Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

oh yeah and i really wish that walsh finds a way to get mike conley for our first rounder so we can get a true pg

There is no way in hell that they are giving up Conley. I think if we give up a first rounder and get Warrick (a solid player with upside) on the cheap thenits not bad. However I still would prefer no first rounder to be involved at all.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

oh yeah and i really wish that walsh finds a way to get mike conley for our first rounder so we can get a true pg

There is no way in hell that they are giving up Conley. I think if we give up a first rounder and get Warrick (a solid player with upside) on the cheap then its not bad. However I still would prefer no first rounder to be involved at all.
Its like a 1% chance, but maybe walsh can work some magic

and i don't think that giving up a 1st rounder for a player who is 25 years old that ur looking for upside in is a great idea. I agree that weshouldn't give up a 1st rounder at all. Odds are that we're gunna suck again this year and have a lottery pick.
correct me if I'm wrong but is next year's draft pick traded to the Jazz?
or are we done with past trades?
Im really not sold on Jaric. After watching him play this summer @ Hunter College I'll hold off.

And Darko?

And even though Z bo > both of em I'll take this deal. And that speaks volumes.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I am confident that Walsh will not trade away a first round pick. If he does the deal doesn't make any sense. Also my colleague Marc Berman reports nothing about a first round pick and his sources inside the Knicks are very credible.

Berman might not be but several other sources are reporting Memphis wants a first rounder in this deal with Donnie saying that if he's giving up a first it will be protected and he wants one of Crittenton, Lowry, or Warrick in return
Yo I had no idea we could potentially get one of those three if we gave up a first rounder.....hmmm thats interesting. Taking back Warrick makes things interesting. Would you or any else give up the first rounder if you could get Warrick back? I am not enthralled by Crittenton or Lowry.
i like warrick but it seems like all we do is stock pile players at a position...first we had too many we have too many forwards.
i wouldnt give a first round draft pick for anyone...
maybe zbo and a second rounder for warrick
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've been a Knick Fan since the Ewing/Starks days, the Houston/Sprewell days and everything after but everybody saying "trade this loser for nobody" isn't thinking correctly. The same people that don't care who we get in return for Randolph said the same about Marbury. Okay, we trade away Randolph and Marbury away for 1 player (idc bout Marbury really. He's had enough time to prove himself) but now who do we have left? What's the point of going for Lebron if we got nothing for him to surround himself with? Sure Lebron has stated that he's always wanted to play in NYC but he wants to win a championship also.

If the Cavs have a championship caliber team by 2010, Lebron isn't coming to the sorry Knicks. Cavs just got Mo Williams which doesn't make them a title contender yet but the Cavs have been making a TON of trades since Lebron came to Cleveland to ensure that he has the pieces around him. Anytime something doesn't work, the GM makes trades and tries a new lineup to keep Lebron happy. As weak as the Cavs team may be, they're way better than anything the Knicks will have if they give up their players and get nothing in return. So they trade Marbury n Randolph for 2010 draft picks or something. What makes Lebron want to play in NYC? Nate Robinson? Eddy Curry? David Lee? Crawford? Crawford is probably the only dude other than David Lee on the team that even deserves to get paid. Knick fans acting like Lebron is gonna come to NYC and with the scrubs in the lineup win us a championship. Lebron cant do it on his own and with the addition of Mo Williams who is better than 98% of the Knicks team is only more reason for him not to leave. If the Cavs add a solid Power Forward then it'll be a huge reach that Lebron will leave a good team behind for a team full of players that haven't proven themselves over the past 2-3 seasons
%*+# that the answer wouldnt be to surround Bron with bums like Z Bo and Curry.%*+# that i would honestly rather Darko start at PF next to Bronthan Z Bo, Get rid of this bum so we can sign Lebron and work to improve our supporting cast during the draft cause we gonna SUCK. I jjust want to startbuilding a nice core for whoever we may get in 2010. Guys like Marbury, Z Bo, and Curry are not part of that core yo. I would rather get the cap no matter whowe get in return, but Darko's potential is actually higher than Z bos. I mean he was a #2 overall pick and hes showed some @!%!. And like i said he can dogood under our system but even if he bums out he will play bettter D than Z Bo nd we get rid of his contract.

Great example look at what {ortland did they got even less in return for Z Bo thy got a guy thet paid 30 something million dollars just to not show up and asoft @%% center. No draft picks or nothing... they even gave us a 2nd round pick to take Nichols. But they were doing what the Knicks should be doing. Usingthe draft to build up a core, and if they would have thought like some of you and said "Z Bo's 20/10 easy lwets not trade him for trash" Theywould not be nearly as promising as they are now. Look at their team... thats what we need to do.
Posted 2 hours ago

[h1]Knicks Say Randolph Deal Is Dormant[/h1]The Knicks are exploring trades involving Zach Randolph, but a proposed deal with the Memphis Grizzlies has been dormant for weeks, and might never be revived, according to Knicksofficials.

"There was a discussion about different formats, and it never got anywhere," DonnieWalsh, the Knicks' president, said Monday.

The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported last week on its web site that the Knicks were weighing a swap of Randolph for forward Darko Milicic and guard MarkoJaric. According to the report, the only sticking point was whether the Knicks would agree to pay some of the deferred salary in Randolph's contract. He isowed $48 million over the next three seasons. However, others involved in the talks said there was more to the deal than had been reported.

"It was a conversation I had with these guys a month ago," Walsh said. "We haven't talked recently. For some reason, it was in theMemphis press and everyone in New York acts like it's imminent."

Asked if a deal with Memphis was still possible, Walsh said, "I can't say anything is over," but he said there was no active proposal on thetable. "They're dormant," he said of the talks.

Walsh has stated repeatedly and emphatically that he wants the Knicks to be under the salary cap in the summer of 2010, when a fantastic crop of stars -including LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh - will become free agents. To do so, the Knicks will almost certainly have tounload Randolph, who is due $17.3 million in 2010-11.

Despite a checkered career, Randolph has shown the ability to average 20 points and 10 rebounds per game. Walsh apparently is determined to get maximumvalue for him, even if it means passing up chances to dump his contract.

Some team officials are convinced Randolph's market value will improve this season while playing for a new coach, MikeD'Antoni. It is possible the Knicks will open training camp in three weeks with largely the same roster that went 23-59 last season.

"I'll be fine with that," Walsh said. "I want to see a lot of the players play and see what it would take to come together as a team. Butthat doesn't mean that I won't be talking for the next three weeks."
GR8 I agree with you.

Prophecy, whats your source on that report. Just curious.

TypeRPinoY, I agree that would be too many fowards. That is a major downside to acquiring Warrick. No matter what happens I believe in the direction this teamis going in and I believe Walsh will do the right thing.
[h3]Know when to hold em, know when to fold em[/h3]
Alan Hahn

This one goes out to Donnie Walsh, the Gambler

(Give Kenny Rogers an old school beat...)


Now ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away and knowin' what to keep;
'cause ev'ry hands a winner and ev'ry hands a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep....

Chris Wallace sure didn't put this much effort into the Pau Gasol trade. But with Donnie Walsh it's straight poker.

Donnie is insisting the conversations he had with Wallace regarding Zach Randolph are getting stale. But a trade scenario only expires when one of theparties says so and, so far, neither side has tossed their cards on the table.

Despite trying to shoot it down to our Fixer buddy Ho-Beck with the Times, he also said, "I can't say anything is over" in regards to apotential deal.

Obviously Donnie doesn't feel Darko and Marko (essentially two reserve players on the Knick roster) are enough for Randolph, especially if the Grizzeven want to entertain thoughts of also getting a first-round pick.

Quite frankly, do either of these guys make you better? Perhaps Darko gives you the shot-blocking you lack, yes. Jaric, let's be honest, he doesn'tget minutes over the players you already have in Jamal Crawford, Wilson Chandler and Quentin Richardson.

Now, if you replaced Jaric with one of Memphis' glut of young guards -- say, Javaris Crittenton ($1.38 million this season, team option for $1.47million next season) -- then you might get Donnie back on the phone. It's up to Wallace to change the offer if he actually wants Randolph (and we alreadyknow there is a need for a low-post scorer there).

Clearly the Grizz want to move more money than just Milicic's contract and a rookie contract, so that's where the first-round pick comes intoplay.

Walsh has made it pretty clear -- as much as we disagree with him -- that he has no problem going into the season with Zach and Eddy Curry as his frontcourtduo. But after missing out on the chance to dump all of Zach's remaining $48 million on the Clippers earlier this summer, can Donnie take the risk oflosing another opportunity to clear some cap space for 2010?

And, after getting fleeced in the Pau Gasol trade, can Chris Wallace afford to walk away from the chance to get a 20-10 player to improve his very young,very shallow team?
So which is it, fellas...holdin' or foldin'?
How you trade Pau for Kwame, seemingly to clear some salary...then turn around and trade for Zach Randolph. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
wats good wit knicks tickets? anyone can hook it up or know any hookups? im trying to go to a preseason game and regular season.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

are there such things like discount codes or promotion codes if i buy tickets online?
I'm pretty sure there is but I haven't been paying attention
Knicks tickets are $$$.

The plans are usually your best chance, you just need to hope you can find some with some decent opponents. Otherwise you get stuck with like 3 Bobcats games

Depending on where you work, you may also wanna check out if you get a corporate discount...
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