I've been saying that for a while, cuz were not gonna be able to keep lee for what he's gonna ask for, and as the knick with the high trade value, histime to go is now

worst case scenario with z-bo if we keep him is he doesn't play well, he sits, gets dealt mid-season to a contender who could use his scoring (cleveland(which is where i think he should be right now))

best case obviously is that he flourishes

either way, the smartest move is to get rid of david now, until he walks for nothing, using him to get rid of a bum
I've gotta agree with that Melo. As much as everyone likes Lee, including me, I just think we need to get something back for him before he leaves. We willnot (and should not) re-sign him for what the market value will be.

Especially since I don't see his role with the current coaching staff being what it would be in a half-court, grind it out style of play. Use Lee as abargaining chip, he is all we have with any value.

It's all about clearing the cap, and finding out if the young kids can become contributors for the future.
That Memphis is a bit iffy to me...Darko is loss, and Jaric had a TERRIBLE contract...i think 4 years 30 mill
I saw Jaric play this summer @ Nike Pro City Hunter College. Dude looked lost out there, Beasley did WORK on that boy
. I thought he was half waydecent until I saw him play in person. Either he was just lost out there or didn't wanna play. Either way, Zach > both of em x 100. But in this case,that doesn't matter, we needed to get rid of contracts and he was the biggest target. No complaints if Donnie goes through with it from me.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

That Memphis is a bit iffy to me...Darko is loss, and Jaric had a TERRIBLE contract...i think 4 years 30 mill

jaric has 3 years and 21 mil left on his contract
After some close consideration, on the premise that Jaric brings Adriana to The Garden every home game, I would be ok with that trade...
Honestly i would take Darko over Z Bo any day of the week. I mean Zach plays no D and he s a black hole. I mean Darko is still young n=and he probably has alotof upside and even if he still sucks it would just open up more minutes for Lee cause he deserves it and he wouldnt hog the ball and he still couldnt playworse D than Zach... and we also get rid of Z Bos huge contract. I say do it.

And stop hating of Jr. hes got a lot to prove i think he can improve himself and be a fan favorite right away and garner good PT. And for whoever said tradeill will really our 1 bright spot (lee also but we may need to deal him)
[h1]Allan Houston's coming back as a New YorkKnick?[/h1]Alan Hahn September 7, 2008
Allan Houston's plans at a second comeback attempt might happen again with the Knicks.

The 37-year-old former All-Star shooting guard has been working out and playing all summer and, according to multiple sources, Houston has spoken recently with Donnie Walsh about an invite to training camp later this month in Saratoga Springs.

A person close to Houston said he "looks at this as the last opportunity to give it an honest and fair shot." Houston retired on Oct. 17, 2005 after chronic knee troubles.

The Knicks have an interest in Houston - especially if he shows he can still shoot it like he used to - but Walsh is believed to have an interest in including Houston in something on the basketball operations side of the business if he isn't able to make the roster.

Houston started hinting at a comeback last year and the Knicks gave him an invite last fall. He arrived a week late because of the birth of his daughter, Jade, and didn't last more than a week of practices. He played sparingly in one preseason game before calling it quits, citing he was not physically ready to the rigors of the NBA game. But Houston continued to workout throughout the winter and played at the Nike Pro City league this summer.
[h1]Ewing hoping his son can make it big withKnicks[/h1]BY ALAN HAHN |[email protected] September 7, 2008
So, will the son also rise in New York?

Patrick Ewing hopes so, though he stresses there are many differences between himself, a newly-minted Hall of Fame center, and his 24-year-old son, Patrick, Jr., who was a second-round pick in June and already since traded twice.

"Hopefully he'll have a great career there," the elder Ewing said. "Hopefully as long as mine and hopefully he'll be successful."

They're different - Ewing, Jr. is a 6-8 forward with terrific athletic talents - and yet the proud papa spoke with a gleam in his eye about one noteworthy commonality he shares with his son as an NBA rookie.

"People didn't think I had offensive ability, which is the same thing they think about him," Ewing said. "They just perceive him as a defensive player."

The younger Ewing attended his father's induction into the Hall of Fame on Friday. He showed up with the family that morning wearing a Knicks T-shirt a week after he was traded to New York from the Houston Rockets. He is expected to begin working out with the Knick veterans at the practice facility in the coming week. Training camp opens Sept. 30.

Ewing, Jr. played more of a sixth-man, defensive-minded role at Georgetown. He has spent a lot of time working on his jump shot, which will be critical to his survival as an NBA player. But Donnie Walsh is impressed enough with his athletic attributes (he has a 42-inch vertical leap and a 7-foot wingspan) and the pedigree of his hardworking father. And the Knicks are interested in seeing if Ewing, Jr. is quick enough to defend on the perimeter, especially against some of the bigger shooting guards in the league.

If he makes the team he'll most likely wear his father's No. 33, which he did at Georgetown. And while the expectations are far more reduced than they were for his father, there is little doubt Ewing, Jr. will bring the high character element the Knicks are looking to bring back to the locker room.

"From being my son - I told him, he knows what it takes to be a great player," Ewing said. "He was with me day in and day out at the gym. He knows what it takes. Now he doesn't have to get up to go to class or study for a test, so he can focus on what he needs to do to become a great player."

And if he's cut from the team, will Ewing - who was miffed about not getting an interview for the head coaching vacancy last spring - carry a grudge against the Knicks? "No," Ewing said. "But hopefully he won't."

Notes & quotes: Zach Randolph is bracing himself for a second trade in as many years and a person close to the Knicks forward said he believes Memphis will be his destination. The Grizzlies and Knicks have had ongoing dialogue about Randolph over the summer and Walsh, who is still looking to add some shot-blocking to the roster, has interest in 7-foot center Darko Milicic ... Rookie Danilo Gallinari, who is still in Italy, was excused from last week's rookie transition program in Rye Brook. Gallinari, who suffered back soreness after his first NBA Summer League game, is expected to be ready for camp.
i definitely wouldnt mind houston back in a uniform. he can definitely hit a couple of shots here and there and provide some veteran leadership..
allan houston needs to give up any dreams of returning to court in a uniform and realize that his best role with the nicks would be on the bench in a suit witha clipboard in his hands
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

allan houston needs to give up any dreams of returning to court in a uniform and realize that his best role with the nicks would be on the bench in a suit with a clipboard in his hands
bringing him to training camp will not hurt, even if he's worthless as a player, he's still a great character guy, something this teamneeds desperately
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

allan houston needs to give up any dreams of returning to court in a uniform and realize that his best role with the nicks would be on the bench in a suit with a clipboard in his hands

Daymn, harsh

...and on the ZBo trade...that HAS to be done...even if it doesn't change the short term salary cap situation, it's A LOT easier to move Jaric ORMilicic than Randolph. Even if Randolph might be slightly better than Milicic (which is very arguable), u gotta consider that he is almost untradable, and atleast with Jaric and Milcic, there's a chance u can move each one individually, and it won't be as difficult since they aren't maxcontracts....i'd be happy if they could dump randolph on anyone for two smaller contracts, even if they're the same length and add up to a similaramount...just my 2 cents...
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

allan houston needs to give up any dreams of returning to court in a uniform and realize that his best role with the nicks would be on the bench in a suit with a clipboard in his hands
bringing him to training camp will not hurt, even if he's worthless as a player, he's still a great character guy, something this team needs desperately
^word man. this team needs veteran leadership, and houston could give us that even though he may be an bench player. as long as he has the heartto play with the knicks,
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

allan houston needs to give up any dreams of returning to court in a uniform and realize that his best role with the nicks would be on the bench in a suit with a clipboard in his hands
bringing him to training camp will not hurt, even if he's worthless as a player, he's still a great character guy, something this team needs desperately

of course inviting him to camp isn't going to hurt. but he's not going to make the roster. we have 16 contracts now, 17 if we do the randolph tomemphis trade. it's simple math that houston is not going to get a roster spot. don't get me wrong. i love H20 and i'm sure he could be morevaluable than some people we have on the roster. but that is definitely not where he is MOST valuable. it's clear that houston loves the knicksorganization and that's why he is trying to comeback for the second time. but if he truly felt that way, he should know it's time to hang it up and letthese young guys learn something. that's not going to happen if he's taking a roster spot away. he could teach those boys character and leadershipwhile in a suit sitting next to the D'Antoni brothers. He doesn't need a #20 jersey on and some warmups to do that.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Honestly i would take Darko over Z Bo any day of the week. I mean Zach plays no D and he s a black hole. I mean Darko is still young n=and he probably has alot of upside and even if he still sucks it would just open up more minutes for Lee cause he deserves it and he wouldnt hog the ball and he still couldnt play worse D than Zach... and we also get rid of Z Bos huge contract. I say do it.

And stop hating of Jr. hes got a lot to prove i think he can improve himself and be a fan favorite right away and garner good PT. And for whoever said trade ill will really our 1 bright spot (lee also but we may need to deal him)
I agree with you on the trade. I think some people really believe that in every trade you must trade up in skill. Its not always aboutthat....this trade would clearly be about shedding salary and that is what we need to do. We gotta start looking at the big picture and that picture does notinvolve just making the playoffs next year.
I agree, I am not for giving away a draft pick, even if it means get rid of Z-Bo.
But Donnie Walsh is impressed enough with his athletic attributes (he has a 42-inch vertical leap and a 7-foot wingspan) and the pedigree of his hardworking father.
No joke? That's insane.

Oh and screw Allan Houston man.

The dude has been milking the organization for years. He's a huge contribution to the state of the Knicks today. I don't believe his comeback bullfor one second.
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