I swear to God if someone can help me find those warm up jackets the Knicks are wearing in that vid ^

I'd appreciate it. Yall thought I was giving away a prize?
Curry is a mother +#@*$$+ bum with no +#@*$$+ work ethic. Say what you want about Marbury but why the %@@! are some of you guys saying we should buy out aplayer that has actually proven he is unbelievably talented and actually worked his !#+ off this summer to slim down and get in shape and than still say youhave faith in a guy who has proven that he is a bust, is a fat piece of @!%# who is lazy and has no work ethic??!!!

%@@! that if i said it once i said it 10000x rebuilding starts with the frontcourt. Steph is not the problem. We shouldnt cut him but even if we did what wouldthat solve we still have the same frontcourt and a less talented PG. Im not saying Marbury is in this teams future but it REALLY makes no sense to buy him outfor just this one last year... especially if we have to pay him his full price. But +#@*$$+ Curry has to leave this mother +#@*$$+ team. In life you have tomake decision about what you are gonna do. If your team gets a coach that runs that should be warning signs time to get in shape. Instead this fat lazy pieceof @!%# chooses his +#@*$$+ rice krispy treats over basketball. He is worthless.
at this dude rolling in over 300. I was reading the post today and itsaid that Walsh has had cancer surgery over the summer so good luck to him. But hopefully he can recover and finally get rid of our +#@*$$+ frontcourtespecially +#@*$$+ curry. What i read in the post that i liked was that we should not be suprised to see the Knicks play alot of small ball and run and theymentioned a team that would really work together and hustle with lee at the 5 and Ill Will at the 4. Than we would probably have Q at the 3 Jamal at the 2 anda PG probably Marbury running the point. That team will really work especially if Marbury is in shape and can run the ball down the floor and penetrate like hedid back in the day. But
at this +#@*$$+ bum Curry son is adisgrace to the Knicks get him the %@@! outta here!!!!!!

and also a
at this dude Gallinari being the new Channing Frye with his softness. outthe whole preseason?? Cmon man. In the article it said that it could hurt his whole season because he may not fit in to the 9 man roster that D'Antonilikes to run because hes missing camp and the preseason. Hopefully a hardworking, not soft guy like Jr. can work hard and steal some of this dudes minutes.

I think that from now into the preseasona nd than on into the regualar season when we really see what these guys are capable of and narrowing the roster downto 15 we will see alot more moves than we have seen the entire offseason.
[h1]The Knicks are a model franchise ... for this week at least[/h1]

Sunday, September 28th 2008, 11:55 AM

Daily News photo illustration
The way things are going in the Big Apple lately, Jim Dolan's Knicks seem downright boring.

amd_score-weber.jpg" target="_blank" ></a> vision Holly Weber.">
Gratuitous photo of the week: Our fantasy has come true again as we bring back vision Holly Weber.

When Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress was suspended for skipping practice last Monday his absence conjured up memories of Latrell Sprewell, who oncemissed the first week of Knicks training camp because he was driving cross country following a civil trial for, you guessed it, reckless driving.

One day after Burress broke team rules, the Mets broke from conventional wisdom when they signed their general manager, Omar Minaya, to a contract extensionwhile the team was free falling for the second straight year.

The timing of the deal reminded me of when Don Chaney received the first of his two contract extensions with the Knicks fresh off a six-game losing streak.The more Chaney lost, the more security he received.

And then we had Yankees manager Joe Girardi lying to the media about something trivial like Mariano Rivera's sore right shoulder. Who will ever forgetthe Knicks insisting that Larry Brown was in good health moments before he was wheeled out of a locker room in Cleveland on a stretcher?

Brown spent the night in the hospital and never coached another game for the Knicks. Let's hope Rivera fares better.

These days the Knicks are downright boring compared to the rest of New York's sports teams. That is unless you get all worked up worrying about whetherStephon Marbury will make his $21 million while playing for the Knicks, Spurs or Bologna.

I'm afraid to admit this but James Dolan's basketball team appears to have lost its controversial edge. For six years, the Knicks were the team thatput the "fun" in dysfunctional. Now? They are too darn normal.

This is what happens when you replace a drama queen - Isiah Thomas - with your favorite uncle, Donnie Walsh.

For the past few weeks the Knicks have been running voluntary workouts at their training facility in Westchester. They are one big happy family. Meanwhile,at Rutgers the Scarlet Knights QB Mike Teel punched a teammate during the closing seconds of a loss to Navy. I kinda miss Nate Robinson chasing after JeromeJames with a broom, which actually happened three years ago.

Not even their coach is under the gun. That title belongs to the Jets' Eric Mangini, a control freak out of Jeff Van Gundy mold but without the wins toback it up. Man-genius? Puh-leeze. I don't know if Mike D'Antoni can win without Steve Nash but he says "ya'll" a lot and he doesn'tact as if his system is rocket science.

For pure genius, look no further than Dolan. He finally figured out the best way to institute his media policy; he bought an entire newspaper.
Say what you want about Marbury but why the %@@! are some of you guys saying we should buy out a player that has actually proven he is unbelievably talented and actually worked his !#+ off this summer to slim down and get in shape and than still say you have faith in a guy who has proven that he is a bust, is a fat piece of @!%# who is lazy and has no work ethic??!!!
The way you feel about Curry...I feel torwards Steph.

What has he ever done for us?

What are we going to gain from having him for 1 year?

That's all I wana know...what's to gain? Improve his value and trade for more contracts? buy him get rid of a cancer, let other guys play who will be here past this season and see what some younger guys can do.
Damn Gr8

I haven't seen many people in this thread defending Curry. I know I never have, and it has nothing to do with Steph's situation.

Curry we CAN'T cut/buyout because he still has multiple years left on his contract. Same thing with Z-Bo, so unfortunately we are stuck with thisfrontcourt.

That's the main reason Steph is being suggested, because he is a huge expiring contract. I'm still wondering why people think Steph is an elite PGanymore? Dudes play ON THE COURT, forgetting all the other drama he brings, has been average to below average the last 2-3 seasons. Steph is no longer the 20and 8 player so many of you seem to be making him out to be. It's time to let go, we gave him a shot, it failed. Enough chances for the dude. Best of luckelsewhere but I'm tired of him.

Anyway this year will be interesting haha.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

The way you feel about Curry...I feel torwards Steph.

What has he ever done for us?

What are we going to gain from having him for 1 year?

That's all I wana know...what's to gain? Improve his value and trade for more contracts? buy him get rid of a cancer, let other guys play who will be here past this season and see what some younger guys can do.
I'm saying Marbury at least tries and he has proven that he is talented. Nobody can argue that he is not talented and he is probably one ofthe only guys on our team that has been to the playoffs (although not far) and he was the last guy to lead us to the playoffs and i think he is the only oneleft from this team. Once again not saying he is the answer or not saying that 2004 season when we got swept by a team i despise were the glory days. But Stephhas shown A LOT more than Curry he at one time was a perrenial all-star but more importantly he has been working his %%% off. When you got a guy with histalent, woring that hard... i mean its no long term answer but it really makes no sense to pay him his full $21 million not to show up just so we can start aguy with far less talent who is probably in worse shape as well at the point. Marbury is our best answer for this year cause we really did nothing to betterour PGs. Duhon aint ##+$, so lets not talk like he is. Without question Marbury is the most talented PG on the roster and he has shown commitment... Maybe itwould make sense if we were to get something out of the buyout like having to pay him less oney. But we are not getting a penny less so it really makes nosense to pay him not to come when he is our best option for this year and he has gotten into some ill shape... And if you do it by age Marbury is still in hisprime, he has had no injuries, let him try and earn some of that $.
The thing I look at...

Eddy Curry is enormously talented...which is why ima wait to see what kinda shape he is truly in.

Cause I honestly believe he can do ok in this system finishing plays. An increased value with Eddy could be used to our benefit.
Posted: 2:17 am
September 29, 2008

With no New York baseball left, the knicks New York Knicks introduce themselves today on media day. Don't expect them to cheeryou up.

New coach Mike D'Antoni has a good sense of humor about the shaky plight, taking over a 23-59 club that made no significant roster changes and yet ismulling cutting its most proven talent, Marbury&dfs=10&tol=engageStephon Marbury . Worse, team president Donnie Walsh hasn't even improved its critical 2010 cap situation to make room for LeBron James.

When asked about the chances of becoming respectable, D'Antoni quipped, "I'm just trying to get Donnie to schedule more games. If we played120, we can win a nice number."

D'Antoni has a sharp sense of humor, but will it last if things continue to deteriorate. Already, Eddy Curry has reported in lousy shape and could beuseless in the run-and-gun. Danilo Gallinari looks to be headed for a bust of a rookie year. Lingering back pain will have the Italian Stallion on thesidelines most of camp.

And Marbury could become a camp powderkeg if he feels the team is keeping him around as a negotiating tactic. Marbury already has told The Post hedoesn't want to be a bench player.

At least Walsh is honest. When asked what he's accomplished, Walsh said, "I haven't accomplished anything yet, except forming a plan."

The plan centers on D'Antoni making sense of a mismatched roster Isiah Thomas put together.

Many in the organization blame their wrecked season on a poisonous atmosphere created because Thomas' sexual-harassment trial dragged into camp.However, Jamal Crawford said, "I don't want to make excuses. I think our fans are tired of excuses."

The Knicks' best shot is D'Antoni, who believes their prime new addition, Chris Duhon, can be the floor general to make it come together. In clearslight to Marbury, Walsh touched on the team's blatant lack of chemistry. He feels Duhon, mostly a backup in Chicago, can improve it.

"Everyone could do their thing [last year], but I didn't see guys who can bring a team together and help other players do those things," Walshsaid. "I think Duhon could help do that."

[email protected]
Its kind of sad that its been reduced to this...

but Im actually really looking forward to seeing how Chris Duhon does running the team when hes on the floor...
Originally Posted by allen3xis

The thing I look at...

Eddy Curry is enormously talented...which is why ima wait to see what kinda shape he is truly in.

Cause I honestly believe he can do ok in this system finishing plays. An increased value with Eddy could be used to our benefit.
the thing is what has Curry done to prove that he is talented. He is +!+# and he will always be +!+# and he cant finish plays because he wont getup the floor and he doesnt rebound. Curry has never been to the playoffs, he was only effectve in one stretch in his entire Knick career and it was onlybecause we had the worst coach in NBA history whose entire playbook was lob it into Curry and stand around. Even when he is doing well individually the teameffort decreases because of all the standing around and when the defense finally figures out that he can score one on one beacuse he is the fattest man alivethey send a double where once again he is +!+#.

Curry has never proven his talent... maybe he has shown some signs but that is all at most. Marbury on the other hand has been a perrenial all-star averaging20+ and 8+ he has been a fierce and feisty competitor throughout his career and despite his lack of success he has been to the plauoffs numerous times (whichis pathetic that that is actually considered good on this team but everyone else is a bunch of losers. His winning record is like a below average chick in aroom full of chicks that are
) and he almost led the Suns ove the Spursthat one year in a SICK performance. curry has 0 heart and has never even been close to a playoff run. I dont mean to compare the 2 but Curry is ust a bum... atalentless bum who this team needs to get rid of.

...And H200000000
I saw Jamal Crawford on 56th and 6th after the Ratatat concert at Terminal 5. I wanted to ask him if he hated being on the same team as Eddie Curry, Z-Bo, andNate Robinson.






Heard that Curry showed up in his warm ups and was the only one that had them on....watta fat slob

We'll see if that was actually true
allan houston wearing 14, that looks weird
.......Jeffries should give up his number

from that video clip, he still got that smooth jumpshot

even if it was just practice, it's still a good sign.....I just don't know how he will be able to make the team

what the hell is david lee wearing on his feet?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

allan houston wearing 14, that looks weird
.......Jeffries should give up his number

from that video clip, he still got that smooth jumpshot

even if it was just practice, it's still a good sign.....I just don't know how he will be able to make the team

what the hell is david lee wearing on his feet?

14 was his dad's number
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

what the hell is david lee wearing on his feet?
the better question is what gallinari is wearing

Edit: That video of Houston was pretty ill. He was swishing/only getting a little rim on every shot.
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