ESPN has not reported anything involving a first rounder. I do no think that Knicks would give up a first rounder in this proposed trade at all...that wouldjust be foolish.

Trade update:

[h1]Source: Walsh under no pressure to move Randolph to Memphis[/h1]
By Andrew Marchand
Special to

Updated: September 8, 2008, 12:55 PM E

Knicks president Donnie Walsh has not been given a deadline to make a decision whether totrade Zach Randolph to Memphis, according to an executive with knowledge of the trade talks.

The Knicks have a trade proposal on the table with the Grizzlies that would see Darko Milicic and Marko Jaric dealt to New York in exchange for Randolph. The offer was proposed nearly two weeks ago. The Grizzlies have agreed to make the trade and, at this point, have no plans to pull their offer.
An executive with knowledge of the talks said Friday that Walsh initiated the Randolph-to-Memphis talks with the Grizzliesrecently and it's up to Walsh to sign off on the deal. A Knicks spokesman declined comment Friday. Milicic is reportedly owed $14.5 million over the nexttwo seasons, and Jaric will make $21.3 million the next three seasons. The Knicks want to trade Randolph because his contract runs through 2010-11. He will bepaid nearly $48 million over those three seasons. The move would help the Knicks with their salary cap; it has been widely perceived that their goal is to getunder the cap before the summer of 2010 so they can make a run at LeBron James andother high-profile free agents who will hit the market that offseason. This offseason, Milicic hurt his Achilles tendon practicing with the Serbian nationalteam. Dustin Krugel, a Grizzlies spokesman, said that the team expects Milicic to be ready for training camp.
None of ya'll should be concerned with equal value, that's not why they are trading Zach.

The point of this move is to have cap relief sooner, trade Zach for ANYONE (Zeke is a ******).
if that was the case mez they shoulda traded him to the clippers for nothing... i mean they dont get value but at least he comes off the books...
Originally Posted by you go boy

if that was the case mez they shoulda traded him to the clippers for nothing... i mean they dont get value but at least he comes off the books...
We're not looking for a player that's equal in value, but the best deal that we can get for z-bum definitely is NOT a 2nd rounder
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Honestly i would take Darko over Z Bo any day of the week. I mean Zach plays no D and he s a black hole. I mean Darko is still young n=and he probably has alot of upside and even if he still sucks it would just open up more minutes for Lee cause he deserves it and he wouldnt hog the ball and he still couldnt play worse D than Zach... and we also get rid of Z Bos huge contract. I say do it.

And stop hating of Jr. hes got a lot to prove i think he can improve himself and be a fan favorite right away and garner good PT. And for whoever said trade ill will really our 1 bright spot (lee also but we may need to deal him)
I agree with you on the trade. I think some people really believe that in every trade you must trade up in skill. Its not always about that....this trade would clearly be about shedding salary and that is what we need to do. We gotta start looking at the big picture and that picture does not involve just making the playoffs next year.
Word i cant take the people saying. we shouldnt trade a double double guy for little value like that. Man @+!$ that. Lets get under cap, maybeDarko can even be iight and get D Lee some more PT. And for all of you who broguht up the Clips i remember i was also mad pissed we didnt do that deal but thanthre were later reports that said they were looking for the Knicks 1st round pick or some *+#* or that we were looking for theres i forgot.
I'm not even going to say why the Knicks need to get rid of Randolph asap... I'll let this vid do the work
Yeah those people bringing up the Clips trade....Z-Bo for a second rounder was not going to happen. And Walsh felt that he could get more for his value alongwith shedding Salary therefore I do not blame him. I think there is a away that you can improve the team a long with shedding salary and the Knicks are tryingto do that which is the right move IMO.
Like i said before, a lot of Knicks fans fail to see the big picture in all this. The trade to the Grizzles isn't meant to give us anything back in tradevalue. It's meant for cap relieve purposes ONLY.

If there is anyway to trade Z-Bo and still get cap relieve before 2010, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
Posted: 4:48 am
September 9, 2008

Darko Milicic was quoted in a Serbian newspaper as saying he believes it's "99 percent" sure he'll become a Knick by the end of thisweek.

The Grizzles and New York Knicks have had month-long talks in which Zach Randolph would be part of a deal for Milicic and Marko Jaric. The deal would savethe Knicks $10 million off the salary cap in 2010 in their attempt to get under to sign a prominent free agent such as LeBron James.

Agent Marc Cornstein told The Post Saturday he thought a deal "could happen," but a source close to Knicks president Donnie Walsh indicated overthe weekend talks appeared to be in a lengthy stalemate.
I've been a Knick Fan since the Ewing/Starks days, the Houston/Sprewell days and everything after but everybody saying "trade this loser fornobody" isn't thinking correctly. The same people that don't care who we get in return for Randolph said the same about Marbury. Okay, we tradeaway Randolph and Marbury away for 1 player (idc bout Marbury really. He's had enough time to prove himself) but now who do we have left? What's thepoint of going for Lebron if we got nothing for him to surround himself with? Sure Lebron has stated that he's always wanted to play in NYC but he wants towin a championship also.

If the Cavs have a championship caliber team by 2010, Lebron isn't coming to the sorry Knicks. Cavs just got Mo Williams which doesn't make them atitle contender yet but the Cavs have been making a TON of trades since Lebron came to Cleveland to ensure that he has the pieces around him. Anytime somethingdoesn't work, the GM makes trades and tries a new lineup to keep Lebron happy. As weak as the Cavs team may be, they're way better than anything theKnicks will have if they give up their players and get nothing in return. So they trade Marbury n Randolph for 2010 draft picks or something. What makes Lebronwant to play in NYC? Nate Robinson? Eddy Curry? David Lee? Crawford? Crawford is probably the only dude other than David Lee on the team that even deserves toget paid. Knick fans acting like Lebron is gonna come to NYC and with the scrubs in the lineup win us a championship. Lebron cant do it on his own and with theaddition of Mo Williams who is better than 98% of the Knicks team is only more reason for him not to leave. If the Cavs add a solid Power Forward thenit'll be a huge reach that Lebron will leave a good team behind for a team full of players that haven't proven themselves over the past 2-3 seasons
[h1]Knicks might trade Randolph to Grizzlies[/h1]BY ALAN HAHN |[email protected] September 9, 2008
The opportunity is there for Donnie Walsh to jettison Zach Randolph's unwanted hefty contract from the Knicks' payroll for some coveted salary-cap relief for 2010. But once again, according to a person with knowledge of the situation, the cost appears to be a precious first-round pick.

Once again, Walsh doesn't appear desperate enough to jump at a deal in which the Grizzlies would take the three years and $48 million left on Randolph's contract while giving a first-rounder to Memphis.

The Grizzlies, according to sources, have agreed to send young 7-1 center Darko Milicic and 6-7 swingman Marko Jaric to New York. They are playing the waiting game with Walsh, who has made it clear he has no plans to make a knee-jerk decision.

In July, Walsh refused to send a first-round pick and Randolph to the Clippers for a second-rounder. The Clippers instead acquired Marcus Camby from the Nuggets for that same second-round pick.
But this time around, there is more optimism that a deal will get done between the Knicks and Grizzlies. The question is when.
Milicic was quoted yesterday by a Serbian Web site as saying it was "99 percent" that he would be a Knick by the end of the week.

Jaric, 29, spent the offseason in New York with his fiancee, model Adriana Lima. Jaric has been working out with the Knicks' Nate Robinsonand David Lee.

Randolph has been telling friends he expects to wind up in Memphis before training camp opens Sept. 30.

Lee could benefit most from the trade because he would likely slide into Randolph's position as the starting power forward. It is alsoexpected that with Randolph gone, the Knicks would begin negotiating a contract extension with Lee, who will be a restricted free agent after thisseason.

The trade essentially would save the Knicks about $10 million against the cap by 2010
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Like i said before, a lot of Knicks fans fail to see the big picture in all this. The trade to the Grizzles isn't meant to give us anything back in trade value. It's meant for cap relieve purposes ONLY.

If there is anyway to trade Z-Bo and still get cap relieve before 2010, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

i think you're failing to see the big picture here. if the trade for z-bo involves a first rounder like memphis wants, this is basically putting all oureggs in one basket and hoping 2010 happens for us. but for us to sign a lebron type player, we would still need to move at least another contract. 2010 isstill 2 years away. there is no rush to make a trade now. if lebron/melo/wade/bosh, don't end up coming here that summer, the team looks even more foolishb/c now not only do we have a crapload of cap space but we don't have draft picks in the immediate future....again. even if Lebron does sign in 2010, howdo you build around him without draft picks? that trading away draft picks for nothing is an isiah thomas move and you know it. and that is something thatwalsh is NOT going to do. 2010 is NOT the big picture. it's just a step in the process. the big picture should ALWAYS be winning a championship.
I am confident that Walsh will not trade away a first round pick. If he does the deal doesn't make any sense. Also my colleague Marc Berman reports nothingabout a first round pick and his sources inside the Knicks are very credible.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I am confident that Walsh will not trade away a first round pick. If he does the deal doesn't make any sense. Also my colleague Marc Berman reports nothing about a first round pick and his sources inside the Knicks are very credible.

Berman might not be but several other sources are reporting Memphis wants a first rounder in this deal with Donnie saying that if he's giving up a first itwill be protected and he wants one of Crittenton, Lowry, or Warrick in return
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

[h1]Knicks might trade Randolph to Grizzlies[/h1] BY ALAN HAHN |[email protected] September 9, 2008
The opportunity is there for Donnie Walsh to jettison Zach Randolph's unwanted hefty contract from the Knicks' payroll for some coveted salary-cap relief for 2010. But once again, according to a person with knowledge of the situation, the cost appears to be a precious first-round pick.

Once again, Walsh doesn't appear desperate enough to jump at a deal in which the Grizzlies would take the three years and $48 million left on Randolph's contract while giving a first-rounder to Memphis.

The Grizzlies, according to sources, have agreed to send young 7-1 center Darko Milicic and 6-7 swingman Marko Jaric to New York. They are playing the waiting game with Walsh, who has made it clear he has no plans to make a knee-jerk decision.

In July, Walsh refused to send a first-round pick and Randolph to the Clippers for a second-rounder. The Clippers instead acquired Marcus Camby from the Nuggets for that same second-round pick.
But this time around, there is more optimism that a deal will get done between the Knicks and Grizzlies. The question is when.
Milicic was quoted yesterday by a Serbian Web site as saying it was "99 percent" that he would be a Knick by the end of the week.

Jaric, 29, spent the offseason in New York with his fiancee, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]model Adriana Lima[/color]. Jaric has been working out with the Knicks' Nate Robinson and David Lee.

Randolph has been telling friends he expects to wind up in Memphis before training camp opens Sept. 30.

Lee could benefit most from the trade because he would likely slide into Randolph's position as the starting power forward.
It is also expected that with Randolph gone, the Knicks would begin negotiating a contract extension with Lee, who will be a restricted free agent after this season.

The trade essentially would save the Knicks about $10 million against the cap by 2010

marco effin jaric?!!?!?!?!?!!!!!

i kno the dude is still a filthy rich ball player, but still...

damn this is the biggest news in the thread to me
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I am confident that Walsh will not trade away a first round pick. If he does the deal doesn't make any sense. Also my colleague Marc Berman reports nothing about a first round pick and his sources inside the Knicks are very credible.

Berman might not be but several other sources are reporting Memphis wants a first rounder in this deal with Donnie saying that if he's giving up a first it will be protected and he wants one of Crittenton, Lowry, or Warrick in return
Yo I had no idea we could potentially get one of those three if we gave up a first rounder.....hmmm thats interesting. Taking back Warrick makesthings interesting. Would you or any else give up the first rounder if you could get Warrick back? I am not enthralled by Crittenton or Lowry.
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