Steph not sounding so crazy with the Euro ball talk anymore huh?.....

After watching LeBron and Co. demolish Spain....this man need to be in a Knicks uniform. Hes MJ on large doses of anabolic steriods.
Like I said in the other thread..

Walsh gives him a clean slate he says...

And then Steph says he's leaving next year..

so why should he bring your @%%!#*@ back?
He never asked to be brought back though...he's been saying that he wants to got to Italy before the trade rumors even started. Why change now? Everyoneknows that he not part of the long term plans for the team...what should he really be saying? When he's done with his NBA contract he wants tobounce....that all. Childress just up and left...suprising the hell out of his organization...Stephs been consistent for the last year os so with his plans.

He's out of NY next year anyway...not like they gonna resign him. Hell he might not even make it into the gotta have a plan. Kobe basicallysaid the exact same thing.

He just letting people know that he still plans to go overseas once his contract is up...don't see whats so bad about that.
Then my thing is...

Now, can anyone defend him and want back in a Knick uniform?

I hope the answer is no.
Yeah....I actually wouldn't be mad if the team parted ways with him now and sped up the rebuilding process. I was spazzing earlier....but y'all wereright about that.

I think they are just trying to get something in return for him though.
granted, there are some teams who would want him, but i dont think any GM is stupid enough to take his contract
I've said it before I'll say it again, keep Steph away from the players, the coaches, the media and the fans. This dude should not be representing theKnicks, or affiliated with the franchise is any way.

This is coming from someone who used to really like Steph too.
Stephon Marbury has an olympic record but that team will be rememberedfor being the worst USA team in recent memory
Im sorry but i have been out of things this summer and this is my first post in a while but i hope to be on here more than i have been know, but were yallactually just discussing trading Steph?! Are yall %*+!!@% reatrded?! I mean where the fuc has the common sense gone on here since i left. I thought we were allsmart enough to know wwe need to let that $20 mil get off our book. I mean maybe buty him out but when i hear udes saying get value for him im like cmon man ubetter than that. Im not worried about value man i just want some cap relief. idk maybe its not Knicks regualrs but you gotta be kidding me for anyone whossays he should be traded. i mean Donnie is smarter than that. That is why despite the media trying to start sit like hes gonna get traded and trying to runhim out of town... guess what hes still here. This Steph trading %%$% is all media stuff if it wasnt hed be out aleady. Thank God Donnie knows that %%$% anddoesnt have the mind like some of yall and the media cmon now... sure we can get some decent players but we would just add ore cap to our %*+!!@% salary andthat is the last thing we need right now. We just need to clean out the house, we cant trade Steoh we justyt need to buy him out or deal with him for one more%*+!!@% year. Cmon were Knicks fans we need to have patience by now we have dealed with %%$% basketball this whole decade and Steph for the last 4 years wecant live with 1 more?

and watch out for Wilson Chandler my dude is gonna tear %%$% up this year and take home MIP, hes NYs best kept secret... Ill Will
who would trade for steph? everyone knows we're mostly likely going to waive him, and teams are going to wait till we waive him so they can pick him up fora cheaper price. but i honestly would love to see a trade gone done. i want stephs ##+ out of here
I thought my Knicks fans were smarter than that. mon that is a Scott Layden move trading a contract that high on a contract year. That is what we have done inthe past. We are rebuilding, there is now point of trading him and taking on more contracts. Our #1 priority is getting under cap. One word Knicks fansPATIENCE we need to live with one more year with Steph... or release him it would be plain foolish to trade him and look for a short term answer, and even ifwe get a pick we still gonna have to take on contracts in addition to that. Lets just let the NBAs 2nd highest player come off of OUR salary, we deserve it weare the ones who had to live trough all of Stephs @#%! the past 4 years, would it really be fair to have another team get all of that cap relief?
ye i understand the best thing to do is keep him for another year, but from the looks of it right now it doesnt seem like he will be staying for much may be just rumors, but i can see him being gone before season starts..
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

if he does get traded i'm guessing boston and miami are the top 2 choices?

no way...neither has enough space to make a move for steph

if boston TRADED for steph theyd be paying like $70 million for 4 of their players.

either team would be an option if steph were waived tho.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

I thought my Knicks fans were smarter than that. mon that is a Scott Layden move trading a contract that high on a contract year. That is what we have done in the past. We are rebuilding, there is now point of trading him and taking on more contracts. Our #1 priority is getting under cap. One word Knicks fans PATIENCE we need to live with one more year with Steph... or release him it would be plain foolish to trade him and look for a short term answer, and even if we get a pick we still gonna have to take on contracts in addition to that. Lets just let the NBAs 2nd highest player come off of OUR salary, we deserve it we are the ones who had to live trough all of Stephs @#%! the past 4 years, would it really be fair to have another team get all of that cap relief?

Donnie's goal is to get under the cap by 2010. if he can trade steph and get quality players with short term deals it wouldnt have an effect on thatgoal. you're not looking at it the right way. Donnie's point in all deals he's been making is contracts that end by summer 2010. If the 20 milcomes off the books next summer with steph OR the summer after its still 20 mil. Trading steph is not necessarily a bad idea if the contracts we get back endby then. then again, any team that has 20 mil worth of contracts ending in 2010 probably have the same goals of getting under the cap that we do.
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