Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Just wanted to ask one question? do you guys understand what its going to take(TIME and MONEY) to get rid of ALL the BAD pieces? because thats what is going to happen Isiah will be fired as GM and coach and someone new will come in and get THEIR kind of players. you have a cancers in steph and zbo(hustle wise), bums in Jefferies, James, Rose, Morris, Chandler, Balkman i mean you just have crawford and curry and thats a stretch too.

here we go again calling Steph a Cancer.

@ calling Rose, Morris, Chandler, and Balkman bums.

Can't take you seriously when you say those things and mention Curry like he's a good thing.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Just wanted to ask one question? do you guys understand what its going to take(TIME and MONEY) to get rid of ALL the BAD pieces? because thats what is going to happen Isiah will be fired as GM and coach and someone new will come in and get THEIR kind of players. you have a cancers in steph and zbo(hustle wise), bums in Jefferies, James, Rose, Morris, Chandler, Balkman i mean you just have crawford and curry and thats a stretch too.

here we go again calling Steph a Cancer.

@ calling Rose, Morris, Chandler, and Balkman bums.

Can't take you seriously when you say those things and mention Curry like he's a good thing.

Butler is gonna drop 35.

Hopefully Knicks win by 1, Wizards have enough wins for now (share the wealth).
You guys think we can still do anything with steph?

Face it, he's never won

and teams he left got better

and why are we winning, again???
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Just wanted to ask one question? do you guys understand what its going to take(TIME and MONEY) to get rid of ALL the BAD pieces? because thats what is going to happen Isiah will be fired as GM and coach and someone new will come in and get THEIR kind of players. you have a cancers in steph and zbo(hustle wise), bums in Jefferies, James, Rose, Morris, Chandler, Balkman i mean you just have crawford and curry and thats a stretch too.

Curry sucks. Don't let his ppg fool you.....

Yeah his WHOPPING 14 ppg to go along with his soft!+@% 5 $+***@! boards a game and less than one steal block and assist per game.

but 4 real you cant take this dude seriously. Calling Curry good, and guys that are WAYY better than him bums. And Z bo is a nice player and one thing abouthim is he does hustle, just cant play D, and
at the Steph hate.

Just another Knick hating idiot acting like he knows @**!. I man i know rebuilding will take a while, and part of what this guy said is true, but i thinkpeople overate how long it will actually take. This is because people overate how nice this years draft is. I mean we are bound to get 1 f the top 3 picks andhonestly there are 3 players that i would take equally and numerous others that fall just a notch short of those 3. Draft Derrick Rose and we have a franchisepg for years to come, which is a top priority for any championship team. This guy is a big pg but will also be one of the most athletic in the league, he iskind of like a Dwayne Wade with a top notch pgs passing vision, and he is able to run the floor like a true pg, and he is also a true team player and a greatoverall guy and teamate.

If we draft Michael Beasley we get one of the best inside outside forwards to come into the league in years and one of the best forwards to enter the draft interms of overall skill in in some time as well. Beasley is sick at every aspect of the game, he can shoot, he is very athletic, he is strong and can post up,he is athletic and can play on the wing as well and he is a great ertical leaper and dunker, an when he puts the effort in on D he is a good defender and ashot blocker as well. Beasley is a man amongst boys at the collge level and is dominating the game kind of like how durant was killing it last year. ExceptBeasley is more complete than Durant.

If we get my third number one choice in Eric Gordon, we get a guy who will come on to the scene and burst into the league right away. Gordon is a MONSTERscorer and in my opinion the best scoring 2 guard to come in since Kobe. This is a guy who will immediately be a 20 point scorer and will be amongst the top ofthe league in scoring for his whole career. He has to be one of the most complete scorers i have ever seen. He will kill you everywhere. Dude rain threes likea cloud. Maybe the best outside shooter in college bball this year, he is also sickly powerful. This guy is straight up power going to the basket, he is one ofthe strongest 2 guards i have seen. Straight up power going to the rim. And lets not leave out ma homies athletisism. "Air Gorden" throws it DOWN,and he can take dudes off the dribble cause hes mad quick and he got nice handles as well. Also from when i watched him play collegiately reccently at Indiana,he is a nice defender cause he plays with passion and hes quick, i was very impressed with his D when i watched him play Illionois the other day. Immediatefranchise player, probably my favorite prospect, but Rose might be the bigger need for us cause we got crawford at the 2, and no pg, and we got Lee at PF forthe future, but we could always play Beasley at the 3 if we got him.

Anyway my point is the draft this year is $. Outside those 3 we got other guys like, Mayo, DeAndre Jordan (the kind of center that would work for us), DarrenCollison, Roy Hibbert, DJ Augustin, Blake Griffin, Bayless, Buddinger, Donte Greene, Nikolas Batum (very very good Frenchie), Brook lopez, Hasheem Thabeet (awork in progress but a 7'4 shot blocker), i could go all day. People underestimate this draft. with a top 3 pick we could easily get that franchise playerwe would be lacking. That is why we have gone nowhere with Isiah, cause we have had no draft picks (thanks to fat @**! bum !@*%# softee Curry), but this yearwe finally do have that pick, and at EXACTLY the right time. sure it will take time for the draft pick (whoever it is) to develop into what we want exactly andwe need pieces around the pick, but we already got a quality starting 2 in Crawford (who i still believe has unlimited potential) and a great hustle roleplaying pf in David Lee, and a great backup PG to bring energy off the bench in Nate, and a guy who can develop into a lockdown SF and energy off the bench inBalkman. I mean it will take some time no doubt, but were not #$@#$*. Not with a top pick in a dope draft. Just look at Portland. look at how a couple of roleplayers and a great draft pick (who may i add should have been ours) in Brandon Roy. If we get that top pick and a new Gm who will build wisely around thisfranchise player, we are not that far back. We need to once and for all rebuild, and right now we have the PERFECT time to. We got that pick, we got some MAJORcontracts expiring next year (ala Marbury, Jerome James, etc.) If we cant rebuild from this offfseason on, we will NEVER be able to.

EDIT: and allenxis, since when is 1 win "starting to win" if i remember properly it was steph at the top of his game who took this team to last inthe division midway through the season to the playoffs when he was aquired in 04. and it was him who was the main reason we got in the playoffs last year, andeven when people went down it was him keeping us in there until he went down. And also it was benching him tat led to a MONSTER losing streak, and it isbecause we havent had Steph (and therefore no pg) that our season fell apart. Steph is the x factor for this team. i said it all the time this offseason, wewill go as far as Steph takes us. We were doing nice in the beginning when Steph was playing nice and running the show, and in all the other games we let himdo his thing, but Isiah hasent let him take us there by bencing him ******edly in the beginning of the year, and getting in his head, instead of blaming Curry.That is why our season has faltered. And although i dont think we should keep Steph and rebuild, whenever we won it was because of steph not in spite of him.Right now he is not the old Steph and too @+@@!! up to lead this team. But it was never his fault. He always played like a warrior and got to much $+$%wherever he went. He is NOT a cancer he just had some bad turns in his career. The Wolver were always worse without him, the Nets brought in Kidd along withtotally different pieces to ad on like an improved and healthy K Mart, RJ, etc. and the Suns added Nash who just fit the system better than Steph along wit animproving and healthy Amare. Steph is a great player and a warrior, who just got to much $+$% for his talent and his expectations.
With the draft


for the Knicks, in that order

with Steph, really I don't know why you guys can defend him, he's done nothing for us.
Right now he is not the old Steph and too @+@@!! up to lead this team.

But anyway, I'm sorry...40 wins, an 8 seed in his best year aint good enough for me, nor should it be for you

no, not all his fault, but he hasn't been all that great

When things don't go well in 1 place, give him the benefit of the doubt, even 2 places....but 4 places he wears out his welcome...

it's not a coincidence

we will go as far as Steph takes us.
Not his fault, but it will and never was gona be any more than the 1st rnd. He's been a good guard, incredibly talented but when a team has todepend on him, its not good

And I don't want to win another game all year
What in the hell kind of shenanigans are going on in the Garden tonight? Knicks are up. Crowd is up. Fat women doing the shing-a-ling
^^its not good enough for me, but Steph was playing better than that. Fact is he took over a!@%#$** team that was last in the Atlantic. He came and the startedplaying like one of the best in the east. Unfourtunately it was only good enough for 40 wins and an 8 seed, but Steph played better than that, and if we hadhim for the whole year it would have been better. I was not happy with an 8 seed, and i would rather take the lottery pick, but i blame that on Isiah gettingMarbury when we were too far back to be a top seed in the east. I dont blame Marbury for that, his job is to play ball, and thats wht he did. His job was toturn around this team, and thats what he did. its not his fault he took over a!@%#$** team that was last in the Atlantic.

And why the !$** are we starting to win???!!! This is kinda like what im talking about in 04, except we have a worse team and a better draft!!!!!!!!
I don't just never seems to work with him

I just want to rebuild correctly, which should have been done around 2001
^^^I agree 100% and like i said in my above post, right now is the time to do it. We are probably the worst team in the NBA, heading into a SICK draft, and wegot major cap room coming off next summer, just in time to get that top pick from this summer a little help and probably another top pick (although the draftis not as good, but i still dont believe we willbe good next year if we rebuild right). But in two years we should be on the rise, with an experinced David Leestarting at the 4, Nate Robinson and Balkman continuing to improve, Crawford raising his game. all around a franhise player turning into one of the games eliteand some help we added via trade or the cap room we open up next summer AND another lottery pick. I dont expect championship in only 2 years, but i wanna be onthe rise, and if we dont %++# things up, with this draft,its possible.

Kinicks ending the quater like the Knicks baby
U see this $$*+ this #*!$%+$ bum curry puts absolutley 0 effort on the glass. He is terrible. Why is he still in. Tsiah still #*!$%+$ loves this guy, get ridof them both. 25 min at center 3 boards, 0 blocks assists or steals. Dude is a worthless bum. I have seen many bad players in the NBA that shouldnt be there.But Curry is BY FAR the worst and he gets paid the most.

What trash and as i speak 2 missed FTs, and than a valuable good big man in David Lee grabs the board and throws one of his BEAUTIFUL outlet passes to nate toBalkman for the And1 alley oop.
also Nate got 7 assists.
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