^^well, if he doesn't want to negotiate, and they dont want to give him all the money they owe him there isnt much the Knicks can do. All we can really dois waive him, send him home and still pay him what we owe.

Looking at the video, is saddening to see what kind of player Steph has become. The riches of the NBA really changed this man. He seems so humble and modest inthe video.
I never understood paying someone NOT to play, just let him play for one more season and part ways're not going to change things significantlyby removing him when the team still needs a lot of work.
Tomororw I will be at the Garden for a Knicks event about their new locker rooms for the MSG renovations. D'Antoni and Walsh will e talking about theupcoming season so I should have a good video/report for y'all.
single game tickets went on sale today. what games are u guys going to?

ill be at the warriors game on 11/29
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I never understood paying someone NOT to play, just let him play for one more season and part ways're not going to change things significantly by removing him when the team still needs a lot of work.
I think at this point, there's no point in letting him stay. We wouldn't re-sign him, we're not looking to make the playoffs, andwe're trying to move past the abysmal team we had and move forward into the future, a future Steph isn't a part of. While I agree I don't like theidea of paying him not to play, and I won't be surprised if he goes to another team and contributes in a positive manner, I don't see how this teamwould be better with him here.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I never understood paying someone NOT to play, just let him play for one more season and part ways're not going to change things significantly by removing him when the team still needs a lot of work.
he's a cancer
Ehhh we pay Jerome James not to play....lets not now complain about Starbury for one more. Really IMO its not that serious and I could care less.

Anyone have any questions they think I should bring up to Walsh or D'Antoni tomorrow?
I'm convinced that anyone who still thinks Steph can contribute, or want him to play on their team (Knicks, now Heat fans, WHOEVER), have never played ateam sport. Because if you have played a team sport, you realize what kind of an impact one crazy, disgruntled team member can have on the group as a whole.Especially the minds of younger players.

Steph has had his chances, it's not like out of the blue we're saying we need to let him go. It's time for us to get Steph outta here.

If he does well somewhere else (doubtful) then good for him, but the NYK and Steph just didn't work out.
I'm convinced that anyone who still thinks Steph can contribute, or want him to play on their team (Knicks, now Heat fans, WHOEVER), have never played a team sport.
If you read the rest of what I wrote, then why not give a thoughtful response as to how your experiences playing a team sport have convinced you someone likeSteph is GOOD for the team?

It's really not necessary.

Yall want him to go? cool. What is that really going to do for us?

I feel he should stay, play out the contract and THEN go. At least we make use of the contract instead of handing it away.

It's whatever though, it's not in any of our hands.
here is a new interview with steph, its about 10 min long and asks him questions about his future and the future of the knicks. he does the "closer togod" dance again

its a good interview though you get to learn about steph and what he has been up to this past summer. he does look like hes in the best shape of his life andis ready to play ball.
aren't we like 2 players over the maximum? or i guess Pat and h20 are non-guaranteed
someone clear this up for me
Originally Posted by allen3xis

What is that really going to do for us?
not stunt the growth of the younger guys. He's a bad example of a professional, on and off the court.

What has he done on the court that makes him a bad example of a professional?
What it's really going to do for us is:

a) Separate the Knicks franchise from the Stephon era, which has obviously been the time period in which the franchise became the laughing stock ofprofessional sports. (Zeke had plenty to do with this too)

b ) Allow younger players to be free from his cancerous attitude, and develop without his presence looming over everyone's head.

c) Restore some credibility to a team and city that no longer needs to be associated with a person who has shown a lack of respect for himself and others. Thisis obvious when you see how he represents himself, and the organization paying him to represent it.

d) Improve team chemistry, and show other players (especially young guys) that to play and act like Steph is unacceptable.

e) Show that management is committed to rebuilding the right way. Focusing on talented players that have the right attitude, and buy into the team concept.Players that want to WIN above anything else.

I could go on but that's not necessary either...
watching that video with bruce beck:

1. Its funny how they had Marbury angled in a way that you see only one part of his face and not his tattoed 3

@ them talking about the crazy moments they had last time they were on Mike'd up
3. He seems very determined to prove people wrong but I just don't think it'll be in NY
i mean it doesnt really amtter what we do with Steph we wont win this year. If anything i say we keep him for his last year let him play out his contract. Imean i am confident that he will have a great statistical season if he stays that talent dont disappear and hes in ill shape. Hes def better than Duhon.

Mark my words we will enter the season with Marbury, Z Bo, and Curry still on the roster i have been saying this for moths. Mad rumors, but nothing hashappened for +%@% about anything this summer. I have never seen so many rumors and not one coming through.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

i mean it doesnt really amtter what we do with Steph we wont win this year. If anything i say we keep him for his last year let him play out his contract. I mean i am confident that he will have a great statistical season if he stays that talent dont disappear and hes in ill shape. Hes def better than Duhon.

Mark my words we will enter the season with Marbury, Z Bo, and Curry still on the roster i have been saying this for moths. Mad rumors, but nothing has happened for +%@% about anything this summer. I have never seen so many rumors and not one coming through.

Honestly, I'd rather just seem them give Stephon a chance just for entertainment one's going to come to MSG to see Chris Duhon, and idkwhy they signed that roberson guy, he basically got signed for being a ball-hog in summer league and taking 20+ shots/game...

If i had to realy think about the knicks "rebuilding" and "future", the only players on this roster who will be here when the team isdecent (2010) is crawford, jefferies (just bc of his contract), gallinari, chandler, lee (possibly), and nate (possibly)....besdies hindering the develop ofNate, Marbury playing doesn't really hurt anyone's development...the only arguement i can see for getting rid of Marbury is if the other players reallyhate him so much that they wont play with him.

I think Chris Duhon, Roberson, and Mardy Collins would significantly improve our chances at a high lottery pick, but that's about all they'll do...
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I just don't get it guys..

let him go to italy. fly on his jet. just leave.
Id take him over Curry or Z Bo IMO. I think our frontcourt is by far the bigger problem. If he plays he is here for one year and he is the best wegot. If hes not there we have Duhon which is not a better option. It really doesnt matter, i dont see why we cant just let him play out his contract he is thebest guy that we have.

Our frontcourt is the biggest probblem IMO. I think rebuilding would have to start wit getting rid of both of those fat #@*$$ ASAP and finding some youngenergetic big men that can run and block shots. The defense they posses down low is just awaful and it doeasnt matter who brings the ball up, once they get theball no one is gonna see it again. Both, not one have to go. That is where we should start rebuilding. I mean in the old days you had to have a big set ofballs to rive in to the wall that was Ewing and Oakley they wou;d knock you the %@!+ out. These disgraces dont even move they let these little +%% guards go inand take layups while they just stare. And than with Curry he doesnt even get rebounds.
And its not like tey make up for it on offense neither of them run, which is what we want to do and they both have their strengths but are greatlyovershadowed by their weaknesses. Curry can body his fat +%% in one on one, but once a double comes he either turns it over or forces up a brick or poundsthrough for an offensive foul. He doesnt pass and kills ball movement. And while Zach is certainly a talent skill wise and hs a wet J he cant even barely dunkand once he gets the ball no one will ever see it and he thinks he is a %#*%@#! 2 guard.

Rebuilding needs to start with our frontcourt. Whether Marbury plays for one more season or not will really not have that large of an effect on our future.Sure Chris Duhon is more unselfish, but who do we have to pass to?!! In his offense it might be necessary for Steph to do his thing for one more year, he willmake plays and that is better than having the fat +@@%% control the offense.
There is no reason in keeping Marbury. It'll help the future of the team to just give him the boot. U get rid of a distraction. We'll probably losemore games without him, and get a better draft pick.

But for short-term happiness I'd rather have a potentially entertaining player in marbury to have a reason to watch knick games. Marbury can turn out to befun to watch under d'antoni, and save me from another year of boredom watching the knicks.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

What it's really going to do for us is:

a) Separate the Knicks franchise from the Stephon era, which has obviously been the time period in which the franchise became the laughing stock of professional sports. (Zeke had plenty to do with this too)

b ) Allow younger players to be free from his cancerous attitude, and develop without his presence looming over everyone's head.

c) Restore some credibility to a team and city that no longer needs to be associated with a person who has shown a lack of respect for himself and others. This is obvious when you see how he represents himself, and the organization paying him to represent it.

d) Improve team chemistry, and show other players (especially young guys) that to play and act like Steph is unacceptable.

e) Show that management is committed to rebuilding the right way. Focusing on talented players that have the right attitude, and buy into the team concept. Players that want to WIN above anything else.

I could go on but that's not necessary either...
I dont agree...releasing Steph will not do all of that . Releasing Steph proves already has proven to me that they arecommitted to winning since getting rid of Isiah and hiring Walsh and D'Antoni. Whether they get rid of Steph or not now doesnt change the focus of thegoal of this franchise at all. I think some of us are too concerned about whether or not Steph should be here. It doesnt matter. Personally I thnk the manwill have a good productive season under D'Antoni if he stays and he has done everything thus far and said the right things this summer. Why not give hima shot for one more year? He is an expiring contract at the worst we may be sellers at the trade deadline and it may make morse sense to trade him then foranother expring contract.

All this is a bunch of silly hype. All any of us true Knick fans should care about this season is seeing a system implemented and watching the young playersdevelop.
I think the most important things this year is to build for the future. That means letting our young players develop and clearing cap space.

I don't see Steph being important for either one of those reasons. I 100% agree, that I hate to pay someone while they're not playing for us, I justdon't see how he contributes to the team. He'll take playing time away from Duhon and Nate, he'll still be a cancer to the team, IMO, and it'llonly continue to bring more negative attention to the Knicks.

I frankly don't want Steph to play well, if he plays well, we may play ourselves out of a higher draft pick if we keep him.
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