Chuck Daily? LOL
, someone who can relateto today's players please.
Paul silas- another non aggresive coach, reminds me of lenny wilkens. Didnt he have lebron and still get the boot?
Rick Patino- There's a reason he isnt in the league anymore, reason be-the nets & celtics debacle. (thats who you want to save the knicks?)
Hubie Brown- didnt he coach the knicks at one time or another? also a old coach that might be outta tune with today's game.
Rudy Tomjanovic-Now your talking. A legitamate coach with a resume & rings (but Didn't he get ran outta LA?)
Beside Rudy T i still cant find 3 coaches better than Isiah.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Aiyo GR8.....Post a sick%@!* in an angry reading mood after seeing the boxscore!

Iight since there were mad posts from that disgrace of a game last night, my rant kind of got overlooked cause posts were just flying in this thread, it is onpg. 37 but i will repost it...

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Woodside718 wrote:
where's my dude THEGR8 we waitin homie

THE GR8 wrote:
Right here dawg, and yes im ranting like no other right now and yeah, i might get banned. Cause i am pissed as HELL.

BullsRepeat3Peat wrote:
Isiah the coach isn't the problem as much as Isiah the GM......nonetheless they have to make a major trade soon or Isiah needs to go....

THE GR8 wrote:

Pathetic game simply put just awful. But just to respong to that statement. Isiah is a bad Gm, but he is the worst coach that has ever coached at any basketball level EVER.

This guy does not $%%+*$+ learn ever. He keeps having us lob the mother $%%+*$+ ball into the fat *!*% +$#! combo of curry and Z Bo.

For once i will strt out with Zach motha $%%+*$+ Randolph here. IF YOU CANT SHOOT DONT KEEP CHUCKING. Holy *!*% does this guy no the concept of a mother $%%+*$+ pass? He is worse than Curry with this. I think Zach can be and is a really good player but he needs to play some tougher D and more importantly PASS THE $%%+*$+ BALL!!!!!

Now for this goddamn tag team the tag team that is holding us back from reaching our potential the tag team of head coach Isiah motha $%%+*$+ Thomas and fat@%%* cheeseburger Eddy. First of all to Isiah, are you ******ed, seriously???? Because i honestly think that anyone who thinks that they can win basketball games around the worst player in the NBA should be put somewhere. I think he needs to hang it up before he can get fired, which should be done within the next 6 minutes, and be put in a hospital somewhere to rejuvinate. Because you have to be SERIOUSLY #*@$!@ up if game after game you do not lean that the offense is pathetic run through this guy, and he is not and never will be anything that resembles a franchise center. 2 @#!##+% rebounds tonight. Forget Channing Frye, Eddy Curry has surpassed Charles Smith as the softest player in Knicks HISTORY. +$#! i dont give a *!*%. Drag Jerome James' injured@%%* off the bench and have him start as center, he cant be as bad as Curry. But if you think you can run a team around Eddy curry, you got something wrong with your head. Especially since he kept him in the whole mother $%%+*$+ 1st half. Not only that but there should be some kind of NBA policy that if you are a coach of an NBA team and you go down by 50 points in agame you should be fired, on the spot. After Isiah goes through his treatment at the ****oo hospital, he needs to hang it up with basketball.v Cause their aint no $%%+*$+ way he will ever get another managorial position in basketball. Maybe the Pistons can do him a favor by having him clean the $%%+*$+ urinals.

But back to Curry i cant even stress how bad he is. He has no heart, plays no D, cant grab a board but Isiah still played him and Z Bo the entire 1st half and most of the 3rd quater until we were down by what 45, 50? WE SUCK WITH EDDY CURRY, BUT NO I STILL DO NOT SAY THAT WE ARE A BAD TEAM. But both these bums need to go ASAP, because even when we win games Curry dont do *!*%. But it all goes back to the worst offensive scheme in basketball, which is why it IS Isiah the coach and NOT Isiah the GM. Because i think he brought in good talent, he is just coaching like a ******. You know that our "monster frontcourt" of Cury and Z bo shot a combined 2-18, and 1 assist? $%%+*$+ horrible.

Now to focus more on how pathetic Isiah is as a coach... I am not going to stick up for ma bois Marbury and Crawford here, cause it was a team effort no doubt. But i will say that we lost that game in the 1st half and it was simply in my opinion because he kept having those 2 bums down low jack up shot after shot when guys like marbury and Crawford stood around and energizers that should play (although they played mostly bad too) were on the bench. But i saw the game and i saw Marbury score when he was needed and Crawford was wet all game. But they only took 6 shots each!! And they were benched in the 1st half while Z Bo and Curry were still out there. Just wait, if Isiah's still around he will benh Marbury next game and start $%%+*$+ Curry. It wasnt Marbury's fault he did what was aked give it to the fat *!*% combo. You cant blame a guy that doesnt score? Wonder why our best games of the season were last night vs Utah and the Denver game? Its cause #3 and the guardplay ran the offense. Marbury has his best game and drops 29 last game,. and you repay him by not letting him do *!*%? HORRIBLE COACHING

I cant believe i actually asted my time ranting about this team, but i am so $%%+*$+ pissed it needs to be said. Time for the Fire Isiah avy cause no team should lose by 50. Bring energy get Mark Jackson. and GM, someone send a hit on Dolan or something. I dont care we need changes. GO AFTER KOBE. Although its kina just a dream i would love for the Knicks to get pick #1, clean the house and try and sign like Gilbert. I ont even know we just need to change. But i honestly think we can win with a new coach and a lineup of Marbury, Crawfod, Artest or Jeffries at SF, Z Bo, and Lee.

The only thing worse than watching the Knicks lose by 50 and humiliated by a team i hate in a game i REALLY wanted, was watching it and listening to $%%+*$+ Reggie Miller!!!

I $%%+*$+ cant stand him and jhis voice just made me want too shoot myself. I missed Clyde bad there. Ad god i wish it was a homegame, Isiah wouldnt have made it out alive. THAT *!*% WAS WACKKKKKKKKK.

EDIT: vvvvvv (downward arrows) Marbury aint the problem bro. You watching him before tonights game and last season. This guy wants to win. You cant blame Marbury when this ****ng coach dont let hims hoot the ball. He tells him to dump it in to bum%%$$ Curry although Curry sucks and our best games are the ones that we run the offense through Marbury. This Knicks team is more talented than the one with Wilkins or Brown. We get rid of Isiah and Curry this is a playoff team NO DOUBT. The only thing that is holding us back right now is our offensive scheme. If yalls watch the Knicks, you should know that they are a playoff team when we dont dump it in to fat boy.

EDIT: and SMH at yalls saying the blame does not go to Isiah. To answer yalls question, he IS technically the guy that plays no D, the guy who doesnt move onoffense, the guy who gets at least ten 24 second violations, etc. It it ALL his mother $+%%$++ fault. This is because like i said and will stick to; the Knicksare not a bad team. They show that to people in times like last year and even times this year. I dont even buy the popular media critisism that says on"on paper they are a top team, but tey dont know how to play together" I say Bull $+%%$++ $$#@ to that. The Knicks do know how to play together. Theproblem, though is 115% Isiah. He is the guy who plays no D, because although we have guys like Lee, and Balkma, and Jeffries, etc. who are all excellentdefenders, HE ot anybody else is the one that sticks there+$%!+$ on the bench all $+%%$++ game so that the fatboy connection can play lazy and pathetic D. Thatis his fault. Nobody elses, with a better coach he would mix in the energy guys like Lee and Jeffries into the lineup to compliment our hardworking scorers(Marbury and Crawford) Just one little coaching change would solve that whole problem, its not the players, its tje players that Isiah puts in, he puts in thewrong guys at the wrong time and has the wrong play style...

Which brings me to point #2... The stagnant offense, 24 sec violation, his $+%%$++ fault as well!!! It is NOT a guy like Stephon Marbury like it should whocontrols this offense. It is Isiah and ONLY Isiah who impliments the worst offensve scheme in all of basketball. IT IS his fault that we always get 24 secondviolations, because it is HIS ******ed plan of just dumping it to $+%%$++ Curry all the time. Curry holds it until there is 5 secs left on the shot clock andthan we have to rush up some $$#@ shot or get a 24 sec. It all goes back to that $+%%$++ gameplan ISIAH runs not anyone else. Which also brings me to say thatthe stagnant offense, and the losses his fault as well. Our best games were the likes of the Denver one and the Utah one, and in both those games we had aMarbury ran offense that is when we are best. That is when we play with energy and our offense moves. It IS ISIAH and not anyone else who fails to realize thisand continues dumping it into the blak hole.

So to answer yalls question a guy like Phil or ANY other coach WOULD make this team better and it is Isiah who is destroying this team. We have the players,and i even believe that without Zeke we have the chemistry. We gained that last year and right now i dont even believe it is lost. Just bad straegy and badplayer mix ups. But of course in the aftermath of this game, as expected Isiah is still our coach, and he will try to squirm his selfish way out of this byblaming others. and his scapegoat will be none other than Stephon Marbury. How can you blame the guy you let only take 6 shots? Him and Crawford were bothplaying very well offensively but he still takes THEM out and STILL fails to realize why our offense and defense are both pathetic. It is because he keepsCurry out there who hurts us in both ways. He hurts us offensively because he makes the offense stagnant, and defensively because he is a soft **%%*. Any othercoach would realizze that him and Z Bo at least together hurts this team. I believe Z Bo can still be good, he just has to be more unselfish and needs ahustling big man next to him. But us nor any team can win with Curry, especially when the team tries to make hima marquee player. PLEASE. This $$#@ isIsiah's fault, but he will once again blame a guy like Marbury and bech HIM, while he does absolutley nothing because he is told so. And people will lookat Marbury at the cancer, and fail to realize our real cancer.

And for all yalls talking about our next coach, my vote goes for either Mark Jackson or Herb Williams.

First of all i want a young coach. All these old coaches, and legends tthat yalls talk about are great, but they wont get it done for this team. We need a niceyoung coach who is smart an will bring some energy like Frank witht the Swamprats did and Johnson with the Mavs did. I have always thought that Mark Jacksonwould make a great coach and this should be a great 1st oppurtunity. Like i said before this team is VERY talented. Just missguided. With a smart coach likeJackson, this should be an easy job to fix this team, cause it really aint that difficult because of the talent and underrated chemistry. He has always beenVERY smart about the game and have been sure he will be in the coaching rans some day. This would be an ideal 1st job. He would bring tremendous fire and adesire to win, he is smart, and a NYC kid that played some for the Knicks and played college at SJU. Herb is another guy simply because of his loyalty. I dontthink that Herb is as good Xs and Os as Jackson. But I am sure there is not another guy as loyal or one that knows these players and is as respected by them asHerb is. While Herb is more of the soft spoken kind, he has been with this team for years and is respected by every single one of these players. Just likeJackson, he is young and should bring some fire and played some with the Knicks. Another thing thats great about him is that he knows hese players better thananybody. But the thing that seperates Herb from the pact is his loyalty. This guy had to deal with 3 ifferent head coaches in 4 years. And has still remainedloyal to the organization. He even took over as the interm coach when Wilkens was fired mid season only to be replaced by Larry Brown in the offseason. Hestill stuck with the Knicks and took over his previous positon as our assistant coach where he still remains today. Although i like Jackson more because ithink he has more fire in him and is smarter and was one of my favorite pgs, the loyalty that Herb has displayed through all this %@++ should be rewarded.
Originally Posted by bklyn style baby

Chuck Daily? LOL
, someone who can relate to today's players please.
Paul silas- another non aggresive coach, reminds me of lenny wilkens. Didnt he have lebron and still get the boot?
Rick Patino- There's a reason he isnt in the league anymore, reason be-the nets & celtics debacle. (thats who you want to save the knicks?)
Hubie Brown- didnt he coach the knicks at one time or another? also a old coach that might be outta tune with today's game.
Rudy Tomjanovic-Now your talking. A legitamate coach with a resume & rings (but Didn't he get ran outta LA?)
Beside Rudy T i still cant find 3 coaches better than Isiah.

Are you stupid or just stupid?? Chuck Daly can still coach this game, and he knows how this league/game works.

Hubie Brown is another coach who knows this game amazingly well. Don't you remember what he did with the Grizzlies? Making them a 50 win team going tothe playoffs.
Are you stupid or just stupid??
Woah! Name calling is gonna get you nowhere & fast. you dont need to call me names because my opinion rival ordiffer from yours, its not my fault you named over the hill coaches. Hubie brown retired because of health reasons. If chuck daily can still coach how come hedoesnt have a coaching job right now? Whens the last time he had a coaching position ANYWHERE?

We all want the knicks to return to dominance but asking if im stupid isnt gonna get it done faster.
man I wouldn't mind seeing these people in a Knicks uniform this season....even at their current ages

Point Guard: Even though he has done bad as a GM and coach, he would play with more heart than these current players


Shooting Guard: no explanation needed


Small Forward: would bring much needed defense and toughness to NY


Power Forward: like Artest, would bring toughness and rebounding and inside presence to NY


Center: would do better than Eddy Curry and bring inside presence and toughness back to NY

Originally Posted by bklyn style baby

I'm saying BEGIN with the coach, THEN move to the players.
How many more coaches do we have to go through before we put the blame on the players?
Since I'm in the minority when it comes to the coach of the NY Knicks, someone please tell me who is gonna come in RIGHT NOW & save the Knicks. If you was to make a coaching change give me 3 canidates better than isiah, thats gonna come in and make the knicks a .500 or better team and if one of those names happens to be KiKi ihaventhadagiginyears vandeweghe i think I'm done with this thread.

Dude, it's not about finding a savior and going to the playoffs this season... it's about getting rid of a coach/GM that is taking this teamabsolutely nowhere and starting again with someone competent enough to build a solid team.
Dude, it's not about finding a savior and going to the playoffs this season... it's about getting rid of a coach/GM that is taking this team absolutely nowhere and starting again with someone competent enough to build a solid team
I agree, but 95% of this thread is yelling fire isiah and cant come up with a properreplacement.
Alright fellas thanks for the interesting posts but I'm done for the day, until tomorrow...
But to all of you who say fire Isiah without naming his successor, its like saying the elephant print on cement 3's are off and not saying why!
ps. if the knicks dont show up to this home game against the bucks, i might just jump on the fire isiah wagon
^ So who are your roster changes, then? And make sure things are in line realistically AND financially before answering.
Nothing like, "Oh, I'dtrade Nate Rob for Nash, then Curry for Howard, and maybe Q-Rich for Ray Allen. That would just be a start."

Because if we're going to be unreasonable, I could just say, "I'd resurrect Red Auerbach (sp?) and put him in at coach, then have Phil Jackson bethe first Assistant Coach, and Mike Kyszkysksyski as the second assistant."
^^^I'm pretty sure no one is really being unrealisic about this situation. If you look at my post and most others, i think realistic solutions were given.My top 2 choices for replacing Zeke were Mark Jackson and Herb Williams, 2 more than reasonable options.

And SMH at always trying to downplay the %@%! that goes on with the Knicks.

and bklyn style, i could give you 5000000 candidates that will get it done better than Isiah cause like i just ranted about, this team is good, they have shownit. Their chemistry is underated as well, it got much improved last year. It is just this @!$+$!% offensive scheme that Isiah makes this team play, when wejust dump the ball down to fat boy. All our best games are played with a Marbury ran offense, i think everyone in the world is starting to understand thatEXCEPT Isiah. Who came in after Marbury and the Knicks' best game if the season, and once again had Marbury only take 6 shots while the fatboy connectionshot a combined 2-18. They werent @!$+$!% making their shots or playing defense, but Isiah felt the need to keep them in for the entire 1st half and most ofthe 3rd until the game was FAR out of reach. Tell me curry is worthless anyway. But if BOTH Curry and Randolph dont play D or grab boards as usual AND they are@!$+$!% up our whole offense and missing, getting TOs, not passing, etc. what good are they to have in? Even when Curry is making his shots he offense still isnot good cause they are unenergized and stagnant and Z and Eddy play no D. Rather than a Marbury ran offense which is full of energy and ball movement. StillIsiah keeps these 2 in the entire game (until it was FAR out of reach) and keeps dumping it to them and keep having them play no D, while their best playertakes only 6 shots? and than he benches and balmes him? The coaching is the problem, and that is why ANY other coach woud do for this team. Also as for the"Isiah int the one playing D argument," Yes, but he is the one giving the softeest defenders in the NBA out there while they are being lazy andchucking up shots, while he has a hard*#@% worker like David Lee buried on the bench. and this @$@+ has gone on all season. The coaching is definitley theproblem. In the past it was the players, but in the past we havent been talented. This team IS talented, just ran HORRIBLY.
its about time the knicks take a shot at a rookie coach. cuz clearly these guys with years of experience and championships under their belts cant get it done.iwouldnt mind seeing mark action jackson on the sidelines
Almost game time. We have to execute plays tonight, get back on defense, rebound well and most of all PLAY HARD for 48 mins not in the 4th quarter trying torally back.
bklyn style baby wrote:
Alright fellas thanks for the interesting posts but I'm done for the day, until tomorrow...
But to all of you who say fire Isiah without naming his successor, its like saying the elephant print on cement 3's are off and not saying why!
ps. if the knicks dont show up to this home game against the bucks, i might just jump on the fire isiah wagon
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ So who are your roster changes, then? And make sure things are in line realistically AND financially before answering.
Nothing like, "Oh, I'd trade Nate Rob for Nash, then Curry for Howard, and maybe Q-Rich for Ray Allen. That would just be a start."

Because if we're going to be unreasonable, I could just say, "I'd resurrect Red Auerbach (sp?) and put him in at coach, then have Phil Jackson be the first Assistant Coach, and Mike Kyszkysksyski as the second assistant."
THE GR8 wrote:
I'm pretty sure no one is really being unrealisic about this situation. If you look at my post and most others, i think realistic solutions were given. My top 2 choices for replacing Zeke were Mark Jackson and Herb Williams, 2 more than reasonable options.


But I wasn't the one saying that a coaching change was unnecessary. I'm definitely saying that Isiah needs to get the boot, and I think Mark Jacksonwould be a fine choice.

I'm not familiar with Herb Williams, but I know that they have to have more respect for him than Zeke is currently being respected, because they don'trespect Zeke at all.
^^Understood completely ska. Most of my statements in my previous comment other than that one part were directed to the people that think that Isiah is not theproblem and that the people who think that getting another veteran coach who would only want things to happen his way and would not be able to handle this teamis the answer. Like i sdaid a smart, young, energetic guy like Jackson would be ideal, but i also think that Herb should be STRONGLY considered because of hisloyalty and the players' respect for him.

EDIT: watching the game. Curry in foul trouble early
I have noticed comments in this thread regarding the next coach and I would like to see a young top assistant in this league get a shot. Or Herb Williams orMark Jackson....I would have no problems with either of those guys.

Ska I agree with you 100% about changing the coach first before chaning made a lot of great points.

The Knicks played well tonight it the second half....they have won 3 out of 4 but they still need to prove to the fans that they can bring this intesityconsistently. One thing Isiah did tonight that I liked was that he went with the hot lineup down the stretch. Those who were producing and playing well on thedefensive end were on the floor. Thats how it should be.

More and more I am starting to agree with GR8. I have supported Curry but the team just looks more fluid without him on the floor. I think we could use adefensive center as well. So I have a trade possibility to throw out there.

How about the Knicks going after Okafor? He did not sign an extension this off-season and the Bobcats may be looking to get value for him before he bolts. Ithink he would be a nice fit for the Knicks. What do you guys think?
man i thought isiah was gunna be the perfect fit for the knicks this season. During the offseason i had this feelin that they finally built chemistry and wereoptimistic about the year.
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