Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Woodside718

i see alotttt of losses for us in our first month all season


I can actually see us getting off to a decent start this year...theschedule isn't brutal the first few games. I thought the Knicks would get one or two Nationally Telivised games with D'Antoni now coaching and atleast one against the Suns like someone mentioned. Ehh...we just have to rise back to national prominance.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

when is breen contract up wit msg? we need to rid of him and we need that gus clyde combo
Breen ain't terrible, but Gus Johnson is great.

Co-sign to dude who said the team's success will be determined by the young players development. Come on Danilo, don't dissappoint.
^I agree that Breen isn't terrible either. I am a fan of both him and Gus. I just think sometimes Breen is too "NBA PC" and is not able todifferentiate between a national and local broadcast.
knick fan checking in.
btw i agree that breen got to go. it seems as if after every whistle/call he is against the knicks. clyde and gus would be
why the hate for mike breen? the man is solid. now i know you knick fans damn near orgasm when you hear clyde on tv, but some of the !$% he says is straight upstupid. not saying hes not entertaining (as a matter of fact, he's quite boring sometimes).
Originally Posted by checkoutmygrill

why the hate for mike breen? the man is solid. now i know you knick fans damn near orgasm when you hear clyde on tv, but some of the !$% he says is straight up stupid. not saying hes not entertaining (as a matter of fact, he's quite boring sometimes).

Clyde > You.
Anybody heard about the Darko for Z-Bo rumors going around? Since we couldn't get nothing done with Josh Smith, the Grizz are looking to fill that void atPF. I don't know why they would want Z-Bo, but if Gasol could be a defensive presence then Randolph would be good beside him especially if it only tookDarko to get him.
Breen is an %%+, even on ABC. There's really nothing I can tolerate from that guy other than the 'BANG' he does in big situations. Other than that,jump off a cliff.

Darko? Are you kidding me?

And if Gus Johnson calls a game, that's an automatic reason for me to watch as well

Gus is always comedy. And before one jumps to conclusion as to why I can listen to Gus, he also tells it like it is but that is neither here nor there.It's all preference at the end of the day.
Mike Breen and Clyde Frazier were the only reasons why I watched Knicks basketball last season.

Breen with his subtle, yet scathing, criticism of the Knicks' gameplay and Clyde putting on a English vocabulary clinic every time

And if Gus Johnson calls a game, that's an automatic reason for me to watch as well
Yea, Gus will actually call it like it is, although he'll word it just right. Breen is iffy in my book. I will always love his "BANG!" commentarythough. I'd rather have the Gus x Clyde combo on the regular and have Breen sometimes.
That's why I love Crawford
. I honestly would like to see him stay. If we were winning, JC would be in the talks of one of the elite guards in theleague, IMO.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Yea, Gus will actually call it like it is, although he'll word it just right. Breen is iffy in my book. I will always love his "BANG!" commentary though. I'd rather have the Gus x Clyde combo on the regular and have Breen sometimes.

gus johnson is the man
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]
Posted: 3:03 am
August 15, 2008

Last summer, Stephon Marbury vowed hewould play in Italy after his Knick contract expired after 2009.

At the time, many scoffed at the farfetched notion. But Marbury's desires have now become the trend, with nine NBA players signing with European orIsraeli clubs since July 1's free agency.

While Marbury plans to play in the NBA this season - with the Knicks or another club if released - he still has plans of an Italian career.

In fact, Marbury told The Post he will play as soon as next season, specifically aiming to join Milan.

He'll have connections. Mike D'Antoni coached Milan in the 1990's and first-rounder Danilo Gallinari played for Milan the past two seasons.

"People just didn't understand and didn't know (last summer)," said Marbury, who will be in Coney Island Sunday when his summer kidsbasketball league holds its Finals at Surfside Gardens. "When I made comments about playing overseas people took it out of perspective, thought I wastalking about leaving while still playing for the Knicks. It was turned into something negative about going to Italy. Now it seems it's OK.

"Why wouldn't you want to play basketball, still make money and live in a place that's beautiful," Marbury added. "Milan isdefinitely where I want to play basketball at. That's where I fell in love with Italy."

Nobody knows for sure where Marbury will play in 2008-2009. In a move that doesn't make basketball sense, considering the Knicks' hole at pointguard last season when Marbury played just 24 games, Donnie Walsh is considering moving on without him. Walsh believes he boosted the backcourt after signingfree-agent guards Chris Duhon and Anthony Roberson in the summer.

However, Walsh said during a seminar with season-ticket holders this week, according to a team source, that Marbury has a "clean slate" andhe'll see how he looks at training camp, which begins in six weeks in Saratoga.

But after unloading Renaldo Balkman two weeks ago, Walsh doesn't have to make a roster move, after getting down to the maximum 15 players.

Marbury admitted the limbo status is "a weird situation for me" but not troubling. "If I come in prepared and capable of playing, everythingwill take care of itself," Marbury said.

"I'm fine, I don't look at it as an uneasy situation," he added. "There's no place but America where you can make 20 milliondollars for free. I can't get mad if they want to go in a different direction and want to pay me. All I can do is say is thank you and appreciate it andunderstand it's a business and I'll keep moving. It's nothing personal. I love New York and that's the team I want to play for, but there areother teams out there."
Posted: 4:10 am
August 16, 2008

BEIJING - Mike D'Antoni has noticed a reaction whenever the topic of the Knicks New York Knicks
comes up around the U.S. men's basketball players.

"They usually snicker," D'Antoni said yesterday. "I don't like that too much. That ticks me off."

The perception of the franchise is just one of several things on the list D'Antoni hopes to change.

D'Antoni is here as an assistant under Mike Krzyzewski, and he's made an impression on the players he's coaching, many of whom believe he'sthe right man to revive the Knicks.

"I think you've got a long list of players that want to play for him, I'll tell you that," Kobe Bryant told The Post. "He's justincredibly sharp. He's a brilliant, brilliant basketball mind. He's going to bring a system and now you just have to find players to plug into thatsystem."

Ah, yes, there is that little problem. No matter how brilliant an offensive mind D'Antoni possesses, no matter how amazing the plays he draws up on agrease board are, without a roster of great players it won't work. But D'Antoni said he believes the Knicks have more talent than people think.

"I'm really surprised at the talent that we have," he said. "I'm very optimistic that we can surprise a lot of people. I think thatthe sentiment is that we don't have a lot of talent, and that's not true."

D'Antoni has his family with him here and they have toured the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, with the Great Wall on the schedule for next week.He said he's talked to general manager Donnie Walsh several times even if the 12-hour time difference makes it difficult.

He's unsure if Walsh will make another deal before training camp opens.

"It's hard to tell," he said. "I think every day he's talking. Whether something happens, it takes two to tango. I don't know ifanything will come up. If it doesn't, it doesn't. We're ready to go to battle with what we have. If something comes up that betters the team, so beit."

As for Stephon Marbury Stephon Marbury
, D'Antoni hasn't spoken with the point guard since he's been in China.

"I think he's in the boat with a lot of other guys," he said. "I don't think there's one boat over here and everybody else isover here. I think everybody is together and at the end of the process we'll try to make the team better and whoever is left standing will goplay."
watching rubio right now against the united states. so far i like everything about his game except the excess of turnovers. he's a pass first PG, butalmost too much pass first. He got by US players a couple of times with a clear lane but would just pass it off everytime, which is sort of a good thing butreminds me of jason kidd way to much (passes up on alot of easy shots).
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