He has been give the cancer title because of his non success but if he was with say KG

See this is where Steph's image problems started. He already HAD KG! And he begged to get out of Minny. Karma is a %$@$+ and that to me is partof the reason why he hasn't really been on a winning team ever since (save for that year in Phx).

As far as NY deserving a better team, hell yeah.

But the fact that MSG is #!$%@@% over it's fanbase by charging what they charge for seats is an insult. Do they really expect fans to keep going togames when the team they are paying to see is absolute horse****?

The problem isn't only Zeke. Dolan HAS to go as well. My man Spree bumped heads with Dolan waaaay back and the writing was on the wall since back then.Dolan doesn't care about the Knicks and winning or the fans who support the team. His main concern is making a buck. I will always hate the Knicks FO aslong as Jim Dolan is in command. ALWAYS.

Anyway, just gut the whole team. Cancer Marbury, Ballhog Zach, Cheeseburger Curry, and Nate the Thug should be the first to go.
Originally Posted by ultrasur1

kenny the jet is right. the nba needs nyc to have a good team if it wants to have more presence & market share. this ain't helping one bit

The NBA is doing just fine without a competitive team in New York.
Zeke did okay in Indiana.

I don't know what the hell is going on in NY.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

November 30, 2007 -- BOSTON - Isiah Thomas promised a lineup shakeup if the Knicks do not respond from last night's Boston massacre and beat the Bucks tonight at the Garden. Struggling center Eddy Curry (four points, 2-for-11, three rebounds), after one of his worst outings as a Knick in the 104-59 catastrophe, could be headed to the bench, or even Stephon Marbury . . . again.

Thomas didn't hear TNT's Charles Barkley's prediction that he will get fired if the Knicks lose to Milwaukee tonight, but he sure sounded like a man desperate for a victory.

"We'll see (tonight)," Thomas said about a lineup change. "It will be an interesting game for us. We can end up winning three of our last four or take another step backwards.

"Let's see how we respond. It's depending on how we play (tonight)."

The bond between Thomas and Marbury still seems strained with Thomas saying they have only a "coach-player relationship" now.


In the morning, Thomas said he harbored a hatred for the Celtics.

"I have a great respect for Boston," Thomas said. "But I don't like them. I don't like the Celtics. Because they were always good and they're good again. So my hatred is that much more."

Thomas said Boston is the one NBA city he refuses to walk the streets. Thomas even said he was suspicious Wednesday night when he got locked out of his hotel room for 45 minutes, with security slow to respond.

"Only in Boston," Thomas said.


Paul Pierce dismissed Quentin Richardson's demeaning pregame remarks. Richardson said Wednesday the Celtics have no depth after the Big 3, said the Knicks are not in awe of Boston.

"I really don't have nothing to say about Quentin," Pierce said. He's trying to motivate his team. Obviously, everyone knows there's a lot more than just me, Kevin and Ray on this team. We don't need to be motivated. We're a self-motivated team."
It all started with the trade of ewing to the sonics. Knicks deserve all the struggling that they aredoing.

Some of you cats need to jump off isiahs buddy, he's not the one playing defense, he's not the one running the point, noris he the one turning the ball over every 40seconds. On paper this is one of the better teams in the east. The guys on the team just dont want it! I rememberwhen it was nearly imposible for the oposing team to win in the garden, and it wasnt because of the talent we had ( dominant knick squads won because theywanted it, they willed themselves to victory & had each others back!) This knicks team is soft and point fingers like they're babies.
All i know is when the knicks won it wasnt because of talent.

non soft knicks - D.Lee & R.Balkman
SHUGES - KG probably shouldn't of been used in my explanation but I think you knew as well as others what I meant with Marbury and needing another go toguy.

The garden pricing has always been an issue but it has been a building where people go not to enjoy the knicks but to get a client to join a company or todiscuss a contract or two. I have always sat in the 300 section especially 335 for knick/nets games for the past four years and that is where i've gottento be with the fans. (still $78.00 a ticket, my nets season tickets are $30 and they are better seats and I am in the first row up stairs outside of the centercourt seats)

Now there are some that sit in the good seats that are fans but not many.

Dolan needs to go too but Daddy Dolan needs to step in and he already said that he will not. The Bucks game will be interesting tonight not because of the fanreaction but their play.

Were they quitting on Isiah? Was it just a bad team vs a good team?

Isiah changing the lineup will not help this team, in fact, didn't the knicks get rid of a hall of fame coach because he couldn't get a lineup to gel?

yet they are 4 - 10 and teams have bounced back from starts like this (bulls last year)
Originally Posted by bklyn style baby

Some of you cats need to jump off isiahs buddy, he's not the one playing defense, he's not the one running the point, nor is he the one turning the ball over every 40seconds.

He's the one who built this team... and he's the one coaching.
Sure the players should get blame, but at some point you have to look at the guywho built this thing.
He's the one who built this team... and he's the one coaching.
Sure the players should get blame, but at some point you have to look at the guy who built this thing.

I agree he is the one who put this team together & is the one coaching, but when you look at the rosterdo you see any bums? (jerome james excluded
) Honestly phil jacksoncouldn't get more out of this roster than Isiah. ITS UP TO THE PLAYERS. Its up to stephon to say I'm gonna drop 14+ assists tonite, its up to curry& randolph to say we're gonna score 35 and 30 rebounds collectivley on a nightly basses. Its up to j crawford to say I'm gonna shoot 60% tonite.its up to david lee and balkman & nate to say we're gonna provide energy and spark off the bench. its up to Q richardson to say I'm gonna lock downthe opponents high scorer. Knicks have no pride, no identity, lack of respect for this city.
The NBA is doing just fine without a competitive team in New York.
the nba is doing just fine? i wouldn't say that, but it's not necessarily because of the knicks's failures. at the same time, the nbacan do a lot better and get more revenue, press minutes & market share on a grander scale with a good team in nyc. nyc is an important market foreverything. this isn't an opinion. that's just the way things are.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by ultrasur1

kenny the jet is right. the nba needs nyc to have a good team if it wants to have more presence & market share. this ain't helping one bit

The NBA is doing just fine without a competitive team in New York.
Translation: i listen to David Stern and believe him.
this team is trash. every member of this organization needs to be fired.


that was such a terrible L, i can't stop laughing, i was mad last night....but now i have this permanent smirk on my face.
Honestly phil jackson couldn't get more out of this roster than Isiah.
That's 100%, absolute BS. And you know it is.
Its up to stephon to say I'm gonna drop 14+ assists tonite,
Stephon ain't the guy that's going to go out there and drop 10 assists every night. It's not his game.
its up to curry & randolph to say we're gonna score 35 and 30 rebounds collectivley on a nightly basses.
35 points, OK. 30 boards? Both of them are seriously marginal rebounders for their size. They're both terrible defenders. It's not theirfault Isiah didn't realize that when he decided to pair them together.
Its up to j crawford to say I'm gonna shoot 60% tonite.
Jamal Crawford. 60%...

The problem with the Knicks isn't that they aren't talented. It's that Isiah built a roster full of pieces that do not fit together. Who issupposed to be the leader on that team? Stephon? Jamal? ZBo? Curry? Quentin Richardson? Ain't a single one of them an outspoken type. All of them are thetype to sulk and complain when things aren't going their way. Where is a real banger, defensive presence in the paint? Randolph and Curry are bothoffensive minded bigs. They're not good rebounders or defenders, neither is particularly tough, they're both overweight most of the time. Neither is agreat athlete...There aren't any complimentary skill-sets on the roster. It's like when you were little and you used to jam puzzle pieces togethersimply because you couldn't find the piece that fit...
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