was on the field, how did he do?

Top 3-10 in every meaningful receiving statistic. I'd say he did his job.

dont get me started on the TO bs bruh. dude should of been first ballot. ive said my rants about it. makes me sick.

Eagles lost the SB because McNabb left his balls in the locker room

and the Patriots probably cheated

agree and agree

'If you're going to come to Atlanta, sometimes that's how it is around here. You're going to have to get used to it'


:rofl: :rofl:
@DWolfsonKSTP: 2 teams closely monitoring ex-#Gophers CB Eric Murray: Ravens & Eagles. But it's still so early. So much can and will change on many fronts.
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Bears rumored to be looking to trade Martellus Bennett. I'm fine with Will Tye going forward but I wouldn't mind seeing the "Black Unicorn" back with the GIants.
Adam Schefter
Bears and Martellus Bennett's agent, Kennard McGuire, are working together to trade the tight end to an agreeable landing spot, per source

Why cape for TO? As grown men we all know life aint fair

Act like an ******* all the time and that **** will come back to bite you.
I saw it live, it was on Philly's Breakfast on Broad

I knew it would pick up steam as soon as he said it
\This little tantrum he threw is why he didn't get in his first try. He's offended mad writers, players and coaches. Of course he's not getting in on the first ballot. I think he should have but he knows he wasn't going in right away.


Throwing tantrums should keep you out of the HOF.

Who cares about murders.


TO had no business mentioning Marvin Harrison or saying his numbers are better. I love Marvin's comments, someone needs to tell TO to shut the hell up. Guy still hasn't learned. This little tantrum he threw is why he didn't get in his first try. He's offended mad writers, players and coaches. Of course he's not getting in on the first ballot. I think he should have but he knows he wasn't going in right away. I don't think Randy getting in his first time either. Both should but it doesn't even matter when you do. Everyone knows they're both HOFers.

There's no personality clause in the NFL Hall of Fame though

- Marvin was never charged for any murder, don't even think he was arrested. In the eyes of the NFL and the voters, he's innocent and that was the only blemish on his record. Everyone loved him on the field. He worked hard as **** and kept quiet.

- I'm pretty sure I said in my post that I thought Randy and TO should both go in on the first ballot. This isn't news or shocking that the voters hold grudges and get real hurt over players acting out. We see it in every major sport. I don't agree with it but that **** will never change. That's why I don't understand why some of you are even surprised or upset that he didn't get in. That **** was expected.

@CaptainSneakerhead23 I think I heard TO say some **** about Marvin's numbers on a podcast when he did his little media run. I'm not 100% sure though.
The falcon coach did that man a favor.

Was more of a warning than a question


yeah, the corner was smoothe though, trynna be sly and saying the coach wanted him to think on his feet


more like, "what the,, ahhh helll no"

low key diatribe on Matt Ryan. he suspwct?
Lot of dudes in here acting like they were in the locker room

How do we know TO's teammates werent letting media members know how garbage he was was as a teammate?

**** isnt always black and white
Also, TO never won a damn thing

Played with some all time great Qbs in Young, McNabb, and Romo yet his most renowned career highlight is him banging out situps in his driveway

He'll get in the hall eventually, but he needs to wait his damn turn for being a clown. He's even more of a clown for trying to blow up Marvins spot on some off field **** . Give me Harrison over him any damn day and twice on Sunday
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