^ ya but I'm not a bandwagon fan.... But back in 01 I thought the Knicks would be good again 4-5 years down the line
Man was I wrong...... But I also remember back when the Bulls first traded Curry to the KnicksI had old friends in Chicago telling me he'd be the next Patrick Ewing
BullsRepeat I have to admit at first I thought you were just one of those trolling Bulls fans...but since you have an interest in the Knicks its all good!

I too can't believe Skiles got fired before Isiah!

I cant wait to see these changes in the starting lineup. My hate for Curry is at all an all time high....not as high as the hate The GR8 has but its prettydamn close. This guy is an absolute joke!

The organization needs to just get rid of all the high priced players and play the young least they will show effort and will care if their minutesget reduced. Its time to just get these players out of here...problem is nobody wants them.
i dont know if anyone in the world hates this dude as much as i do right now, soto be close is saying alot.

Hopfully Isiah finally stops giving him PT, or at least startesrs PT. But i was arguing with someone about Isiah the other day andthey made a good point. Wegave Zeke a 4 yr 22 mil extension last season. If we let him go we would have to give him that 22 mil right? I dont know but that could be why Isiah still hashis job.

If that is the reason hopfuly he will just step down as the head coach so we dont have to give him his $ back. Hopfully he can get a coach that will have thesedudes play some D and bring fire. Skiles would be great because all he preaches is defense and toughness and Mark Jackson and Herb would be candidates as wellbecause young coaches usually bring out fire, and Jackson will be a great coach some day, and Herb's loyalty gives him a boost. But of course Isiah wouldhave to be on the same page as these coaches so we wont have a Larry Brown situation, and that means he would NEED to trade bums he brought in like Curry. Ireally dont know what the %@+% is up right now. But that big+!@% deal we prematurely gave Isiah last season may be keeping his job, i dont really know thoguh.Does anyone else know more about this cause i am not really good when it comes to contracts and all that !+%%. Also anyone know our exact record sinceIsiah's extension, and can someone make a trade Curry avy PLEASE? if someone can hit me up with one of these things it is appreciated.

Also one thng that i was thinking about the other day is what a wasted talent this team is. I swear we coulda been great this year. i really do all hate asidethink the factor that destroyed our season was adding curry to the rotation. I remember during that miserable Charlotte loss, i think it was Gus Johnson andthat charlotte commentator, they were discussing that great preseason win we had over the Celtics. They were saying like whrere is that team, and how great weplayed team defensively and !+%%. Cause we were amazing. It was preseason but it was a playoff atmosphere both teams were going AT IT. And it was us throughtremendous D and ball movement that propelled us to win. Us, the team in the ****ters pulled out a W in a battle vs the 20-3 Celtics in Boston. If yallsremember it was when Curry had that shoulder injury and was out so defenively we were great. Z Bo put the lockdown on KG, He forced him into like 6 TOs and Zbo had like 5 steals plus he got KG fouled out. Tan Pierce was going AT US but we werent backing out and it was the threesome of not KG, Allen, Pierce butMarbury, Crawford, and Z bo that won this game along with help form Lee and Q.

I remember we were all excited because of how nice we were and how well Z Bo was fitting in. Than i remember we added Curry in and tried the same dump the ballto Curry thing as last year. and i was the one who said, while yalls were still Curry supporters that he was $%**+*@ us up. That the 3 some of Marbury,Crawford, and Z bo would work because they all have styles that contradict each others great. But when we threw in Curry it *%@%*# it all up and it took awaythat team D. I still think we could have been that same team if we didnt have curry, Marbury was Starbury and Crawford was just like he is and Marbury'spenetration and being our floor general perfectly meshed with Crawford's peremiter scoring and Z Bo's all around play alog with added help and defensefrom guys like Lee, and Q and Nate and Balkman off the bench. Curry *%@%*# up this team, and that eventually escalated into more things like Steph gettingbenched, and than he left the team, et. and now he's gone. And this team right now is completely disfunctional. But really i will not take back all theexcitement i had pre season because i think this team is still that same team we saw out tough a win vs the Celtics, i just think it was Eddy curry who *%@%*#us up pretty much. We lost that tripple treat on offense, and on defense we lost that toughnness that propelled us vs the Cs that one night...
^LOL Oh those early season memories seem so far away my dude!

As far as Isiah's extension...that could be why Dolan won't fire. Although we all know dude has money to waste and a coaches salary does not countagainst the cap. Seriously our focus should be just rebuilding through the draft and getting rid of these bums. Look at what Portland did and look at the waythey are playing now WITHOUT ODEN!! That team had a horrible image and they got rid of all the players the fans did not like...cleaned up there image and nowthey have a young, athletic, talented and most importantly COMPETITIVE team. Why can't we follow the same model?! Dont give me that "you cant rebuildin NY crap"....all of us true Knick fans on here know that we would go through a few years of losing with young talent right now just so we can see somebetter days. Ironically those better days and my suggestion probably isn't coming soon unless Dolan is gone....sigh.
ya at this point Curry is basically a poor mans Medvedenko
If Isiah starts him against the Magic it's a guaranteed loss because Dwight will have a fieldday down low
putting up Wilt numbers
damn.......... Steph didn't travel with the team and won't play tonight at Orlando........... Still must be depressed after his father passedaway........
I heard an interview with Marc Berman from the NY Post the other day and it is almost certain that Curry will be dropped from the starting lineup and replacedby Lee.

No Steph tonight either....he did not travel with the team.
I just want Steph to come back, that might be too much to ask at this point but I'm SURE we'd win a few of these games that we lost that he didn'tparticipate in.
Once Chicago fired Skiles I figured he was done coaching in the NBA. The expectation for this Chicago team were very high. The team is a bottom 5 EC club rightnow. If Skiles were to get the NY job I would think the would is turned on its head.

Curry hates Skiles. Skiles and his staff tried to get Curry to learn how to rebound. He's regressed at rebounding since arriving in NY in my view. If hedoes have rebounds, it's balls that have fallen into his lap.
yup ^^.

..... Bill Russell has even said most players today get into the NBA based on their offensive skills and defense is lacking........ Curry is basically anotherplayer out of high school that should've at least played college ball. At least he'd be better than what he is today. But hopefully he still has someupside, which I doubt, because the NBA is a huge jump from high school. There's really only been one player out of high school who's had some immediatesuccess in the NBA, that's LeBron. Every other player needed several years to develop. Curry can still be decent if he really committs himself to workinghard and being physical down low. The thing is, he simply hasn't done that................ He is disgracing Oak's #34 jersey
It's all about desire and hard work. That's what made Oakley great even thoughhe wasn't the most talented player.......
He says he wants a better defensive start.

Zach is no defender... but at least he's mobile on defense.

I don't get it.

Eddy gotta go.
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